Unruh temperature in gravitational field

In summary, the Unruh effect states that an observer with an acceleration of ##g## will observe the temperature of the vacuum to be $$T=\frac{\hbar g}{2 \pi c k_B}.$$ According to the equivalence principle, this same temperature should be measured by an observer on a planet with a surface gravitational field of ##g##. However, this scenario is only achievable if the planet is in thermal equilibrium with the vacuum, which does not occur in the real universe due to the presence of matter and energy. While the Earth's surface may act as a particle detector and generate Unruh radiation, it is too small to be detectable. The source of energy for this radiation could potentially come from the vacuum itself
  • #1
According to the Unruh effect an observer who is has an acceleration ##g## will observe the temperature of the vacuum to be
$$T=\frac{\hbar g}{2 \pi c k_B}.$$
According to the equivalence principle the observer should measure the same Unruh temperature if he is sitting on a planet whose surface gravitational field has a strength of ##g##.

Is this correct?

As the Unruh and Hawking temperature are very similar does this mean that all gravitating bodies have a Hawking/Unruh temperature that could in principle be detected by a distant observer?
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  • #2
jcap said:
According to the equivalence principle the observer should measure the same Unruh temperature if he is sitting on a planet whose surface gravitational field has a strength of ##g##.

Is this correct?

If the planet is surrounded by vacuum and is in thermal equilibrium with it, yes. But of course this never actually happens. See below.

jcap said:
As the Unruh and Hawking temperature are very similar does this mean that all gravitating bodies have a Hawking/Unruh temperature that could in principle be detected by a distant observer?

No. The temperature in question is the temperature of a vacuum--the Hawking temperature of a black hole assumes that the hole is vacuum, with no matter or energy present (just spacetime curvature). As soon as you add matter and energy, you change the scenario. As above, the only way to recover a scenario similar to the vacuum one would be if all of the matter and energy were in thermal equilibrium with the vacuum. But in the real universe that never happens. (Why? If nothing else, because the CMBR is present in the real universe and its temperature is way, way above the Unruh/Hawking temperature for any achievable acceleration and any achievable mass for a black hole).
  • #3
jcap said:
According to the Unruh effect an observer who is has an acceleration ##g## will observe the temperature of the vacuum to be
$$T=\frac{\hbar g}{2 \pi c k_B}.$$
According to the equivalence principle the observer should measure the same Unruh temperature if he is sitting on a planet whose surface gravitational field has a strength of ##g##.

Is this correct?

jcap said:
As the Unruh and Hawking temperature are very similar does this mean that all gravitating bodies have a Hawking/Unruh temperature that could in principle be detected by a distant observer?
If we interpret the surface of the Earth as one big particle detector, then the Earth's surface should get heated by Unruh effect. This heat must create standard thermal radiation, which is not Hawking radiation. This thermal radiation can, in principle, be seen by a distant observer. Of course, the whole effect is too small to be detectable.
  • #4
Demystifier said:
Yes.If we interpret the surface of the Earth as one big particle detector, then the Earth's surface should get heated by Unruh effect. This heat must create standard thermal radiation, which is not Hawking radiation. This thermal radiation can, in principle, be seen by a distant observer. Of course, the whole effect is too small to be detectable.

So where does the Unruh effect energy come from? If the matter in the Earth is stable then it must come from the vacuum itself when it is subjected to a gravitational field. In that case is the law of conservation of energy violated?
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  • #5
jcap said:
So where does the Unruh effect energy come from? If the matter in the Earth is stable then it must come from the vacuum itself. Is the law of conservation of energy violated?
Why do you think that Earth is stable? The gravitational collapse of the Earth is prevented by some non-gravitational forces between atoms. These non-gravitational forces are a source of potential energy, which might act as a source of energy for Unruh radiation.

FAQ: Unruh temperature in gravitational field

What is the Unruh temperature in a gravitational field?

The Unruh temperature is a theoretical concept in quantum field theory that describes the temperature experienced by an accelerating observer in a gravitational field. It is based on the idea that an observer in an accelerating frame of reference will perceive vacuum energy as thermal radiation.

How is the Unruh temperature related to the Hawking temperature?

The Unruh temperature and the Hawking temperature are both related to the concept of vacuum energy and its perceived temperature by an observer. However, the Unruh temperature is associated with an accelerating observer in a gravitational field, while the Hawking temperature is associated with black holes.

Can the Unruh temperature be measured?

Currently, the Unruh temperature cannot be measured directly as it requires an observer to undergo constant acceleration in a strong gravitational field. However, experiments have been proposed to indirectly observe the effects of the Unruh temperature using analog systems.

What are the implications of the Unruh temperature in our understanding of gravity?

The concept of the Unruh temperature highlights the close connection between quantum mechanics and general relativity. It suggests that gravity plays a role in the behavior of quantum systems and raises questions about the nature of spacetime and the fundamental laws of physics.

How does the Unruh temperature affect the behavior of particles in a gravitational field?

The Unruh temperature can lead to the creation of particles in a gravitational field, even in regions that are considered empty by a non-accelerating observer. These particles can have significant effects on the behavior of matter in strong gravitational fields, such as near black holes.

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