TTU Dynamics: Find normal/angular acceleration of a point on a merry go round

In summary, the problem involves a boy and a girl riding on a frictionless merry go round with a mass moment of inertia of 1/2(mr)R^2. The boy's motion causes the system to rotate about its center of mass, which results in both linear and rotational forces. To find the acceleration experienced by the girl on the outer edge, we can use the equation M = dH/dt, where M is the net torque and H is the angular momentum. After calculating the net torque and using the equation M = Iα, we can relate the angular acceleration to the linear acceleration using the equation a = Rα.
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Green Lantern

Homework Statement

A boy mass mb and a girl mg are riding on a frictionless merry go round mr that has mass moment of inertia I = 1/2(mr)R^2. The boy runs back and forth from center to edge and completes a circuit in 2 seconds. If the initial speed is ωo, what is the acceleration the girl experiences on the outer edge R?

Homework Equations

I = 1/2(m)r^2
F = ma
M = dH/dt
M = F cross r

The Attempt at a Solution

I have as my diagram a circle that I assume spins clockwise. The plane of the circle is the y-z plane, so I have all weights pointing in the -i direction. There is 1 degree of freedom. I can apply F = ma right away and get:

F = -(mr + mb + mg)gi

I am unsure of how to go about tackling the rest of the problem. I have to assume the merry go round is a circular plate. I assume the girl and boy can be treated as point masses, since no mass moment of inertia is given for them. My knowledge of angular dynamics is rusty. What am I not seeing here?
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  • #2

Firstly, it is important to note that the boy's motion will cause the merry go round to rotate about its center of mass. This means that the forces acting on the system will have both linear and rotational components.

To find the acceleration experienced by the girl on the outer edge, we can use the equation M = dH/dt, where M is the net torque acting on the system and H is the angular momentum. In this case, the net torque is caused by the boy's motion, and can be calculated using the equation M = F cross r, where F is the force exerted by the boy and r is the distance from the center of mass to the point where the force is applied (in this case, the edge of the merry go round).

Once you have calculated the net torque, you can use the equation M = Iα to find the angular acceleration α of the merry go round. This can then be related to the linear acceleration a of the girl on the outer edge using the equation a = Rα.

I hope this helps in solving the problem. Good luck!

FAQ: TTU Dynamics: Find normal/angular acceleration of a point on a merry go round

1. What is the difference between normal and angular acceleration?

Normal acceleration refers to the rate of change of an object's speed in a straight line, while angular acceleration refers to the rate of change of an object's rotational speed or angular velocity.

2. How do you find the normal acceleration of a point on a merry go round?

To find the normal acceleration of a point on a merry go round, you can use the formula a = ω^2r, where a is the normal acceleration, ω is the angular velocity, and r is the radius of the circle. This formula assumes that the merry go round is moving at a constant angular velocity.

3. How do you find the angular acceleration of a point on a merry go round?

To find the angular acceleration of a point on a merry go round, you can use the formula α = (ωf - ωi) / t, where α is the angular acceleration, ωf is the final angular velocity, ωi is the initial angular velocity, and t is the time interval. This formula assumes that the merry go round is undergoing a change in angular velocity.

4. What factors can affect the normal and angular acceleration of a point on a merry go round?

The normal acceleration of a point on a merry go round can be affected by the angular velocity and radius of the circle. The angular acceleration can be affected by the change in angular velocity and the time interval.

5. How can understanding TTU Dynamics help in real world applications?

Understanding TTU Dynamics can help in real world applications such as designing and optimizing amusement park rides, analyzing the motion of vehicles on circular tracks, and understanding the forces acting on objects in rotational motion. It can also be applied in engineering and physics fields such as robotics, aerospace, and mechanics.
