Tattoos & Piercings: Thoughts & Experiences?

  • Thread starter mcknia07
  • Start date
In summary, tattoos and piercings can be good or bad, depending on the person. Some like them and some don't, but they all have their own individual preferences.
  • #1
I was just wondering what everyone thought of the idea of tattoos and piercings:confused:and do they hurt? Any thoughts or experiences on this? Are some good and some bad? i would like any input on the subject.

Physics news on
  • #2
I love both, but don't have any. I've had a piercing that I really wanted, twice, but my immune system won't accept them. Both just grew out and fell off. I think that I figured out a modification that would not grow out (since it would involve about 4 inches of tunneling), but my wife can't stand the idea of anybody modification. I'm still thinking about doing it anyhow, but it's an 'iffy' situation.
Wait for Doc Toxin to weigh in; he's got some awesome art.
  • #3
No piercings for me, I used to do Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and have been itching to do that or different grappling since I stopped. Long story short, if I get it pulled, it hurts. Don't want to take it off before every class, either.

No tattoos because it would have to be something I designed myself and I suck at that. Even if I did make something awesome, I change my mind too often to stick with it and not hate myself later.
  • #4
I find both to be disgusting.

If a girl has a tattoo on her lower back, multiply the number of guys she said she has slept with by 10. I have yet to see a tattoo that I thought looked good. I am sorry, having razor wire around your bicep is played out and stupid.
  • #5
Cyrus said:
I find both to be disgusting.

If a girl has a tattoo on her lower back, multiply the number of guys she said she has slept with by 10. I have yet to see a tattoo that I thought looked good. I am sorry, having razor wire around your bicep is played out and stupid.

you think that's bad...I saw a guy today walking on the street who had a crown of thorns around his NECK. I was like
  • #6
Cyrus said:
I find both to be disgusting.

If a girl has a tattoo on her lower back, multiply the number of guys she said she has slept with by 10. I have yet to see a tattoo that I thought looked good. I am sorry, having razor wire around your bicep is played out and stupid.

I have to agree with my man Cyrus here.
  • #7
What do you think of belly button piercings then?
  • #8
Cyrus said:
I find both to be disgusting.

If a girl has a tattoo on her lower back, multiply the number of guys she said she has slept with by 10. I have yet to see a tattoo that I thought looked good. I am sorry, having razor wire around your bicep is played out and stupid.

The standard "picked off of the wall" tattoos like something on the lower back or the barbed wire around the biceps we can agree is stupid, but what do you think of tattoos that are original?

And what about pierced ears? Do you find those disgusting as well? I mean, they are pretty standard these days, even the previous generation saw them as nothing special.
  • #9
Cyrus said:
If a girl has a tattoo on her lower back, multiply the number of guys she said she has slept with by 10.

Haha sooooo many girls at UA have tramp stamps.
  • #10
LOL "tramp staps"...
  • #11
Cyrus said:
I find both to be disgusting.

If a girl has a tattoo on her lower back, multiply the number of guys she said she has slept with by 10. I have yet to see a tattoo that I thought looked good. I am sorry, having razor wire around your bicep is played out and stupid.
I love both (on real people).

I use to date a girl with a very hot tatoo on her lower back. She designed it herself (was a painter) and it looked amazing, but she had very little experience with men, and was boring in bed.
  • #12
Cyrus said:
I find both to be disgusting.

If a girl has a tattoo on her lower back, multiply the number of guys she said she has slept with by 10. I have yet to see a tattoo that I thought looked good. I am sorry, having razor wire around your bicep is played out and stupid.

I take it you've met every single chick on this planet with a tattoo on that area to justify this claim?
  • #13
mcknia07 said:
I was just wondering what everyone thought of the idea of tattoos and piercings:confused:and do they hurt? Any thoughts or experiences on this? Are some good and some bad? i would like any input on the subject.


I have 2 panthers and a celtic knot,pain is relative but high density ( filling in) is agony, after 30 mins under the needle one wishes for an end.
  • #14
My daughter has had the corners of her upper and lower lips pierced and has put rings in the holes to link them together. I can't imagine what that feels like and refuse to find out. It is illegal to pierce kids under 18 in this state without a parent's permission, but she had it done by a friend (?) and won't say who it was. She assures me that on her 18th birthday she is going to get a tattoo, location unspecified. She is very good at drawing and is considering becoming a tattoo artist herself. That girl pokes a big hole in her father's heart.
  • #15
My hubby and I have little matching tattoos but I'm not saying what / where :wink:
  • #16
Cyrus said:
I find both to be disgusting.

