Pursuing Multiple Majors in Physics, Math, & CS: Pros & Cons?

In summary: But if you're just looking to get through school with a few easy A's, then you might want to reconsider.In summary, it may not look good to graduate schools if you have earned three bs's, when you're going into say...mathematical physics or other physics/math/computer science fields, but if you have a true interest in those fields, you should be able to handle the credits.
  • #1
I am just not able to settle with two between physics, mathematics, and computer science. I like them all. Would it look bad to graduate schools having earned three bs's, when you're going into say...mathematical physics or other physics/math/computer science fields? I can understand why it would look bad having three majors with no overlap whatsoever, but these three are intertwined. Any suggestions?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
hey Andrew,

first off, make sure your school even allows you to triple major.

also, triple majoring is pretty hard, you might have to spend another semester or even a year in school. why not double major and get a minor in the other one? that looks fine to grad schools.

one last thing, you can always learn on your own. download the course syllabus's and perhaps over the summer or something, start introducing the concepts and doing practice problems, etc.

good luck
  • #3
That's what I'm hoping to do, the second/thirdsyear physics courses here have no pre-reqs so one can study the first year physics over the summer and pick them up next year. It depends on how the majors are constructed at your college.

Good luck.
  • #4
the amount of math that is required for my physics major is like over 75% that of the math program. So I don't see why it would hurt to take some extra courses and earn a math bs. I think I'll just go with physics and csci, take some extra math courses, and at the end see what I have.
  • #5
Tony11235 said:
the amount of math that is required for my physics major is like over 75% that of the math program. So I don't see why it would hurt to take some extra courses and earn a math bs. I think I'll just go with physics and csci, take some extra math courses, and at the end see what I have.

My degree requires only like 25% of the math degree for a physics bs so I think this is something that really varries between colleges.
  • #6
I might have overestimated what I just said. I do know that it's atleast 50% or more.
  • #7
Just do 2, and minor in the third. 3 majors is ridiculous.
  • #8
Hell get a masters. Whats 3 BS's? 3 lower-end job opportunities? Even doubling is pretty iffy. Triple isn't a good idea because undoubtably, you will be pushed into probably a good 6 or 7 years of college which could just as easily be put into a more meaningful masters degree.
  • #9
So even one semester extra makes everything look bad? I wouldn't plan on making my undergraduate bs's carry me through life. I know that getting an advanced degree basically makes the bs's disappear.
  • #10
Stop thinking it looks bad, it doesn't. It is just that your time, energy and money could be better spent on a graduate degree. Decide what you want, take electives in your interests.
  • #11
andrew246 said:
So even one semester extra makes everything look bad? I wouldn't plan on making my undergraduate bs's carry me through life. I know that getting an advanced degree basically makes the bs's disappear.

Yout can complete the requirements of the two other degrees in on extra semester? How is this possible? By taking 22 credits a semester?
  • #12
leright said:
Yout can complete the requirements of the two other degrees in on extra semester? How is this possible? By taking 22 credits a semester?

I've been taking summer courses and an average of like 18 credit hours a semester. At the most, I would give myself 1 to 2 extra semesters. But if it would take longer than that, forget about it, I'd settle with just physics and math or just physics.
  • #13
Here's what I thought is an obvious question that everyone forgot to ask: Are you finding that your classes are that easy that you are getting straight A's?

  • #14
ZapperZ said:
Here's what I thought is an obvious question that everyone forgot to ask: Are you finding that your classes are that easy that you are getting straight A's?


Thats not the case. The classes aren't totally easy, but they're not hard either. My GPA is around 3.1. I hope to improve that of course.

I know some people just couldn't handle taking so many credits a semester because they want other things to do. But I'm the kind of guy that's usually either always on his computer, reading, or studying something.
  • #15
andrew246 said:
I've been taking summer courses and an average of like 18 credit hours a semester. At the most, I would give myself 1 to 2 extra semesters. But if it would take longer than that, forget about it, I'd settle with just physics and math or just physics.

Jesus, just do one major and a minor then work really hard to truly master the concepts (not just get As). Spend your summers doing REUs and then put your time into grad school. If you are truly interested in the other two subjects then just study them independently.
  • #16
leright said:
Jesus, just do one major and a minor then work really hard to truly master the concepts (not just get As). Spend your summers doing REUs and then put your time into grad school. If you are truly interested in the other two subjects then just study them independently.

I don't think mathematics keeps one from mastering concepts in physics. I would think it might help. And it doesn't hurt a physicist to be a decent programmer. I just happened to be obsessed with the three areas.

One other thing. Mastering the concepts is what I look to do more often that get A's. It makes me sick when you talk to students who are only worried about the grade and not what they are actually learning and what it all means.

Thanks for all the advice though.
  • #17
andrew246 said:
I don't think mathematics keeps one from mastering concepts in physics. I would think it might help. And it doesn't hurt a physicist to be a decent programmer. I just happened to be obsessed with the three areas.

One other thing. Mastering the concepts is what I look to do more often that get A's. It makes me sick when you talk to students who are only worried about the grade and not what they are actually learning and what it all means.

