Units for moment of inertia of a circle

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of mm^4 and R^4 for calculating moment of inertia. It is revealed that R is a constant used to represent different radii in the formula, and the units for moment of inertia should be [length]^4. The conversation also touches on the use of R in calculations and the importance of keeping it in the final answer. It is suggested to leave R in the calculations for a more general solution.
  • #1
Gold Member
We've always been using mm^4, but I see in my answer book (answer written below) that one solution says R^4. Is it the same thing, just that R^4 is used for a circle? The measurement in my exercise are in mm.

I did get the answer, I just wasn't aware I was supposed to write it in terms of R^4.


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  • #2
I think R is just a constant used to give the radiuses, and is not a unit. Moment of inertia/second moment of area should have dimension [length]4.
  • #3
So was I correct to put in my answer 1.35 mm^4? (that's what come out if you do the calculations for polar moment of inertia on this object)
  • #4
Well, if the units of R are not given, I would leave things in terms of R.
  • #5
The units of R are mm^4 :) So I was correct, yes?
  • #6
Did you leave the R^4 in? (1.35mm^4 is not 1.35*R^4 mm^4)

If so, yes. Otherwise, (without having done the problem) I'd say you were off by a factor of R^4 based on what I presume is the answer key up there.
  • #7
I see. I'm not quite sure I have the intuitive understanding of "why" I need to add that R, I thought that R is just a part of the formulas for polar moment of inertia, and then you just leave the result "as in" and add the units.
  • #8
This is a different R, and is a constant used to give the lengths you need to put into the formula.

So, the radius for the big circle is r=R, so you'd plug in R for r in the formula, and similar for the other parts.

For that matter, let's do something simple, finding the area of the big circle. A = πr2, of course, and since the big circle is radius R, you'd get A = πR2. Same idea for area moment of inertia.

(As an aside, I really hate the ISO standards they used in that drawing :smile:)
  • #9
For that matter, let's do something simple, finding the area of the big circle. A = πr2, of course, and since the big circle is radius R, you'd get A = πR2. Same idea for area moment of inertia.

For area I'd just do

pi x radius^2 = 3.1415926... mm^2

No need to use R in the answer.

This is a different R, and is a constant used to give the lengths you need to put into the formula.

So I add it to every moment of inertia of circular objets calculations? Is it just for polar moment of inertia?
  • #10
Femme_physics said:
For area I'd just do

pi x radius^2 = 3.1415926... mm^2

No need to use R in the answer.

But the radius is not 1, it is R. (R is a number here, it is not the r in the formula. You plug R into r.)

Think algebraically. If I gave you f(x)=x^2 and told you to find f(B), what would you do? It's the same with r and R.

Femme_physics said:
So I add it to every moment of inertia of circular objets calculations? Is it just for polar moment of inertia?

The various radiuses given in terms of R would still have Rs.
  • #11
Looking at your diagram the radii are not given in mm so your answer cannot be in mm4.

The outer radius of the disk is R

The pitch circle of the holes is 0.5R

The radius of the holes os 0.25R

Whatever R is.

If you like R is a scale factor.

This is not the usual engineering drawing convention where R stands for radius and the units are understood. If that was the case then R would not appear in the answer.
  • #12
But the radius is not 1, it is R. (R is a number here, it is not the r in the formula. You plug R into r.)
Oh, you're right. I forgot that I defined R as 1. I am allowed to do that, I believe.
  • #13
Looking at your diagram the radii are not given in mm so your answer cannot be in mm4.

The outer radius of the disk is R

The pitch circle of the holes is 0.5R

The radius of the holes os 0.25R

Whatever R is.

If you like R is a scale factor.

In my answer here I defined R as 1, so is that legit that I just leave it as mm^4?

Attached my answer


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  • #14
Your final answer is correct, but I'd leave the R in in your calculations. R is arbitrary, so if you want a general solution you can't redefine R.
  • #15
jhae2.718 said:
Your final answer is correct, but I'd leave the R in in your calculations. R is arbitrary, so if you want a general solution you can't redefine R.

I see what you mean, good idea. Thanks to you both.
  • #16
I forgot that I defined R as 1

Much haste, less speed.

  • #17
Well put monsieur :)
  • #18

I Like Serena said:
My attention was also drawn to 6.7 which isn't quite right. The numbers are correct, but the units are not.
I recommend you remove the mm4 everywhere, because they really should not be there.

But, what other units am I supposed to write there? I am calculating moment of inertia after all, and these are the units.
  • #19
Femme_physics said:

But, what other units am I supposed to write there? I am calculating moment of inertia after all, and these are the units.

