Simplified Trebuchet Physics: Solving for Omega | Homework Equations

In summary: It is different for m and M because M is much larger than m. Use different symbol for v to make it easier to understand.
  • #1

Homework Statement


The trebuchet is a siege engine that was employed in the Middle Ages to smash castle walls or to lob projectiles over them. A simplified version of a trebuchet is shown in the following figure. A heavy weight of mass M falls under gravity, and thereby lifts a lighter weight of mass m. The motion of the mass M is blocked as shown in the figure, which launches the lighter mass m; the blockade forms an angle θ with the vertical. The mass of the blockade is much larger than all other masses. The shorter arm of the trebuchet is of length H , whereas the longer arm is of length l; the whole beam (both arms) are of mass µ.

Homework Equations

conservation of energy

The Attempt at a Solution

ok i did the solution but i got a super complicated expression for omega i will is it supposed to be that way? and is it possible to get a numerical value for omega from the given information? i have just described my solution in words if you want my actual equations i would gladly post thanks

x y a b are heights above ground
I moment of inertia
v translational velocity of masses

Ei = Ef
Mgx + μ(L+H)gy = Mga + μ(L+H)gb + 1/2 I ω2 + 1/2 Mv2 + 1/2 m v2

y = (L+H)/2 sin tan-1(H/L)
x = (L+H) sin tan-1(H/L)

a = H(1 - cosθ)
b = H + (L-H)/2 cosθ

I = 1/12 μ(L+H)3 + μ(L+H)(L-H)2/4

v of M : ω* H
v of m : ω * L

is this correct?
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  • #2
μ is given as mass of the beam, you shouldn't multiply it by (L+H) to get the mass.

The expressions can get a bit lengthy, yes.
  • #3
I haven't worked out the problem (yet), but this item in your attempt attracted my attention. Expressions such as ##\sin \left [ \tan^{-1}(H/L) \right ]## are ugly and can be simplified. You are looking for ##\sin \theta## where ##\tan \theta = H/L = opp/adj.## Well,
$$\sin \theta = \frac{opp}{hyp}=\frac{H}{\sqrt{H^2+L^2}}.$$
$$\cos \theta = \frac{adj}{hyp}=\frac{L}{\sqrt{H^2+L^2}}.$$

On edit: Your expression for Ef does not include the potential energy of mass m.
On second edit: Angle ##\theta## mentioned in this post is not the same as angle ##\theta## given by the problem. It is the angle formed w.r.t. the horizontal by the arm in its initial position.
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  • #4
oh yah got confused with mass and linear mass density sorry about that

oh you i forgot about potential energy of small mass
and simplification too

i don't understand what you mean by they are different θ they are the same in my working

because for a it is the height above the ground which H(1-cosθ) like a pendulum)

and for b it can be calculated similarly
and finally for small mass m the final height above ground is H + L cosθ
i don't get what you mean by they are different angles
  • #5
vishnu 73 said:

Homework Statement

View attachment 203463
The trebuchet is a siege engine that was employed in the Middle Ages to smash castle walls or to lob projectiles over them. A simplified version of a trebuchet is shown in the following figure. A heavy weight of mass M falls under gravity, and thereby lifts a lighter weight of mass m. The motion of the mass M is blocked as shown in the figure, which launches the lighter mass m; the blockade forms an angle θ with the vertical. The mass of the blockade is much larger than all other masses. The shorter arm of the trebuchet is of length H , whereas the longer arm is of length l; the whole beam (both arms) are of mass µ.

Homework Equations

conservation of energy

The Attempt at a Solution

ok i did the solution but i got a super complicated expression for omega i will is it supposed to be that way? and is it possible to get a numerical value for omega from the given information? i have just described my solution in words if you want my actual equations i would gladly post thanks

x y a b are heights above ground
I moment of inertia
v translational velocity of masses
The heights of what and when are x, y, a, b?
I is moment of inertia about what axis?
v is linear velocity, but it is different for m and M. Use different symbol for them.
  • #6
sorry for the ambiguity was in a rush that day let me explain myself

x is the initial height of mass M above the ground
y is the initial height of centre of mass of rod above the ground
a is the final height of mass M above the ground
b is the final height of centre of mass of rod above the ground
new variable i forgot to include
c is the final height of mass m above the ground

I is the moment of inertia about where the rod is pivotted i had used the parallel axis theorem

vm = ωL
vM = ωH

am i right now?
  • #7
vishnu 73 said:
y = (L+H)/2 sin tan-1(H/L)
x = (L+H) sin tan-1(H/L)
H/L=sin(φ), x=(L+H)sin(φ) and y=sin(φ)(L+H)/2. What are the initial and final potential energies?
Initial state:

