What is the significance of thickness in terms of particle physics?

In summary, this quantity is used to calculate how much radiation is blocked by or transmitted through a material.
  • #1
I have this weird question where the thickness of the material is given in [tex]\frac{grams}{cm^2}[/tex].
And it's not wrong. What does it mean ?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
It is given in that unit so that you can calculate the number of targets / area. If you know the density of material, thickness and molar mass etc.

Basically it is the same as mass/volume ; but you multiply with the thickness of your sample so you get that unit instead.

I hope this helps, there are a lot of "strange" units out there =)
  • #3
touqra said:
I have this weird question where the thickness of the material is given in [tex]\frac{grams}{cm^2}[/tex].
And it's not wrong. What does it mean ?

The units would correspond to a density times a length. Where I've seen this sort of quantity used was in dealing with scattering or absorption centers in a material. If you're working with a specimen of a pure element, for instance, the density and atomic mass would tell you how many atoms or nuclei there are per cubic unit. If you follow a line into the material and take a slice transverse to that, the depth along that line would tell you how many atoms or nuclei you would encounter per square unit, as projected onto the face of the slice. If you know the average cross-sectional area of one atom or nuclei, this gives you an idea of the fraction of the face of the slice that is "covered" by these scattering or absorption centers, and thus the fraction of incident radiation that would be blocked by or transmitted through the slice. (Actually, you set up a differential equation known as Beers' Law or by various other names.) The "thickness" (called "optical depth" in some fields of study) thus gives you an idea of how effectively radiation is blocked by or penetrates the specimen.

I'd imagine there are other uses for this concept as well...

FAQ: What is the significance of thickness in terms of particle physics?

1. What is thickness in particle physics?

Thickness in particle physics refers to the distance between the surface of a particle and its center. It is an important measurement in determining the properties and behavior of particles.

2. How is thickness measured in particle physics?

Thickness is typically measured using specialized instruments such as particle detectors, which can track the trajectory of particles and determine their size and shape. Other methods may also be used, such as scattering experiments.

3. What factors affect the thickness of particles?

The thickness of particles can be affected by various factors, including their size, shape, and composition. Other factors such as the energy and interactions of particles can also influence their thickness.

4. Why is thickness important in particle physics?

Thickness is important in particle physics because it can provide insights into the structure and properties of particles. It can also help scientists understand how particles interact with each other and with their environment.

5. Can thickness be changed in particle physics?

Yes, the thickness of particles can be changed through various methods such as collisions with other particles or by altering their energy levels. These changes can provide valuable information about the behavior and properties of particles.
