The fate of the vector potential in the case of the existence of a mag

In summary, the vector potential in classical electrodynamics can be introduced due to the magnetic field being a vortex. In the four-dimensional form of Maxwell's equations, including gauge, the equations are expressed in terms of the 4-potential and look particularly elegant. However, in the presence of a magnetic monopole, the magnetic field is no longer a vortex, leading to a need to change the form of Maxwell's equations in 4-dimensional form using potentials. This raises the question of whether the concept of the vector potential should be rejected.
  • #1
The vector potential in classical electrodynamics can be introduced due to the fact that the magnetic field is the vortex:
[itex]div \vec B = 0 → \vec B = rot \vec A[/itex]
In the four-dimensional form (including gauge) Maxwell's equations look particularly beautiful:
[itex]\partial_{\mu}\partial^{\mu} A^{\nu} = j ^{\nu}[/itex]
where [itex]A^{\nu}[/itex] - 4-potential.

Given the existence of a monopole, the magnetic field is no longer a vortex. Then, how to change the form of Maxwell's equations in 4-dimensional form (via potentials)? Whether to reject the concept of the vector potential?
Physics news on
  • #3
Wiemster said:

Thank you. But there representing the equations of Maxwell, expressed in terms of the field, and not in terms of the potentials.

FAQ: The fate of the vector potential in the case of the existence of a mag

1. What is the significance of the vector potential in the existence of a magnetic field?

The vector potential is a fundamental concept in electromagnetism that describes the magnetic field in terms of its source, the electric current. In the presence of a magnetic field, the vector potential is necessary to fully describe the electromagnetic field and its interactions with charged particles.

2. How does the vector potential change in the presence of a magnetic field?

In the presence of a magnetic field, the vector potential undergoes a transformation known as a gauge transformation. This means that the vector potential can be altered by adding a gradient of a scalar function, while still producing the same magnetic field. This freedom in choosing the vector potential allows for different mathematical representations of the same physical phenomenon.

3. Can the vector potential be uniquely determined in the presence of a magnetic field?

No, the vector potential cannot be uniquely determined in the presence of a magnetic field. This is because of the gauge freedom mentioned earlier. Different choices of the scalar function in the gauge transformation can result in different vector potentials that still produce the same magnetic field.

4. What is the fate of the vector potential in the case of a magnetic monopole?

In the case of a magnetic monopole, the vector potential cannot be defined in the usual sense. This is because a magnetic monopole would violate the fundamental law of electromagnetism, known as Gauss's law, which states that magnetic field lines must form closed loops. Therefore, the vector potential is not a useful concept in the case of a magnetic monopole.

5. How is the vector potential related to the magnetic vector potential and scalar potential?

The vector potential is related to the magnetic vector potential through the curl operation. The magnetic vector potential is defined as the curl of the vector potential, and it is used to calculate the magnetic field. The scalar potential, on the other hand, is related to the vector potential through the gradient operation. The scalar potential is used to calculate the electric field and is often used in conjunction with the magnetic vector potential to fully describe the electromagnetic field.
