Solving Statics Vectors: 10N Weight, 30° Support Angle

In summary, the weight is hanging from a three-legged support and the forces in the legs are equal, so the vertical component of the force is zero.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A weight of 10 N is hanging from the top of a three-legged support. The legs are attached to the horizontal floor and form equal angles with each other. Find the forces in the legs, if they form an angle of 30 degrees with the rope.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I'm lost. Maybe I should just give up on the whole topic of statics, I've never had this much difficulty with any other subject in physics. I understand the examples and the stuff in the book but I can't seem to solve any problems on my own. I'm not sure if these are even correct. Sum of the projections of the vectors-
BAsin30+BCsin30+BDsin30=0 The projections of P and BE are zero, since they are at a 90 degree angle with x.
The 15 is there, because I figured they were at a 15 degree angle with z.
I don't know if BA, BC and BD are all supposed to be equal:S
Anyways, help would be very much appreciated:)


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  • #2
Yes, they are all the same.
  • #3
Hi starryeyed! :smile:
starryeyed said:
A weight of 10 N is hanging from the top of a three-legged support. The legs are attached to the horizontal floor and form equal angles with each other. Find the forces in the legs, if they form an angle of 30 degrees with the rope.

I don't know if BA, BC and BD are all supposed to be equal:S

Yes, of course they're supposed to be equal … don't be paranoid!

From symmetry, the forces will obviously be equal, and since they're equal, any horizontal component will be zero …

so just take the vertical components

(which I think you've done, but I don't understand what BE is supposed to be :redface:)

(and why are you talking about projections? :confused:)
  • #4
If you isolate one leg as a free body and put all the forces acting on it, and then make an equilibrium statement about it, the answer will appear more easy. Isolating one leg implies a downward force at its top of P/3. Don't forget you must put ALL the forces on the free body diagram.

FAQ: Solving Statics Vectors: 10N Weight, 30° Support Angle

1. What is the weight of the object in this statics problem?

The weight of the object is 10N, which is the magnitude of the force acting on it.

2. How do you determine the direction of the weight vector in this problem?

The direction of the weight vector can be determined by drawing a line from the object's center of mass towards the center of the Earth. This line represents the force of gravity acting on the object, which is always directed towards the Earth's center.

3. What does the 30° support angle represent in this problem?

The 30° support angle represents the angle at which the support is holding up the object. This angle is important in determining the components of the weight vector that are acting parallel and perpendicular to the support.

4. How do you find the components of the weight vector in this problem?

The components of the weight vector can be found by using trigonometric functions. The component parallel to the support can be found by multiplying the weight by the cosine of the support angle, and the component perpendicular to the support can be found by multiplying the weight by the sine of the support angle.

5. What is the importance of solving for statics vectors in this type of problem?

Solving for statics vectors allows us to understand the forces acting on an object and how they are balanced or unbalanced. This is important in engineering and physics, as it helps us design structures and predict how they will behave under different conditions.