Thanks for all the advice though.
YES! I agree wholeheartedly! Learning is much more important that getting As. I am a B+ student, but I know more than most A students. Pisses me off. :mad:

Well, as long as you can truly master the concepts in all majors in only an additional semester, and can do good REU work during your summers then go for it.
  • #18
andrew246 said:
Thats not the case. The classes aren't totally easy, but they're not hard either. My GPA is around 3.1. I hope to improve that of course.

I know some people just couldn't handle taking so many credits a semester because they want other things to do. But I'm the kind of guy that's usually either always on his computer, reading, or studying something.

Then consider this since you are obviously planning on going to graduate school:

1. You are offering "quantity" over "quality". You will end up with three degrees with mediocre grades.

2. What kind of competitive graduate program do you think you can get into with such grades?

3. The classes (especially in physics) WILL get more difficult and more demanding, especially advanced E&M, as you progress in your undergraduate program.

Based on these, how realistic do you think are your chances of getting into a good graduate program in ANY of the areas that you are planning to major in?

  • #19
ZapperZ said:
Then consider this since you are obviously planning on going to graduate school:

1. You are offering "quantity" over "quality". You will end up with three degrees with mediocre grades.

2. What kind of competitive graduate program do you think you can get into with such grades?

3. The classes (especially in physics) WILL get more difficult and more demanding, especially advanced E&M, as you progress in your undergraduate program.

Based on these, how realistic do you think are your chances of getting into a good graduate program in ANY of the areas that you are planning to major in?


mediocre grades will get you into plenty of good schools, assuming you have great GRE scores, lots of letters of recommendation and good connections, and lots of research experience (which he won't have time for if he takes classes every summer) and a TRIPLE major. And yes, the classes do get more difficult, but that doesn't mean he can't improve his grades.

Get the GPA up to at least a 3.4 and you'll be fine.
  • #20
leright said:
mediocre grades will get you into plenty of good schools, assuming you have great GRE scores, lots of letters of recommendation and good connections, and lots of research experience (which he won't have time for if he takes classes every summer) and a TRIPLE major. And yes, the classes do get more difficult, but that doesn't mean he can't improve his grades.

Aren't you making a lot of assumptions here for him?

GRE scores? I know of many good schools that don't even look at GRE scores! Letters of recommendations? What would make an excellent letter of recommendation that would trump mediocre grades when he's busy with all those classes and trying to "improve his grades"? I see a generic letter of recommendation when one doesn't have time to distinguish oneself with extra work. Where and how do you see this happening?

Consider the fact that some of the easiest classes one would encounter in an undergraduate program are during the 1st two years. If you have to do ANY kind of assumption here, how do you think the most likely trend would be based on what has already transpired?

  • #21
ZapperZ said:
Aren't you making a lot of assumptions here for him?

GRE scores? I know of many good schools that don't even look at GRE scores! Letters of recommendations? What would make an excellent letter of recommendation that would trump mediocre grades when he's busy with all those classes and trying to "improve his grades"? I see a generic letter of recommendation when one doesn't have time to distinguish oneself with extra work. Where and how do you see this happening?

Consider the fact that some of the easiest classes one would encounter in an undergraduate program are during the 1st two years. If you have to do ANY kind of assumption here, how do you think the most likely trend would be based on what has already transpired?


If he goes to a smaller school, with class sizes in the 20-30 student range, some professors might see that he is highly knowledgeable and talented in his courses, despite his somewhat poor grades and will discuss this is their letters of recommendation. I know many B students who are far more knowledgeable and skilled than many A students. A good admissions committee will realize that grads are not an all encompassing benchmark of a student's capability.

Also, I know many people who did poorly in their easier lower level coursework, but improved drastically in the tougher upper level coursework. During the beginning, students might have trouble adapting to the college world and this might hurt their GPA, despite the fact that it is easy (relatively speaking). I am sure that he is aware of the increasing difficulty of the coursework as he progresses into his upper level classes when he says he can improve on his GPA.

I am just speaking in terms of feasibility. I am not saying that he will definately be able to get great letters of recommendations and improve his grades. I am just giving him the benefit of the doubt.
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  • #22
leright said:
If he goes to a smaller school, with class sizes in the 20-30 student range, some professors might see that he is highly knowledgeable and talented in his courses, despite his somewhat poor grades and will discuss this is their letters of recommendation. I know many B students who are far more knowledgeable and skilled than many A students. A good admissions committee will realize that grads are not an all encompassing benchmark of a student's capability.

OK, in your observation, is this the exception or the norm?

Last summer, we hired an undergrad summer intern who had a lower GPA than 3 other candidates mainly because he had the skills that we were looking for based on the projects that he did. But I'd be lying big time if I say that this happens frequently. This will give a wrong impression to people going through this process. And in trying to write the essay series that I have posted, I have always tried to explain the "normal" process and then include unusual anecdotal cases simply to illustrate that in SOME instances, unusual things can happen. But to depend on those "what ifs" and unusual circumstances, would one want to put one's future on just the right allignment of the stars and planets?

