The Sun's Rotation: A Deeper Look

  • Thread starter Chronos
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  • #1
Science Advisor
Gold Member
A curious thought. We know the sun rotates [spins]. Does it rotate like a solid body, or do the interior layers spin at different rates? If so, does the 'core' of a sun rotate faster or slower than the outer layers? Is it as difficult to calculate this as I suspect it might be? What would be the observational consequences?
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  • #2
Chronos said:
A curious thought. We know the sun rotates [spins]. Does it rotate like a solid body, or do the interior layers spin at different rates? If so, does the 'core' of a sun rotate faster or slower than the outer layers? Is it as difficult to calculate this as I suspect it might be? What would be the observational consequences?

Inside the Sun there's a surface called tachocline that is at a radius of approximately 0'7 solar radius. Outside of this radius, the sun rotates differentially, more quickly at the equator than at the poles. Below the tachocline, the rotation of the sun is practically that of a rigid body
  • #3
And how do we know this? Helioseismology!
  • #4
Thanks meteor and Nereid! This question was inspired by a far more sinister question [which is still a WIP] regarding a fairly unrelated matter and was hoping for a little help [I have lazy moments]. As it turns out [according to what I found so far], if you treat the whole thing as a rigid body, you should be at least within an OOM of the right result.
  • #5
when you say "do layers rotate at different rates" are you talking about spherical shells, the different types of burning OR also convection?
  • #6
I am specifically interested in the evolution of core rotation. Reasons to follow.
  • #7

neurocomp2003 said:
when you say "do layers rotate at different rates" are you talking about spherical shells, the different types of burning OR also convection?
My main interest is in the core spin of stars about to go supernova. Your comment is very insightful. I am wondering if stellar cores 'spin up' just before they detonate. I'm trying to figure out pulsar spins and looking for a mechanism that does not require recoil. Recoil does not seem to work because it appears to be mostly lateral, not tangential. Proper motion, especially in binary pairs, just do not seem to explain it. So I'm trying to come up with a reason.
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