Stripping a neutron from an atom

In summary, neutrons can be removed from particles through interactions with gamma rays or through nuclear reactions. A common source of neutrons is a mixture of an alpha emitter and beryllium.
  • #1
How do you strip a neutron from a particle? Thanks
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  • #2
Neutrino98 said:
How do you strip a neutron from a particle? Thanks
Well, a neutron is considered a particle. A proton, deuteron, triton, or He nucleus (alpha particle) are considered particles.

What particle did on have in mind?

Neutrons can be removed from nuclei by interaction with gamma ray of appropriate energy. If a gamma ray of energy > ~2.22 MeV interacts with deuteron, the neutron and proton may part in a reaction known a photodissociation. Otherwise, if a sufficiently energetic gamma photon cause a neutron to be ejected from a nucleus, the reaction is termed 'photo-emission'.

Some fusion reactions also release neutrons, e.g., d+t => α + n, or d+d => He-3 + n (~50%).

Some nuclear reactions may result in the release of neutrons, e.g., a highly energetic proton or neutron can knock a neutron out of an atom. The reaction is term spallation.
  • #3
A common portable laboratory source of neutrons is a mixture of an alpha emitter and beryllium: a fine powder mixture of plutonium and beryllium (PuBe) or americium and beryllium (AmBe). The absolute yield is in the range of 50 neutrons per million alphas. See
  • #4

FAQ: Stripping a neutron from an atom

1. What is stripping a neutron from an atom?

Stripping a neutron from an atom is a process in which a neutron is removed from the nucleus of an atom, leaving behind a different isotope or a different element.

2. Why would you want to strip a neutron from an atom?

Stripping a neutron from an atom can be useful in nuclear research and energy production. It can also be used to create radioactive isotopes for medical and industrial purposes.

3. How is a neutron stripped from an atom?

Neutrons can be stripped from an atom using a variety of methods, including particle accelerators, nuclear reactors, and radioactive decay processes.

4. What happens to the atom after a neutron is stripped from it?

The atom will become a different isotope or a different element, depending on the number of neutrons that were originally in its nucleus. This can affect the atom's stability and properties.

5. Is stripping a neutron from an atom safe?

The process of stripping a neutron from an atom can be dangerous if not done properly. It often involves handling of radioactive materials, so proper precautions and safety measures must be taken to ensure the safety of the scientists and the environment.

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