Calculating Twist Angle of T-Tail Plane

  • Thread starter unluckystuden
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    Angle Plane
In summary, in order to find the twist angle of a T-Tail plane with an upwards force on the right side and a downwards force on the left side, you will need to use the moment from the horizontal tail at the top of the vertical tail. This can be converted to torque by multiplying it by the distance between the point of rotation and the point where the force is applied. Assumptions such as stable stabilators and a cylindrical fuselage shape can be made for initial estimations.
  • #1
T-Tail moments??

I've got a problem of a T-Tail plane that has an upwards force acting on the right side of the horizontal tail, and a downwards force acting on the left... to find the twist angle of the fuselage(assuming the main wings stay fixed) do you use a moment from the horiz. tail acting at the top of the vertical tail? And how do you convert this to torque?
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  • #2

For first pass estimation you'll need a few assumptions.

-The stabilators do not deform drastically under loading
- The fuselage shape is cylindrical

You can simply find the torque exerted on the tail about the Reference Line and assume this transmitted up to the point in question.
  • #3

Hey there,

It sounds like you have a classic case of asymmetric T-Tail moments. In order to find the twist angle of the fuselage, you will indeed need to use the moment from the horizontal tail acting at the top of the vertical tail. This moment is essentially the force multiplied by the distance between the force and the point of rotation (in this case, the top of the vertical tail).

To convert this moment to torque, you will need to multiply it by the distance between the point of rotation and the point where the force is applied. This will give you the torque, which is essentially a measure of the force's effectiveness in causing rotation.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions. Good luck with your T-Tail plane!

FAQ: Calculating Twist Angle of T-Tail Plane

What is the purpose of calculating the twist angle of a T-tail plane?

Calculating the twist angle of a T-tail plane helps determine the optimal angle at which the horizontal stabilizer should be set in relation to the fuselage. This angle affects the stability and control of the aircraft during flight.

How is the twist angle of a T-tail plane calculated?

The twist angle is calculated by measuring the angle between the horizontal stabilizer and the longitudinal axis of the fuselage. This can be done using specialized tools or by taking measurements from the aircraft's design plans.

What factors affect the twist angle of a T-tail plane?

The main factors that affect the twist angle include the placement and shape of the horizontal stabilizer, the weight and balance of the aircraft, and the intended flight characteristics of the aircraft. Environmental factors such as air density and wind conditions can also influence the twist angle.

Why is the twist angle important for the performance of a T-tail plane?

The twist angle directly affects the lift and drag of the horizontal stabilizer, which in turn affects the stability and control of the aircraft. A properly calculated twist angle can improve the efficiency and handling of the T-tail plane during flight.

Are there any industry standards for the twist angle of T-tail planes?

There are no specific industry standards for the twist angle of T-tail planes, as it can vary depending on the design and purpose of the aircraft. However, there are guidelines and recommendations that are commonly followed by aircraft manufacturers and designers.
