Where Can I Find Vector Algebra Videos for Electromagnetic Studies?

In summary, the conversation was about finding resources for learning Vector Algebra, specifically concepts like 'Curl' and 'Divergence' for an Electromagnetic module. Various resources were suggested, such as searching for online lectures or books on Calculus 3, Intermediate Mechanics, and Math Methods for Physics. The book "Mathematical Physics: Applied Mathematics for Scientists and Engineers" by Bruce Kusse and Erik Westwig was recommended as a good resource for advanced undergraduates. The option of renting books from websites like Chegg was also mentioned as a cheaper alternative to buying books.
  • #1
Dear all,

Anyone happan to have good online lecture video links on Vector Algebra? I need to get an understanding of things like 'Curl', 'Divergence' etc which I will be using it for my Electromagnetic module.

Any help/advise will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Mathematics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Search for calc 3. That's where I learned vector calculus. I don't recal ever seeing a course called vector calculus. ALso search for.

Intermediate mechanics
Math methods for physics
  • #3
rela said:
Dear all,

Anyone happan to have good online lecture video links on Vector Algebra? I need to get an understanding of things like 'Curl', 'Divergence' etc which I will be using it for my Electromagnetic module.

Any help/advise will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


I don't know of a video but I got a book from the library yesterday and I like it and might buy one. I will wait two weeks for people to sell their books and then buy a used one.
The book is "Mathematical Physics: Applied Mathematics for Scientists and Engineers" by Bruce Kusse and Erik Westwig (Wiley, 1998). There is a paperback version published two years ago and it costs $100 new. The book is written for advanced undergraduates and is easier to understand than Arfken's books, which are written for graduate students.

You might also look for Mary Boas' "Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences".
If you don't want to buy, you can rent books from one of several places, Chegg being one.
I believe check has the lowest prices for book rentals, being approximately 50% of the retail book price. I rented one book from them (http://www.chegg.com) and they pay the return cost. You just print a label from their website, slap it onto a UPS pouch and put the book inside along with an invoice copy and take it to UPS or the UPS Store. Just be sure to record the tracking number before returning it.

FAQ: Where Can I Find Vector Algebra Videos for Electromagnetic Studies?

1. What is vector algebra?

Vector algebra is a branch of mathematics that deals with the manipulation and properties of vectors, which are quantities that have both magnitude and direction. It is used in many fields, including physics, engineering, and computer graphics.

2. Why are online lectures needed for vector algebra?

Online lectures for vector algebra provide a convenient and accessible way for students to learn and practice the concepts. They also allow for more flexibility in terms of scheduling and pace of learning.

3. Who can benefit from these online lectures?

These online lectures can benefit anyone who wants to learn vector algebra, whether they are students studying the subject in school or professionals looking to refresh their knowledge. They can also be helpful for individuals who prefer self-paced learning or have busy schedules.

4. What topics are typically covered in these online lectures?

Online lectures for vector algebra typically cover topics such as vector addition, subtraction, scalar multiplication, dot and cross product, vector projections, and vector equations. They may also cover applications of vector algebra in different fields.

5. How can I get started with these online lectures?

To get started with these online lectures, you can search for resources on the internet or enroll in an online course. It is also helpful to have a basic understanding of algebra and geometry before diving into vector algebra. Practice problems and exercises are also available to help reinforce the concepts learned in the lectures.