In your calculation you have set R to 1.
I assume that is something your teacher did as well, did he?
However, this is a bit tricky.
This is because R is an unknown quantity that has not been given.

R might for instance be R=1 mm, which is basically what you have done.
Then you would get the result you calculated in mm4.
That is, you would have:
I0 = 1.35 mm4.

Note that R is not included in the result!

However, suppose R=2 mm.
Then all the calculations will be basically the same, except that in the final answer there will be an extra factor 24.
That is, you would have:
I0 = 1.35 x 24 mm4

I could also write this as:
I0 = 1.35 x (2 mm)4

Or: :)
I0 = 1.35 x R4

Note that mm4 is not included in the result!
  • #20
To be fair my first intuition was actually NOT to write R, but jhae said

Your final answer is correct, but I'd leave the R in in your calculations. R is arbitrary, so if you want a general solution you can't redefine R.

So that's a bit conflicting! Unless he meant that I drop mm^4 and just leave R in? It's just really hard/painful for me to see a result without units!
  • #21
Femme_physics said:
To be fair my first intuition was actually NOT to write R, but jhae said

jhae said:
Your final answer is correct, but I'd leave the R in in your calculations. R is arbitrary, so if you want a general solution you can't redefine R.

So that's a bit conflicting! Unless he meant that I drop mm^4 and just leave R in? It's just really hard/painful for me to see a result without units!

Yes, he meant that you drop mm^4 and just leave R in.
The unit is "embedded" in R.

Consider that now you have
I0=1.35 x R4 mm4

If you wanted to calculate the result for say R=2 mm, you'd get:
I0=1.35 x (2 mm)4 mm4

Which is:
I0=1.35 x 24 mm8

Somehow that doesn't look quite right...? :rolleyes:
  • #22
You must leave your answer as 1.35R4.

Too late...
  • #23
Oh, I see what you both mean. Thanks. Still, force of habit to use mm^4. I'll just be removing the R. As long as my answer is true to my definition of R.
  • #24
You really shouldn't get to attached to one particular unit (mm4)...

What if you had to deal with cm4? Or m4? Or even furlongs4?

It's best to think of area moment of inertia having dimension [length]4.
  • #25
You're right, but all our calculations have been with mm^4 so until I run into some other type of measurements of moment of inertia, I'll stick with mm^4. I think it makes more sense to my classmates to see mm^4 (I post all these answers in a solution blog), I'd hate them to start asking too many questions-- they already piled enough I reckon.
  • #26
Femme_physics said:
(I post all these answers in a solution blog)

  • #28
Oh, you're only a mechanical engineer, so who cares...:biggrin:

That's Hebrew, right?
  • #29
Right! That's Hebrew.

The degree I'm going for is mechatronics, actually.

And "only a mech. engineer"? Do I sense an air of superiority about thee, sir? Yes...smells like a physicist, that one.
  • #30
Femme_physics said:
And "only a mech. engineer"? Do I sense an air of superiority about thee, sir? Yes...smells like a physicist, that one.


(I'll leave it at that since I kind of derailed the thread. Have to remember this is one of the serious forums...:blushing:)

FAQ: Units for moment of inertia of a circle

1. What is the unit for moment of inertia of a circle?

The unit for moment of inertia of a circle is kilogram-meter squared (kg·m²). This unit is derived from the SI unit for mass (kilogram) and the SI unit for distance (meter).

2. How is the moment of inertia of a circle calculated?

The moment of inertia of a circle is calculated by multiplying the mass of the circle by the square of its radius. The formula for moment of inertia is I = mr², where I is the moment of inertia, m is the mass, and r is the radius.

3. Can the moment of inertia of a circle be negative?

No, the moment of inertia of a circle cannot be negative. It is a physical property that represents the resistance of an object to changes in its rotational motion. Therefore, it must always be a positive value.

4. How does the moment of inertia of a circle compare to other shapes?

The moment of inertia of a circle is typically smaller than that of other shapes with the same mass, such as a rectangle or a triangle. This is because the mass in a circle is evenly distributed around the center, resulting in a smaller moment of inertia compared to shapes with more mass concentrated at the edges.

5. Can the moment of inertia of a circle change?

Yes, the moment of inertia of a circle can change if the mass or radius of the circle changes. It can also change if the circle's axis of rotation changes, as the moment of inertia is dependent on the axis of rotation. However, for a given circle with a fixed mass and radius, the moment of inertia will remain constant.

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