Steam vs Fuly saturated air: Separation

In summary, steam is pure water vapor and has a partial pressure of zero for air. The difference between steam and fully saturated air is that steam is always saturated, while air can be either saturated or dry. The product mentioned appears to be designed to remove liquid droplets from a gas, but will not have any effect on water vapor. When below saturation, condensation will occur at points above the exponential P vs T line, while superheated steam will result at points below the line. Increasing pressure can cause condensation, but will also result in a temperature increase unless accompanied by cooling.
  • #1
For water separation purposes, what's the difference between steam and fully saturated air? I was looking at a certain product:
And I'm not sure if such a thing would be suitable for separating the water from a fully saturated air stream at about 60degC.
Anyone can help? Not used a product like this before.
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  • #2
Steam is pure water vapor.

In considering air and water mixtures you look at the partial pressures of water vs air components. The total pressure will equal the sum of the partial pressures and you can look up how that relates to e.g. mass ratios.

Pure steam has a partial pressure for air of zero. A steam air mix is a water vapor air mix.

Then looking at the temperature and comparing it to the vapor pressure of water at that temperature you can see if the mixture is saturated (partial pressure = vapor pressure). In the case of steam it is always saturated since it is a pure gas.

Now if you drop the temperature of a saturated gas mixture it will become super-saturated and the water component may condense. You get fog, or clouds, or mist, or rain.

The device in your link appears (to me) to be designed to remove liquid droplets from a gas, be it steam or saturated air. It will have no effect on water vapor, only on water droplets which have condensed.

One application may be when compressed air (with some water vapor in it) expands from a tank to feed a pneumatically powered device, it cools and may cool enough to condense some of the water. Have you ever noticed a little wisp of fog when disconnecting a compressor hose? The water droplets may be detrimental to the device and you would want to filter them out.
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  • #3
parislad said:
For water separation purposes, what's the difference between steam and fully saturated air? I was looking at a certain product:

Engineers define steam as water vapor above the boiling point of water.
  • #4
klimatos said:
Engineers define steam as water vapor above the boiling point of water.

Which reminds me of another point or two. The partial pressure of water vapor in air at a given temperature is the pressure at which this temperature is the boiling/condensing point.

Typically saturated air will, along with its 100% humidity, contain some liquid water since it is right at the condensation temperature.

Take then the case where one is below saturation (dry gas), then the boiling point at the partial pressure is below the current temperature. This includes the case of 100% water vapor a.k.a. steam (dry steam).
  • #5
jambaugh, thanks for your help, I appreciate it.

With reference to the exponential P vs T diagram here:

Is it right to say that at points above this line, condensation will occur, whereas superheated steam will result at points below the line? Or is it more complicated than that - I just saw a phase diagram that confused me a little.
  • #6
And, if that is the case, it would also suggest to me that if you aim to increase the pressure of the saturated gas, you can achieve more condensation.
But wouldn't increasing the pressure also cause an undesirable temperature rise - which means you would have to find a way of preventing a temperature increase..
  • #7
parislad said:
jambaugh, thanks for your help, I appreciate it.

With reference to the exponential P vs T diagram here:

Is it right to say that at points above this line, condensation will occur, whereas superheated steam will result at points below the line?


parislad said:
And, if that is the case, it would also suggest to me that if you aim to increase the pressure of the saturated gas, you can achieve more condensation.
But wouldn't increasing the pressure also cause an undesirable temperature rise - which means you would have to find a way of preventing a temperature increase..

Generally you cool the gas to encourage condensation. As you surmise increasing pressure will increase temperature unless accompanied by cooling. Note the reverse case does happen (I think), decreasing pressure can cool the gas enough to induce condensation... recall my mention of seeing fog when disconnecting a compressed air line?

FAQ: Steam vs Fuly saturated air: Separation

1. What is the difference between steam and fully saturated air?

Steam refers to the gaseous state of water, while fully saturated air is air that contains the maximum amount of water vapor it can hold at a given temperature and pressure.

2. How are steam and fully saturated air separated?

Steam and fully saturated air can be separated through a process known as condensation, where the water vapor in the air is cooled and turns back into its liquid state.

3. Are there any benefits to separating steam and fully saturated air?

Yes, there are several benefits to separating steam and fully saturated air. For example, separating steam from air can help improve the efficiency of steam-powered equipment and processes, as well as prevent corrosion and damage to equipment.

4. Can steam and fully saturated air be separated naturally?

Yes, steam and fully saturated air can be separated naturally through the water cycle. As water evaporates from bodies of water, it becomes steam and rises into the atmosphere. When the steam cools and condenses, it turns back into liquid water, separating from the air.

5. How is the amount of water vapor in fully saturated air determined?

The amount of water vapor in fully saturated air is determined by the temperature and pressure of the air. Warmer air can hold more water vapor than cooler air, and higher pressure air can hold more water vapor than lower pressure air.

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