The Steady-state motion of a forced oscillator

In summary: If you take the imaginary part of the solution, the driving function is Fo sin(wt)I'm not sure what you mean by that.
  • #1
Gold Member

Homework Statement

Solve for the steady-statem otion of a forced oscillator if the forcing is F_0*sin(wt) instead of F_0*cos(wt). Use complex representations.

Homework Equations

e^(i*x) = cos(x)+isin(x)

The Attempt at a Solution

I assume, First, steady-state means without damping.
Next, we have the equation
m*x'' = -kx + F_0*sin(wt)
where x'' is the second derivative of x position with respect to time. Also known as acceleration.

So, we have:

z'' + w_0^2*z = F_0/m * (-i*e^(iwt)) where Re(z) = x

So far so good? I think I changed it correctly, normally when you do F_0*cos(wt) as forcing, you just switch it to e^(iwt)

Now, if everything is looking good up to here, we take z = A*(-ie^[i(wt-φ)])

After taking the second derivative of this and inputting it into our equation, our equation looks like:

i*w^2*A*e^[i(wt-φ)]-w_0^2*A*i*e^[i(wt-φ)] = F_0/m * (-i*e^(iwt))

dividing through by -i*e^(iwt) nets us

F_0/m = A(w_0^2 - w^2)*e^(-iφ)
Simplifying: F_0/m *e^(iφ) = A(w_0^2-w^2)

But now I seem to have run into a problem. The real part of this is F_0/m*cos(φ)
But this is the exact same solution to the forcing with F_0*cos(wt).
I thought the problem wants me to reach Re(z) = F_0*sin(wt)

Any help? Did I go wrong somewhere?
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  • #2

Did I reach the answer here:

i*w^2*A*e^[i(wt-φ)]-w_0^2*A*i*e^[i(wt-φ)] = F_0/m * (-i*e^(iwt))

I think that's all the question is looking for.
  • #3
Hey guys, sorry to bump this with an extra post.
But only 2 hours until class starts and was interested in if my answer was looking good, as it is a hard problem for me to understand fully.
  • #4
RJLiberator said:
Hey guys, sorry to bump this with an extra post.
But only 2 hours until class starts and was interested in if my answer was looking good, as it is a hard problem for me to understand fully.
If you take the imaginary part of the solution, the driving function is Fo sin(wt)
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  • #5
I'm not sure what you mean by that.

The problem states:
if the forcing is F_0*sin(wt) instead of F_0*cos(wt).

So, isn't that already assumed.
  • #6
You solve the differential equation for the case F=F0eiwt, and you get the steady-state solution as z=Aeiwt. In principle, the amplitude can be complex, but you get that A=F0/(w02-w2), which is real. Taking the imaginary part, the real-life solution is

y=F0/(w02-w2)sin(wt). sine function instead of cosine.
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  • #7
Few concerns:

The forcing part of it is F_0*sin(wt)

so we have
m*a = -kx + F_0*sin(wt)

If we are to convert this to complex numbers we have
m*d^2z/dt^2 +kz = F_0 * (-i*e^(iwt))

Why do you say z = Ae^(iwt) and not what I think should be (-i*e^(iwt)) as my part seems to provide a real part of sin(wt) instead of an imaginary part.
  • #8
RJLiberator said:
Few concerns:

The forcing part of it is F_0*sin(wt)

so we have
m*a = -kx + F_0*sin(wt)

If we are to convert this to complex numbers we have
m*d^2z/dt^2 +kz = F_0 * (-i*e^(iwt))

Why do you say z = Ae^(iwt) and not what I think should be (-i*e^(iwt)) as my part seems to provide a real part of sin(wt) instead of an imaginary part.
F_0*sin(wt) is not the same as F_0 * (-i*e^(iwt)), but F_0*sin(wt)=Im(F_0 e^(iwt))
  • #9
Okay, thatttt makes a lot of sense to me.

So using z = Ae^[i(wt-Φ)] is the correct choice, but instead of Re(z) =x we let Im(z) = x.

Solution would be then:
(iw)^2*A*e^[i(wt-Φ)]+w_0^2*A*e^[i(wt-Φ)] = F_0/m * e^(iwt)

With Im(z) = x.

Would that be the correct way to display the solution (I guess here I am getting lost on what the problem actually wants.)
It seems like this would be the steady-state motion of a forced oscillator. But this is still the same equation as with cos(wt) just where cos(wt) is with Re(z).

Or, do I input for z = sin(wt) and solve?
  • #10
RJLiberator said:
Okay, thatttt makes a lot of sense to me.

So using z = Ae^[i(wt-Φ)] is the correct choice, but instead of Re(z) =x we let Im(z) = x.

Solution would be then:
(iw)^2*A*e^[i(wt-Φ)]+w_0^2*A*e^[i(wt-Φ)] = F_0/m * e^(iwt)
Solve this equation for A, and then give the solution as A*sin(wt-Φ)
But you get the same solution if you just input x=Asin(wt-Φ). Φ will be 0 or pi.
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  • #11
A = (F_0/m) * (1/(w^2-w_0^2) * sin(Φ)

:D ?
  • #12
RJLiberator said:
A = (F_0/m) * (1/(w^2-w_0^2) * sin(Φ)

:D ?
And what is Φ?

FAQ: The Steady-state motion of a forced oscillator

What is the concept of steady-state motion in a forced oscillator?

Steady-state motion in a forced oscillator refers to the condition where the oscillator's amplitude and frequency remain constant over time, despite the presence of an external driving force. This occurs when the driving force is of the same frequency as the natural frequency of the oscillator.

How is the steady-state amplitude of a forced oscillator calculated?

The steady-state amplitude of a forced oscillator can be calculated using the equation A = F/k√(1-(ω/ω₀)²), where A is the amplitude, F is the driving force, k is the spring constant, ω is the frequency of the driving force, and ω₀ is the natural frequency of the oscillator.

What factors affect the steady-state motion of a forced oscillator?

The steady-state motion of a forced oscillator is affected by several factors, including the amplitude and frequency of the driving force, the mass and spring constant of the oscillator, and any damping present in the system. Changes in these factors can alter the amplitude and/or frequency of the steady-state motion.

How does resonance occur in a forced oscillator?

Resonance in a forced oscillator occurs when the frequency of the driving force is equal to the natural frequency of the oscillator. This results in a significant increase in the amplitude of the oscillations, as the energy from the driving force is efficiently transferred to the oscillator.

Can a forced oscillator exhibit multiple steady-state amplitudes?

Yes, a forced oscillator can exhibit multiple steady-state amplitudes if the frequency of the driving force is close to, but not exactly equal to, the natural frequency of the oscillator. This is known as subharmonic resonance and can result in the oscillator having two or more stable steady-state amplitudes.