Final state

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  • #8
initial potential energy :
μ sinφ (L+H)/2 g + M g (L+H) sinφ

final potential energy
μ (H + (L-H)/2 )cosθ g + M g ( H - H cosθ) + mg(H + Lcosθ)

final kinetic energy
I ω2 + 1/2 M (ω H)2 + 1/2 m (ωL)2

is this correct ?

edit :
what did you use to draw that thanks next time it would be helpful for me to post diagrams thanks.
  • #9
vishnu 73 said:
is this correct ?
What is your zero of potential energy? If it is the ground, then the initial PE is correct. The final PE is not. You need to add distance a (see the diagram posted by @ehild) to all the final vertical distances.
  • #10
vishnu 73 said:
edit :
what did you use to draw that thanks next time it would be helpful for me to post diagrams thanks.
It is "Paint" drawing program of Windows.
  • #11
yes my zero potential energy is ground
but i don't see what height i need to add as far as i know i have accounted for all the heights
please point out to me



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  • #12
vishnu 73 said:
yes my zero potential energy is ground
but i don't see what height i need to add as far as i know i have accounted for all the heights
please point out to me

See figure, and check your heights.

  • #13
vishnu 73 said:
but i don't see what height i need to add as far as i know i have accounted for all the heights
please point out to me
I did in post #9.
kuruman said:
You need to add distance a (see the diagram posted by @ehild) to all the final vertical distances.
  • #14
a = H - Hcosθ

M is a above ground

centre of rod is
H + (L-H)/2 above the ground

the small m is Lcosθ + H above the ground
i still don't see why you need to add another a to the heights
  • #15
vishnu 73 said:
a = H - Hcosθ

M is a above ground

centre of rod is
H + (L-H)/2 above the ground

the small m is Lcosθ + H above the ground
i still don't see why you need to add another a to the heights
a and c are correct, but b is not. The angle is missing.

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  • #16
oh you forgot the cosθ

but isn't this the heights i have i been saying since the start so is it correct? thanks!
  • #17

just for clarification i drew this please don't mind my ugly drawing skills thanks!
is this corrects?
  • #18
vishnu 73 said:
oh you forgot the cosθ

but isn't this the heights i have i been saying since the start so is it correct? thanks!
The drawing is all right. So what is b? Where is cos(theta)?
  • #19
cos theta is the vertical height from edge of blockade to b
that is b is
H + (L-H)/2 cosθ
  • #20
vishnu 73 said:
cos theta is the vertical height from edge of blockade to b
that is b is
H + (L-H)/2 cosθ
correct at last.
  • #21
thanks i will do the problem now and post result for ω soon
  • #22

this is the final expression i am getting for omega is it correct please don't mind because i am not good with latex don't how to type such a long expression in latex
  • #23
vishnu 73 said:
View attachment 203926

this is the final expression i am getting for omega is it correct please don't mind because i am not good with latex don't how to type such a long expression in latex
The kinetic energy of the beam is 1/2 I ω2. It seems to me that you forgot the factor 1/2.
  • #24
oh you other than is the rest correct i just multiply the numerator by 2
  • #25
vishnu 73 said:
oh you other than is the rest correct i just multiply the numerator by 2
No, the kinetic energy of m and M were correct.
And express sinΦ with the given quantities H and L.
  • #26
omg yes so careless i will just put 2 in the denominator of the first two terms in the denominator
sin φ as you said is H/L
  • #27
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FAQ: Simplified Trebuchet Physics: Solving for Omega | Homework Equations

1. What is a trebuchet?

A trebuchet is a medieval siege weapon that uses a counterweight to launch projectiles over long distances.

2. What is "Omega" in simplified trebuchet physics?

"Omega" (represented by the symbol Ω) is the angular velocity of the trebuchet's arm, which is a key variable in determining the projectile's launch angle and distance.

3. How do you solve for "Omega" in simplified trebuchet physics?

To solve for "Omega," you will need to use the equation Ω = √(2gh/(Lcosθ)), where g is the acceleration due to gravity, h is the height of the counterweight, L is the length of the trebuchet's arm, and θ is the desired launch angle.

4. What are the other important equations in simplified trebuchet physics?

In addition to the equation for Ω, other important equations in simplified trebuchet physics include the equation for the projectile's launch angle (θ = tan^-1(LΩ^2/2gh)) and the equation for the projectile's distance (D = Lsecθ).

5. How can understanding simplified trebuchet physics be useful?

Understanding simplified trebuchet physics can be useful for designing and building trebuchets, as well as for understanding the principles of projectile motion and basic mechanics. It can also be a fun and educational way to explore the physics behind a historical weapon.
