Unique nth Roots in the Reals - Rudin 1.21

  • Thread starter gwsinger
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In summary, Rudin's proof in Principles of Mathematical Analysis 1.21 shows that for every positive real x, there exists a unique positive nth root y. However, there seems to be a simpler way to show the existence of an element h that satisfies the necessary conditions, which would lead to the desired conclusion with fewer steps. The alternative method involves using a function and the intermediate value theorem. It is unclear why Rudin chooses to introduce extra criteria for h, which adds unnecessary steps to his proof.
  • #1
Unique nth Roots in the Reals -- Rudin 1.21

In Principles of Mathematical Analysis 1.21, Rudin sets out to show that for every positive real x there exists a unique positive nth root y. The proof is rather long and I would like to zoom into the portion of it where it seems that Rudin takes too many steps to show a sub-conclusion. This is where Rudin chooses an element h ∈ R such that the following two conditions hold:

(1) 0 < h < 1
(2) h < (x-yn) / n(y+1)n-1

He does this to say that since

(y+h)n - yn < hn(y+h)n-1 < hn(y+1)n-1 < x - yn

follows, we can then observe (y+h)n < x which comes from the first and last terms in the longer inequality above.

So my question/objection is as follows: why not just merely choose "h" to satisfy

(1a) 0 < h
(2a) h < (x - yn) / n(y+h)n-1

...? This way we could get to our conclusion much faster since

(y+h)n - yn < hn(y+h)n-1 < x - yn

implies with fewer steps that

(y+h)n < x.
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  • #2

gwsinger said:
why not just merely choose "h" to satisfy

(1a) 0 < h
(2a) h < (x - yn) / n(y+h)n-1

There is an h in the right-hand side and an h in the left-hand side. So showing the very existence of such an h will be less trivial than how Rudin does it.
  • #3

There is an h in the right-hand side and an h in the left-hand side. So showing the very existence of such an h will be less trivial than how Rudin does it.

Well, here is my attempt at a proof that there exists an h with the two conditions Rudin lays out:

(1) 0 < h < 1
(2) 0 < h < [x – yn] / [n(y+1)n-1]

Let ⊥ = [x – yn] / [n(y+1)n-1]

First observe that ⊥ > 0 since it is really just the two positive quantities of (x-yn) and 1/[n(y+1)n-1] being multiplied together (which is positive by axiom).

Next note that by trichotomy ⊥ < 1 or ⊥ = 1 or ⊥ > 1.

If ⊥ ≤ 1, then let H = {h ∈ Q: 0 < h < ⊥}. We know that H is non-empty since we can say from Rudin 1.20(b) that there always exists a rational number in between two reals. In this case, there will be an h between 0 and ⊥ (which we know is real by the closure axiom).

Similarly, if ⊥ > 1, then let H = {h ∈ Q: 0 < h < 1 < ⊥}. Likewise we know that H is non-empty since we know there exists a rational between the two reals of 0 and 1.

Hence we have shown that ∃h(h ∈ Q ∧ (0 < h < 1) ∧ h < ⊥)

Relating this proof to my original question, we could show using a similar (but again much easier!) proof that there exists an h which satisfies the following criteria:

(1a) 0 < h
(2a) h < (x - yn) / n(y+h)n-1

…which would, with fewer steps, lead to the conclusion that (y+h)n < x, which is what Rudin is going after to begin with. Is there anything I’m missing? Can anyone think of why Rudin would introduce the extra criteria for h which leads to extra steps to show his sub-conclusion?
  • #4

Kind of off topic but another way to show the exsistence of nth roots is consider the function f(x) = x^n. It is increasing on [0, 00), and since the function is one to one, you can take its inverse and then with the intermediate value theorem to get the result.

FAQ: Unique nth Roots in the Reals - Rudin 1.21

1. What is the definition of a unique nth root in the Reals according to Rudin 1.21?

A unique nth root in the Reals, according to Rudin 1.21, is a real number such that when raised to the nth power, it equals the given real number. In other words, it is a number that satisfies the equation a^n = x, where a is the unique nth root and x is the given real number.

2. How is the concept of unique nth roots related to the topic of real analysis?

The concept of unique nth roots is a fundamental concept in real analysis. It is used to define the notion of a real number raised to a rational power, which is essential in understanding the properties of real numbers. Moreover, the existence and uniqueness of nth roots play a crucial role in proving the completeness property of the real numbers.

3. Can a real number have multiple nth roots in the Reals?

No, according to Rudin 1.21, a real number can only have one unique nth root in the Reals. This is because of the uniqueness property of the real numbers, which states that for any given real number, there can only be one number that satisfies the equation a^n = x.

4. What is the difference between nth roots in the Reals and nth roots in the Complex numbers?

The main difference between nth roots in the Reals and the Complex numbers is that in the Reals, nth roots are always real numbers, while in the Complex numbers, nth roots can be complex numbers. This is because in the Reals, the nth root of a negative number is not defined, while in the Complex numbers, it is defined using imaginary numbers.

5. How are nth roots related to the concept of inverse functions in real analysis?

In real analysis, the concept of nth roots is closely related to the concept of inverse functions. This is because taking the nth root of a number is the inverse operation of raising a number to the nth power. In other words, nth roots and powers are inverse operations of each other, similar to how addition and subtraction, and multiplication and division are inverse operations.
