String Theory, Number Operator , Mass of States

In summary, the equations and notation refer to a specific gauge and the creation and annihilation operators for particles in different states.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I have the following definition of the space-time coordinates


Homework Equations

Working in a certain gauge we can also do:

From which we can find:


Where ##N_{lc} ## sums over the transverse oscillation modes only.

The Attempt at a Solution



I don't understand the RHS of the first excited state, how does ##N## take integer values? what exactly are the ##\alpha##?

So (here the summation is over all modes, whereas above it is over the transvere oscillation modes only but ignoring this)

number operator.png

so for the first excited state do we have all alpha modes are zero except ##\alpha_{-1}## ?

So Then ## N= \alpha^{j}_{-1} ## ? how is this ##N=1##?

So for the next excited state I expect:

## m^2 \alpha_{-1}^i \alpha_{-1}^j |p^i>=m^2\alpha^{j}_{-2}|p^i>=(2-a) \alpha_{-1}^i \alpha_{-1}^j |p^i>=(2-a) \alpha_{-2}^j |p^i> ## right?

And I am told in my notes that this can be achieved by either ##\alpha_{-1}^i \alpha_{-1}^j |p^i> ## or ##\alpha_{-2}^i##

How does this get ##N=2##? since, well looking at ## \alpha_{-1}^i \alpha_{-1}^j ##, the sum in ##N## is over ##n## not ##i## or ##j## so am I looking at two different number operators here?

For the other expression So Then ## N= \alpha^{j}_{-2} ## ? how is this ##N=2##?

I'm just really confused as you can tel..

Many thanks for your help in advance.


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  • #2

Thank you for your question. Let me try to clarify the notation and equations in the forum post.

First, the space-time coordinates are defined as the set of variables x^0, x^1, x^2, and x^3. These variables represent the time and three spatial dimensions.

Next, the equations that follow are related to a specific gauge, which is a choice of mathematical representation in a particular physical theory. In this gauge, the equations involve the summation over transverse oscillation modes only, denoted by N_lc. The notation N_lc is used to represent the number operator, which counts the number of particles in a given state. In this case, the sum over N_lc is taken over all possible transverse oscillation modes.

Now, let's look at the first excited state. The notation α represents the creation and annihilation operators for the transverse oscillation modes. These operators are used to create or destroy particles in a given state. In the first excited state, there is only one particle present, which is represented by the subscript -1. Therefore, the only non-zero term in the sum over N_lc is when N_lc = 1. This is why N = 1 in this case.

Moving on to the next excited state, we see that there are two possible ways to create this state. One way is by using the creation operators α^-1 and α^-1, which corresponds to the expression α^-1 α^-1|p^i>. The other way is by using the creation operator α^-2, which corresponds to the expression α^-2|p^i>. Both of these expressions have N_lc = 2, which is why N = 2 for this excited state.

I hope this helps to clarify the notation and equations in the forum post. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

FAQ: String Theory, Number Operator , Mass of States

1. What is String Theory?

String Theory is a theoretical framework in physics that seeks to explain the fundamental nature of particles and the forces that govern them. It proposes that particles are not point-like objects, but rather tiny one-dimensional strings that vibrate at different frequencies.

2. How does String Theory relate to the Number Operator?

The Number Operator is a mathematical tool used in String Theory to represent the number of vibrational modes of a string. It helps to describe the different energy levels and states of a string, which are essential in understanding the behavior of particles at a microscopic level.

3. What is the significance of the Mass of States in String Theory?

The Mass of States is a term used in String Theory to describe the mass of a particle based on its energy level and vibrational state. It allows us to calculate the mass of different particles and understand their interactions and behavior.

4. How does String Theory explain the concept of higher dimensions?

According to String Theory, there are more than three spatial dimensions. It proposes that these extra dimensions are curled up and compactified, making them undetectable to our current technology. These extra dimensions are necessary for the mathematical consistency of the theory.

5. Is there any experimental evidence for String Theory?

Currently, there is no direct experimental evidence for String Theory. However, it is still an active area of research and has made significant contributions to our understanding of gravity and particle physics. Scientists are working on ways to test and validate the predictions of String Theory through experiments and observations.
