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Homework Statement
In six steps, explain how energy was transferred from the sun to your moving mousetrap car.
Homework Equations
None, I think.
The Attempt at a Solution
For the most part, I don't have the slightest idea. I do know how the energy transfers to the spring and powers the car, I just don't how the energy got into the spring. Would I be on the right track to say that the steps are...
1. Plants absorb the sun's energy through photosynthesis.
2. An animal eats the plant and gains energy.
3. I eat the animal, thus gaining that energy.
4. I set the trap, transferring potential energy to the spring.
5. The trap is tripped, transferring kinetic energy to the kill bar.
6. The kill bar turns the axle, transferring kinetic energy to the wheels.
What do you guys think? Also, anyone have any links to useful articles/websites where I can do some reading. I've been searching on google but haven't really found anything. Does anyone have anything that can help? This is for a level 1 concepts of physics class. I don't need anything to crazy. The basics will be perfect.