Exploring the Law of Attraction: Experiences from Here

In summary, the law of attraction is the belief that if you think about something a lot, it will eventually manifest in your life. This can be applied to both positive and negative thoughts, and can even work for small things like imagining an object and then seeing it in real life. Some people argue that this is a "law" because it seems to always work, while others see it as a more magical version of the "power of positive thinking." However, there is no scientific evidence to support this concept and it is often considered to be pseudoscience.
  • #1
Has anyone (here) ever tested the law of attraction?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Remind me what exactly that is?
  • #3
Supposedly if you think about something a lot, it will show up sometime.
Meaning if you imagine yourself very rich, you will become very rich.
Also if you dwell on negativities you will only suffer more, etc.
You also can do this for small things such as imagine an object and one day you'll see or have the object.
I'm going to try it and see what happens. I suspect the more pety it is, the quicker the result.
Why not!
  • #4
How is this a "law"?
  • #5
Maybe because it always works?
I don't know why it's called what it's called.
  • #6
Jonnyb42 said:
Maybe because it always works?
I don't know why it's called what it's called.

I have no idea what you are talking about.
How does this always work?

Edit: Missed your 2nd post, sorry.
  • #7
Well my second post explained it, you can wiki it if you want details.
I was just suggesting it always works as an explanation for why it's referred to as a "law."
  • #8
Jonnyb42 said:
Supposedly if you think about something a lot, it will show up sometime.
Meaning if you imagine yourself very rich, you will become very rich.
Also if you dwell on negativities you will only suffer more, etc.
You also can do this for small things such as imagine an object and one day you'll see or have the object.
I'm going to try it and see what happens. I suspect the more pety it is, the quicker the result.
Why not!

I've imagined myself creating a working fusion reactor at home. I can be pretty sure its not going to happen.

Some of this I can see being true, such as the thinking negative things. I have a friend who always thinks negative and I swear she has stuff happen to her simply because of the way she thinks. Meaning that she let's bad things happen to her, not that they just happen to her because.

Same thing for getting rich or something. Maybe that will drive you to become rich if you think about it all the time. But I'd say this is nowhere close to a "law" lol.
  • #10
Phrak said:
This seems to stem from PschoCybernetics


I have no comments on the veracity of this.

Ohhh, ok I see now. Yeah, I can see how this works. Its pretty much think positively and work at something and you will get it. Pretty much how most people succeed at whatever they want to do.
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  • #11
This seems more like a magical themed version of the "power of positive thinking".

With the general idea being that if you have a positive outlook on life, you'll notice all the little things that go right. So you are less stressed out when you loose your keys and such, and less stressed out people work better towards their goals.

No idea if that sort of idea is researched...
  • #12
Smiles302 said:
This seems more like a magical themed version of the "power of positive thinking".

With the general idea being that if you have a positive outlook on life, you'll notice all the little things that go right. So you are less stressed out when you loose your keys and such, and less stressed out people work better towards their goals.

No idea if that sort of idea is researched...

I think it's something like that. I don't know very many successful people that got where they were by being unhappy all the time.
  • #13
I watched the secret the other day, I think the pseudo-sciency bit is crap but the positive thinking bit is good: if you want something, keep thinking about it positively and you will start to see ways of making it happen, then put it into action.
  • #14
It's not exactly a law or magic. A friend of mine believes in all this kind of stuff (much to my frustration) that the universe can magically bend itself to your will so that all your goals are achieved so long as you believe.

I would have thought that it was common sense that keeping a positive attitude and working towards something would on average increase the chances of you achieving it minus impossible goals such as learning to fly etc. Its hardly a 'law' or a 'secret' or the 'untapped power of the mind'
  • #15
ryan_m_b said:
It's not exactly a law or magic. A friend of mine believes in all this kind of stuff (much to my frustration) that the universe can magically bend itself to your will so that all your goals are achieved so long as you believe.

I would have thought that it was common sense that keeping a positive attitude and working towards something would on average increase the chances of you achieving it minus impossible goals such as learning to fly etc. Its hardly a 'law' or a 'secret' or the 'untapped power of the mind'

  • #16
I agree as well but I was referring to the less general concept.
Although, that is probably for lunar ticks.
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  • #17
Jonnyb42 said:
Yes, I meant to say lunar ticks.

