Why is the impulse response flipped in the convolution definition?

  • Thread starter spaghetti3451
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In summary, convolution is a mathematical operation that is defined as the integral of the product of two functions, one of which is reflected and shifted. This definition allows for the many useful properties of convolution, such as commutativity, and is essential for applications in fields such as probability theory and electrical engineering. The use of convolution in the time domain is equivalent to multiplication in the frequency domain, making it a valuable tool in signal processing.
  • #1
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  • #2
failexam said:
I am trying to understand wikipedia's definition of convolution: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convolution#Definition .

I'm wondering why g(tau) is flipped in the definition.

Try to be more precise in your question. The wikipedia article looks fine.
  • #3
That's for sure! I just don't understand why g(tau) has to be flipped. (why has convolutio been defined in this way?)
  • #4
Because everything works that way. A better question might be "what are the uses for convolution". On example I know is from probability theory. Say you have a random variable X and a random variable Y, then you might want to figure out the distribution of the random variable X+Y. That is, you might want to ask questions like, what is

[tex]P\{X+Y\leq 0\}[/tex]

It appears that the distribution of X+Y is exactly the convolution of the distributions of X and Y. If tau wasn't "flipped" in the definition, then this wouldn't work anymore.

Also, for the convolution to have the many nice properties it has now, we must have defined the convolution this way and not another If "tau were flipped", then I don't think the convolution would have been commutative for example. (but you should check this).
  • #5
If the -tau in g(t - tau) is were positive instead, it would be something that is called http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross_correlation" .

One thing you may know about convolution is the output of an LTI system is the convolution of the input signal with the impulse response of system.

Let's say f is the input and g is the impulse response of the system. So, if f(tau) was an impulse at tau = 0, the output of the system should just be g(t), and the convolution integral is also equal to g(t). But what if the input f(tau) was instead an impulse at tau = 1? Then, I would expect the same response, only delayed by 1, so the response should be g(t - 1). The convolution integral in this case is equal to g(t - 1), just like I would expect.

If instead we used the cross correlation of the impulse at 1 and g, the integral would be equal to g(t + 1).
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  • #6
In Electrical Engineering we learn that
Convolution in the Time Domain (TD) = Multiplication in the Frequency Domain (FD)

As said above
"One thing you may know about convolution is the output of an LTI system is the convolution of the input signal with the impulse response of system."
This is the Time Domain.

If you take the Laplace Transform of the input and then the Impulse Response and multiply them, you get the Output in FD. Take the inverse Laplace Xform of this Output and you get the result of the convolution in the TD.

FAQ: Why is the impulse response flipped in the convolution definition?

What is convolution and how does it work?

Convolution is a mathematical operation used to combine two functions to produce a third function. In the context of signal processing and image analysis, it is used to extract features from an input signal or image by applying a filter or kernel. This is done by sliding the filter over the input and multiplying the corresponding values. The result is then summed up to produce a new value for the output signal or image.

What are the applications of convolution?

Convolution has many practical applications in fields such as signal processing, image analysis, and machine learning. It is used in image and audio recognition, noise reduction, edge detection, and feature extraction. It is also used in natural language processing for tasks such as sentiment analysis and part-of-speech tagging.

What are the key components of convolution?

The key components of convolution are the input signal or image, the filter or kernel, and the output signal or image. The input is typically a one-dimensional signal or a two-dimensional image, while the filter is a smaller matrix of numbers that is used to extract features from the input. The output is the result of the convolution operation, which can be a one-dimensional or two-dimensional signal depending on the input.

What is the difference between 1D and 2D convolution?

1D convolution is used for processing one-dimensional signals, such as audio or time series data. 2D convolution, on the other hand, is used for processing two-dimensional signals, such as images. The main difference between the two is the dimensionality of the input and the filter. In 1D convolution, the input and filter are both one-dimensional, while in 2D convolution, the input and filter are both two-dimensional.

What are some common techniques used to optimize convolution for faster computation?

Some common techniques used to optimize convolution for faster computation include using smaller filters, using sparse convolution, implementing convolution using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), and using parallel processing. These techniques help reduce the number of operations required for convolution, making it more efficient and faster to compute.

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