Exploring Uncountable Infinite Bases in Mathematics

In summary: No, that's not it. You are trying to prove that the columns are linearly independent.I've already proven that the columns are linearly independent. I was just explaining the remaining proof after that.If there is a non-trivial choice of the ai that makes the linear combination of the fri 0, then there is a non-zero column vector in the kernel of that nxn matrix, which means that the columns are linearly dependent, which means that there is an (n-1)-degree polynomial with n distinct roots, contradiction. Thus there is no non-trivial choice for the ai.Ok, the problem is solved. AK
  • #1
The question and my partial solution is in the link. Please help me finish it off. Thanks.
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  • #2
Please post your work in a non-proprietary format that those of us not blessed with MS word can read easily. Freely available programs that open Word documents are usually terrible for those that contain anything other than the plainest text (i.e. any maths content will be completely buggered).

Better yet, just type it into the forum directly.
  • #3
When I tried to copy the contents of my Word file onto here, the symbols did not show. Ok, so I took a gif picture of my Word file. The links are below.
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  • #4
You got confused with the notation. At one moment, the hint is using the subscript on fr to determine the function, i.e. fr = (1, r, r2, ...). Next, they are using the subscripts to index, so when they talk about f1, ..., fn, they just mean any n functions (from T), i.e. not that fn = (1, n, n2, ...). To be more clear, let's instead think about

[tex]f_{r_1},\, f_{r_2},\, \dots ,\, f_{r_n}[/tex]

If these are linearly dependent, then there exists a set of reals, {a1, ..., an} not all zero such that:

[tex]\sum _{i = 1} ^n a_if_{r_i} = 0[/tex]

Thus, for ANY vector v in V, we get:

[tex]\sum _{i = 1} ^n a_if_{r_i}(v) = 0(v) = 0[/tex]

In particular, this holds (simultaneously) for v0, v1, ..., vn-1, so we get:

[tex]\sum _{i = 1} ^n a_if_{r_i}(v_0) = \sum _{i=1} ^n a_i = 0[/tex]

[tex]\sum _{i = 1} ^n a_if_{r_i}(v_0) = \sum _{i=1} ^n a_ir_i = 0[/tex]


[tex]\sum _{i = 1} ^n a_if_{r_i}(v_0) = \sum _{i=1} ^n a_ir_i^{n-1} = 0[/tex]


1 & 1 & \dots & 1\\
r_1 & r_2 & \dots & r_n \\
\vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\
r_1^{n-1} & r_2^{n-1} & \dots & r_n^{n-1}
\vdots \\
\vdots \\

You should be able to prove that the ai are all zero from here. Prove it by contradiction, and think about how many roots a k-degree polynomial can have. The fact that T is linearly independent then follows immediately. I don't think you need to show that T spans your space, because showing that T is a basis is overkill, is it not? If T is uncountable and linearly independent, then surely any (not the) basis for your space is uncountable.
  • #5
Thank you very much AKG. So the problem was that the hint was vaguely written. Had I known what they meant exactly, I could have found that eventually.

The columns of the nxn matrix in your last line are linearly independent and so the matrix is invertible. Left multiplying both sides of the equation by the inverse matrix results in the ai all being zero.
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  • #6
andytoh said:
Thank you very much AKG. So the problem was that the hint was vaguely written. Had I known what they meant exactly, I could have found that eventually.

The columns of the nxn matrix in your last line are linearly independent and so the matrix is invertible. Left multiplying both sides of the equation by the inverse matrix results in the ai all being zero.
No, that's not it. You are trying to prove that the columns are linearly independent.
  • #7
I've already proven that the columns are linearly independent. I was just explaining the remaining proof after that.
  • #8
Oh, I see. I went about it a different way:

If there is a non-trivial choice of the ai that makes the linear combination of the fri 0, then there is a non-zero column vector in the kernel of that nxn matrix, which means that the columns are linearly dependent, which means that there is an (n-1)-degree polynomial with n distinct roots, contradiction. Thus there is no non-trivial choice for the ai.
  • #9
Ok, the problem is solved. AKG, please check your private mail. I believe your specialty is linear algebra, abstract algebra, topology, and vector calculus. The exercises that I will be doing for the next many months will be differential topology, differential geometry, tensor analysis, riemannian geometry.

FAQ: Exploring Uncountable Infinite Bases in Mathematics

1. What is an uncountable infinite basis?

An uncountable infinite basis is a set of vectors that spans an infinite-dimensional vector space. This means that any vector in the space can be written as a linear combination of the basis vectors. The term "uncountable" refers to the fact that there are infinitely many basis vectors, and they cannot be counted or listed in a finite way.

2. How is an uncountable infinite basis different from a countable infinite basis?

A countable infinite basis is a set of vectors that spans a countably infinite-dimensional vector space. This means that the basis vectors can be listed or indexed in a countable way, such as the set of all positive integers. In contrast, an uncountable infinite basis has infinitely many basis vectors that cannot be listed in a countable way.

3. Why are uncountable infinite bases important in mathematics?

Uncountable infinite bases are important in mathematics because they allow us to study and understand infinite-dimensional vector spaces. These spaces have many applications in fields such as physics, engineering, and computer science. Additionally, uncountable infinite bases are closely related to other important mathematical concepts such as Hilbert spaces and Banach spaces.

4. How do mathematicians prove the existence of uncountable infinite bases?

Mathematicians use a concept called the Axiom of Choice to prove the existence of uncountable infinite bases. This axiom states that given any collection of non-empty sets, it is possible to choose one element from each set and form a new set. Using this axiom, mathematicians can construct uncountable infinite bases by choosing one basis vector from each dimension of the vector space.

5. Can all vector spaces have an uncountable infinite basis?

No, not all vector spaces have an uncountable infinite basis. For a vector space to have an uncountable infinite basis, it must be infinite-dimensional and satisfy certain properties. For example, a finite-dimensional vector space cannot have an uncountable infinite basis. Additionally, some infinite-dimensional vector spaces may not have an uncountable infinite basis, depending on their structure and the choice of axioms used.
