Accuracy of Fractions vs Decimals: Why Decimals?

In summary, fractions and decimals are two ways of representing non-whole numbers. Decimals are often preferred in real-world applications due to their precision and flexibility, while fractions are still utilized in certain fields and calculations. To convert a fraction to a decimal, divide the numerator by the denominator. Decimals are generally more accurate as they can represent numbers to any degree of precision.
  • #1
For exmaple you can represent one third more accurately with fractions (1/3) than with decimals (.33 etc etc). So why do we use the decimal system ?
Mathematics news on
  • #2
Not really stupid,

the basic reason is addition and subtraction are much easier with decimals. And of course many numbers aren't representable by fractions such as π
  • #3
Further, when we use fractions, it implies we know the value to an infinite accuracy. In real life, this is not practical. The decimal is useful, as it records the accuracy of the figure as well. Ie. we know 0.3 is a less accurate measurement than 0.33.

FAQ: Accuracy of Fractions vs Decimals: Why Decimals?

What is the difference between fractions and decimals?

Fractions and decimals are two different ways of representing numbers that are not whole. Fractions are written as a ratio of two integers, while decimals are written using a decimal point followed by digits to the right of the decimal point.

Why do we use decimals instead of fractions?

Decimals are often used in real-world applications because they are more precise and easier to work with than fractions. Decimals can represent numbers to any degree of accuracy, while fractions are limited to certain denominators.

How do you convert fractions to decimals?

To convert a fraction to a decimal, divide the numerator (top number) by the denominator (bottom number). For example, to convert 3/4 to a decimal, divide 3 by 4 which equals 0.75.

Which is more accurate, fractions or decimals?

Decimals are typically more accurate than fractions because they can represent numbers to any degree of precision. Fractions are limited to certain denominators, which may not accurately represent the value of a number.

Are there any situations where fractions are more useful than decimals?

Fractions are still commonly used in certain fields such as cooking and construction, where precise measurements are not necessary. Additionally, certain calculations may be easier to perform using fractions rather than decimals. However, in most cases, decimals are more widely used and accurate.