If a girl has a tattoo on her lower back, multiply the number of guys she said she has slept with by 10. I have yet to see a tattoo that I thought looked good. I am sorry, having razor wire around your bicep is played out and stupid.

on the same track, if a guy has piercings divide the number of girls he said he has slept with by 10
  • #17
jimmysnyder said:
My daughter has had the corners of her upper and lower lips pierced and has put rings in the holes to link them together. I can't imagine what that feels like and refuse to find out. It is illegal to pierce kids under 18 in this state without a parent's permission, but she had it done by a friend (?) and won't say who it was. She assures me that on her 18th birthday she is going to get a tattoo, location unspecified. She is very good at drawing and is considering becoming a tattoo artist herself. That girl pokes a big hole in her father's heart.

Wow, there's parental love and support for you.
  • #18
What do you do with the tenths of girls...?
  • #19
save them up and recycle
  • #20
jimmysnyder said:
My daughter has had the corners of her upper and lower lips pierced and has put rings in the holes to link them together. I can't imagine what that feels like and refuse to find out. It is illegal to pierce kids under 18 in this state without a parent's permission, but she had it done by a friend (?) and won't say who it was. She assures me that on her 18th birthday she is going to get a tattoo, location unspecified. She is very good at drawing and is considering becoming a tattoo artist herself. That girl pokes a big hole in her father's heart.

Jimmy, I can relate. My 15-1/2 year old daughter has decided that "high school sucks" and has gone from and honor student in AP classes to, well, barely passing her easiest class. Sigh. So much for getting into a good college straight out of high school!

It's tough watching your kids make decisions that you *know* they'll later regret. But, I made quite a few of those myself at that age, and managed to do OK!
  • #21
NeoDevin said:
Wow, there's parental love and support for you.
You have no idea.
  • #22
I have a total of 6 piercing well 5 now, 3 in my left ear and 2 in my right. I use to have a lip ring! I gave them all to myself, and all i got to say is I have nothing against piercing. But if u decide to get one you will have the marks on your body for the rest of your life. Like where my lip ring was I have a divot!

Then tattoos, there is only to ways I would get a tattoos, again I have nothing against them i just don’t want to look at the same thing on my body for the rest of my life. I can’t even keep a background on my desktop for more that a week. But one way I would get one is if it had some meaning to me, like I would like to get one to remember my grandmother by. The second way is if I was a rock star, I would sleeve up my arms!
  • #23
lisab said:
Jimmy, I can relate. My 15-1/2 year old daughter has decided that "high school sucks" and has gone from and honor student in AP classes to, well, barely passing her easiest class. Sigh. So much for getting into a good college straight out of high school!

It's tough watching your kids make decisions that you *know* they'll later regret. But, I made quite a few of those myself at that age, and managed to do OK!
Hey! is lisab my wife's avatar? I would ask you to list your daughter's interests, but I fear you already have. Been there, done that, can't wait for senility.
  • #24
jimmysnyder said:
You have no idea.

Well, I had a friend in high school who wanted to be a tatoo artist. His parents helped him out and supported him. Last year (that's 5 years out of high school) he opened his own shop. He now makes more money than his parents combined. Think about supporting your daughter in what she wants to do, rather than trying to put her into your own concept of what an acceptable career is.
  • #25
NeoDevin said:
Well, I had a friend in high school who wanted to be a tatoo artist. His parents helped him out and supported him. Last year (that's 5 years out of high school) he opened his own shop. He now makes more money than his parents combined. Think about supporting your daughter in what she wants to do, rather than trying to put her into your own concept of what an acceptable career is.
Like I said, no idea. My daughter has been failing in school for two years now. She used to get A's. I watch in horror. I am glad that she wants to be a tattoo artist. I have given her advice on how to get started. I heap support on the poor thing. In the past that has always resulted in her abandoning whatever it was that I was supporting. If she has any interest in anything, I can't pry it out of her. My concern is not that she will become a tattoo artist, as I said she draws well. My concern is that she will fail at it because that is the root of her problem, she doesn't give a fig for anything.
  • #26
Then I apologize, I misinterpreted what you were saying.
  • #27
In High school my image was a Hardcore Death Metal rocker. I had the piercing and outfits, the works. But when I finished high school last year when I was 19, Late because I dropped out when I was 16. Now a little over a year now and I don’t look anything like it did, I cut my hair took my lip ring out and ware normal chose, why because my environment changed. I now have a job and I am my own person. High School is the worst thing that can happen to a Teenage, I picked up so many bad habits there, cigarettes, weed, drugs most people don’t even know of them like DXM, Saliva. I did so many illegal things but I was not a lucky one, I never got caught! "Yes Unlucky" When I was 18 me and a few friends were throwing ears of corn at cars from inside the field, well the cops showed up there and my a my friend crawled thought the field for 2 hours to get home. That was my wake up call I thought I'm 18 and can go to jail / prison that was the last crime I did. What I'm trying to say is this will all pass your kids are just trying capitalize on there image in high school.
  • #28
lisab said:
My hubby and I have little matching tattoos but I'm not saying what / where :wink:
I'm guessing yours says 'his' and his says 'hers'. How sweet. But there!:eek:
  • #29
NeoDevin said:
Then I apologize, I misinterpreted what you were saying.
Think nothing of it, thanks for the chance to vent. I take it you don't have a teenage daughter. Surely you are aware of the parent's curse: "I hope your kids do to you what you do to me." I have never invoked it, it seems too cruel to me.
  • #30
mcknia07 said:
I was just wondering what everyone thought of the idea of tattoos and piercings:confused:and do they hurt? Any thoughts or experiences on this?