Is that something I should worry about if my cats go to the moon?:-p
  • #18
Yeah, they're pretty nasty there.
Though, I believe the locals have domesticated them.
  • #19
Imagine there's no heaven, hell, countries, religion, possesions, greed, or hunger. Then hope you don't get shot.
  • #20
Jimmy Snyder said:
Imagine there's no heaven, hell, countries, religion, possesions, greed, or hunger. Then hope you don't get shot.

  • #21
Drakkith said:

Its a John Lennon quote, well the getting shot bit isnt
  • #22
ryan_m_b said:
Its a John Lennon quote, well the getting shot bit isnt

Ahh, ok.
  • #23
Should be moved to S&D, imo. It's a bunch of Deepak Chopra drivel.
  • #24
Smiles302 said:
This seems more like a magical themed version of the "power of positive thinking".

With the general idea being that if you have a positive outlook on life, you'll notice all the little things that go right. So you are less stressed out when you loose your keys and such, and less stressed out people work better towards their goals.

No idea if that sort of idea is researched...

It looks like you won the chicken or egg contest. The Power of Positive Thinking came out in the 1950's. PsychoCybernetics was first published in the 1960's. Well done.
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  • #25
Jimmy Snyder said:
Imagine there's no heaven, hell, countries, religion, possesions, greed, or hunger. Then hope you don't get shot.

I always appreciate your pithy interjections, Jimmy--even if you do quote Lennon.
  • #26
I read "Creative Visualization" by Shakti Gawain growing up.

The general idea was discovered much earlier than that by Napolean Hill in "The Law of Success" for which the first law is to have a "definite purpose".

In my older, more bitter age, I don't think it's really about a positive attitude so much as goal-oriented lifestyle.
  • #27
Sorry guys, but this belongs here.

IT Crowd "Spaceology":


If you watch the whole episode there's a bit about "wishy thinking".

The guy in the video is talking to the IT guys: "I wanted a helicopter, so I wrote it on a piece of paper, crumpled it up, turned by back to space and wished for it really hard and hey, a week later I went out and bought myself a helicopter - how do you explain that with your science?"
  • #28
Video not available in my country :(.

I think you got to be both positive and negative. If you only see the positive you will not desire so much to improve, but to just get started and feel like your done less than half way cause you are so positive. With the negative you will see how to improve, and reevaluate what you have constructed and identify what needs improving, what works, and what doesn't. Being too positive feels too much of a sugar coated reality. And too negative like nothing will ever happen.

My View:
Think Positive to move forward/get started
Think Negative to understand the situation, what your doing wrong, what shouldn't be done and etc..

FAQ: Exploring the Law of Attraction: Experiences from Here

1. What is the Law of Attraction?

The Law of Attraction is a universal principle that states that our thoughts and beliefs create our reality. It is based on the idea that like attracts like, so if we focus on positive thoughts and energy, we will attract positive experiences into our lives.

2. How does the Law of Attraction work?

The Law of Attraction works through the power of our thoughts and emotions. When we consistently think about something we desire and truly believe that we can achieve it, we send out a powerful vibration into the universe. This vibration attracts similar energy and opportunities, helping us manifest our desires.

3. Can anyone use the Law of Attraction?

Yes, anyone can use the Law of Attraction. It is a universal principle that applies to everyone, regardless of age, gender, or background. The key is to understand and practice the principles consistently in order to see results.

4. How can I apply the Law of Attraction in my life?

To apply the Law of Attraction, you must first identify what you truly desire and believe that you can achieve it. Then, focus your thoughts and emotions on that desire, visualize it as if it has already happened, and take action towards making it a reality. It is also important to maintain a positive mindset and gratitude for what you already have.

5. Are there any scientific studies that support the Law of Attraction?

While the Law of Attraction is not a scientifically proven concept, there have been studies in the fields of psychology and neuroscience that support its principles. These studies have shown that our thoughts and beliefs can have a significant impact on our actions and behaviors, ultimately shaping our reality. Additionally, many successful individuals and athletes have attributed their success to practicing the Law of Attraction.

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