Fiber Optic Illumination System Research: Calculating Power & Length

In summary, the conversation is about using fiber optics for illuminating a room with solar power. The formulas for determining the necessary length and number of fibers are based on the Numerical Aperture (NA) of the fiber and the intensity of light from the sun. Plastic optical fibers are a more durable and affordable option for this purpose.
  • #1
Hello everyone,
Am having a research about the use of fiber optics in illuminating a room for example by taking solar power.
What are the formulas that are used in order to know how much length do we need and how many fibers we need in order to have for example the power of a 60 watt lamp?

I appreciate it.
Thank you.
Science news on
  • #2
Fibers can transport quite a bit of power, the losses depend on the bends. You will need some collimating optics. Why don't you approximate the necessary sizes by the size of a window that you would put into the same room. I am sure there are good books about this.
  • #3
As far as delivering/accepting the light:

The amount of light a fiber can collect is based on it's Numerical Aperture (NA). The math for this is based on a index of refraction of the core and a cladding that the fiber is made of. Basically the NA tells you which light will enter and stay in your fiber as a function of angle.

For transporting a large amount of light for illumination plastic optical fiber will work well enough and be much easier to work with. They are based on the same principles but much more durable, easier to work with, and cheaper.

Then knowing the intensity of light from the sun in your area and the angle at which the fiber will be placed in relation to the sun you can figure out how much light to expect. This will of course vary throughout the day as the light from the sun has to go through more atmosphere and the angle of incidence to your fiber/window changes.
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FAQ: Fiber Optic Illumination System Research: Calculating Power & Length

1. What is a fiber optic illumination system?

A fiber optic illumination system is a type of lighting system that uses optical fibers to transmit light from a source to a desired location. It is commonly used in medical and industrial applications, as well as in telecommunications and data transmission.

2. How does a fiber optic illumination system work?

A fiber optic illumination system works by using a light source, such as an LED or laser, to generate light. This light is then directed into an optical fiber, which acts as a conduit for the light to travel through. The fiber is coated with a reflective material that keeps the light from escaping, allowing it to travel long distances without losing intensity. The light is then ultimately directed to the desired location through the use of lenses and mirrors.

3. Why is it important to calculate power and length in fiber optic illumination system research?

Calculating power and length in fiber optic illumination system research is important because it helps determine the efficiency and effectiveness of the system. By knowing the power and length of the optical fibers, researchers can optimize the system for maximum performance and ensure that it meets the desired lighting requirements.

4. What factors affect the power and length in fiber optic illumination systems?

Several factors can affect the power and length in fiber optic illumination systems. These include the type of light source used, the quality and design of the optical fibers, the type of connectors and couplers used, and external factors such as temperature and humidity.

5. How is power and length calculated in fiber optic illumination system research?

In fiber optic illumination system research, power is typically measured in watts (W) and length is measured in meters (m). To calculate power, researchers can use a power meter to measure the amount of light emitted from the source. To calculate length, researchers can use a light source and a detector to measure the amount of light that reaches the end of the fiber. By comparing these measurements, the length of the fiber can be determined. Additionally, there are online calculators and software programs available for more precise calculations.

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