I have 2 piercings; both hurt. The nipple piercing hurt more than the PA, but the PA put me down for a weekend.

I think you should do whatever you want. The one thing that has always been my guide for tatoos/piercings is that I didn't want to make myself unemployable.
  • #31
jimmysnyder said:
Think nothing of it, thanks for the chance to vent. I take it you don't have a teenage daughter. Surely you are aware of the parent's curse: "I hope your kids do to you what you do to me." I have never invoked it, it seems too cruel to me.

Not there yet, I have an 11 month old son though, if that helps.
  • #32
I find that I unconsciously lower my respect for people when I see them covered in tattoos and piercings. I try to avoid it, I have many friends with various tattoos and piercing in some rather creative places, but its hard for me to not be disgusted by them. More tattoos than piercings. I have had my belly button pierced way back in high school (I was not sober) and I don't remember feeling a thing. I remember watching the guy do it (I am fascinated with these things) It did however bleed for quite some time, and hurt for days after. I certainly become less attracted to a man when I discover tattoos on his body. My aunt had a tattoo on her belly just sort of inside her hip. When she became pregnant it stretched out all nasty and although she tried to fix it after the birth of her daughter its still just a big blob of ink now. Remember that it may look good now, but as you age your body changes...
  • #33
I feel for you Jimmysnyder, I did terrible things to my parents growing up, I can't believe they endured it! I blatantly refused to go to public school forcing my parents to homeschool me, then in high school I attended only once a week (although I managed to pass) I took a year off in grade 11 to work on a farm and informed my parents I would happily shovel poop for the rest of my life. I then hooked up with a guy 7 years older than me, and suddenly the light switch turned on. Teenagers are broken, she'll grow up and mother nature will "debug her". I am currently in my second year of sciences in university with straight A's. She will decide what she wants to do, she won't feel this way about life forever. Just take comfort knowing she will regret being so mean to you forever after. I know I regret the way I treated my parents. I have a wonderful relationship with them now however.
  • #34
fileen said:
I find that I unconsciously lower my respect for people when I see them covered in tattoos and piercings. I try to avoid it, I have many friends with various tattoos and piercing in some rather creative places, but its hard for me to not be disgusted by them. More tattoos than piercings. I have had my belly button pierced way back in high school (I was not sober) and I don't remember feeling a thing. I remember watching the guy do it (I am fascinated with these things) It did however bleed for quite some time, and hurt for days after. I certainly become less attracted to a man when I discover tattoos on his body. My aunt had a tattoo on her belly just sort of inside her hip. When she became pregnant it stretched out all nasty and although she tried to fix it after the birth of her daughter its still just a big blob of ink now. Remember that it may look good now, but as you age your body changes...


When I was a kid we'd press Silly-Putty on comic strip pictures, and then stretch the Silly-Putty to make the toons all distorted...!
  • #35
Eric DMC said:
In High school my image was a Hardcore Death Metal rocker. I had the piercing and outfits, the works. But when I finished high school last year when I was 19, Late because I dropped out when I was 16. Now a little over a year now and I don’t look anything like it did, I cut my hair took my lip ring out and ware normal chose, why because my environment changed. I now have a job and I am my own person.

In High School I was a loser and a nerd. The nerd part didn't change... and well... I guess I'm still kind of a loser.

But my point is I grew my hair out and started listening to Death Metal (coincidence, by the way, I grew my hair out before I "found" metal), wear what I want, which is usually jeans and a t-shirt, although no piercings.

I will be finishing my degree in physics soon and I have been doing research for my professor since the start of summer.

You may not like that "style" anymore, but don't try to make it out as if you can't be a decent person because you have long hair and piercings.

Case in point:

Friend of mine, chemistry major, graduating this year. LOTS of piercings, LOTS of tattoos. Great student going to graduate school in Chemistry. Dresses in all black clothes, longish hair, etc, but plays the piano VERY well and loves classical music. Plays a lot of Liszt.

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