If this person can do a triple major, hey, more power to him. I am not going to advise otherwise. At this stage in life, one has to be responsible for one's own decision and live with it.

  • #23
If you are really interested in all three, do all three. But, if at some point your interest drains in one or two of your majors, don't hesitate to drop it. I did a spanish and physics double major as an undergrad. Basically, I did the spanish major because I thought it would be easy (I had already lived in S. America). It was easy, but I wasn't interested in it, and it turned out to be a total waste of time (I don't think any grad school really cared that I had a BA in spanish to go along with that BS in physics). In retrospect, I wish I had double majored in physics and math, or physics and chemistry, because both math and chemistry actually interested me. Basically, do what interests you. You won't close any doors by doing so. But, don't kill yourself for the sake of doing something you think others might find useful. Also, you might want to consider actually having some fun in college.
  • #24
Lets just put it this way. I really like all three of these areas, math/csci/physics. Right now I'm taking courses in all three areas. I'll be a sophomore this fall. I wouldn't say that I'm completely committed to all three of them. If there's one that I would feel committed to right now I would say physics. If I start to see that I cannot handle the load and my grades don't rise, I'll lessen up. This semester should test me well. I'm taking a physics course, two computer science courses, one which is just discrete math, partial differential equations, and an easy course from The History and Philosophy of Science deparment.

I've never really been a strait A student, no matter how easy the courses that I currently take are. I don't know why. I make stupid mistakes on tests I guess...IDK...something. Hopefully I can change that, if it's true that all that is ever looked at by graduate schools is the students GPA.

One more question, maybe a stupid one. In this past century, have great discoveries in science ever been made by people that did not complete a masters or phd but had atleast a bs? It doesn't happen these days I know.
  • #25
ZapperZ said:
Then consider this since you are obviously planning on going to graduate school:

1. You are offering "quantity" over "quality". You will end up with three degrees with mediocre grades.

2. What kind of competitive graduate program do you think you can get into with such grades?

3. The classes (especially in physics) WILL get more difficult and more demanding, especially advanced E&M, as you progress in your undergraduate program.

Based on these, how realistic do you think are your chances of getting into a good graduate program in ANY of the areas that you are planning to major in?


Remember I'm not majoring in all three to impress. It is just out of interest. Obsession I should say. Also what is the turning point between mediocre and good grades? Thats something I might want to know.
  • #26
put it this way...there are degrees already for cs/math, math/phys, cs/phys which have considerable overlap. I suggest not doing a triple major because it is not needed, what you may prefer to look into is a double major(one of the 3 above) with the minor.

YOur best bet would proabbly be a cs/math double major and aphys minor in my opeinon. because cs/math foundations are import in any computational science programme. 3D graphics would be of greate help. But what you need is prolly optimization technique/numericals and memory management and data structures and computability from cs. PDE/ODE/relatiivty/QM/anal. mechanics. from math. And maybe complex/dynamical systems. Personally i find discrete math to be a useless subject.

As zapperz said a lot of schools look for good grades. Depending on where you are(i'd assume your in the states where the gre plays also a part, but in Canada and most other places GREs may not be as significant). Research projects/grades/goals/references will probably be wahat you need. Most schools have a cut off limit at a B+ student. But some schools will allow you in if you have something to offer like a cs background.

FAQ: Pursuing Multiple Majors in Physics, Math, & CS: Pros & Cons?

1. What are the benefits of pursuing multiple majors in physics, math, and computer science?

By pursuing multiple majors in these fields, you will have a well-rounded education that combines analytical and problem-solving skills from math and physics, with technical skills from computer science. This can make you a highly desirable candidate for a wide range of job opportunities, including in fields such as engineering, data analysis, and software development.

2. Are there any drawbacks to pursuing multiple majors in these fields?

While the benefits can be great, pursuing multiple majors in physics, math, and computer science can also be challenging and time-consuming. You may have a heavier course load and need to juggle different requirements and deadlines. Additionally, some courses may overlap, making it difficult to fulfill all major requirements within a certain timeframe.

3. How can I manage the workload of pursuing multiple majors in physics, math, and computer science?

Effective time management and organization are key to managing the workload of pursuing multiple majors. Make sure to prioritize and plan out your schedule, and don't be afraid to seek help from professors or tutors if you are struggling in a certain subject. It may also be helpful to join study groups or find a mentor in your field of interest.

4. Will pursuing multiple majors in these fields give me an advantage in graduate school?

Having a diverse educational background in physics, math, and computer science can make you stand out as an applicant for graduate programs, especially if you are interested in interdisciplinary research. It can also demonstrate your ability to handle a rigorous academic workload, which can be appealing to graduate admissions committees.

5. Can I still pursue a career in one specific field with multiple majors in physics, math, and computer science?

Yes, having multiple majors does not limit you to a specific career path. In fact, it can open up various opportunities in fields that require a combination of skills from these disciplines. You can also choose to focus on one specific field for your career, and use your interdisciplinary knowledge to bring a unique perspective to your work.

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