Vertical fall with quadratic air drag.

In summary: The problem is as shown: a gun is fired straight up. Assuming that the air drag on the bullet varies quadratically with speed, we can find that speed varies with height according to the equations v^2 = g/k - Be^(2kx). In summary, Levi has started on the question of finding the independent variable for distance rather than time, but keeps coming to the wrong answer. He has also tried to solve the equation for u using k= c/m, but still doesn't seem to be able to continue any further. He asks for help, but it is not clear what help he needs.
  • #1
Hello all,

I've been having some problems regarding the fall of an object in the vertical direction that has air drag which varies quadratically with speed. The problem is as shown:

A gun is fired straight up. Assuming that the air drag on the bullet varies quadratically with speed. Show that speed varies with height according to the equations

v^2 = Ae^(-2kx) - g/k (upward motion)
V^2 = g/k - Be^(2kx) (downward motion)

in which A and B are constants of integration, g is the acceleration of gravity, k=cm, where c is the drag constant and m is the mass of the bullet. (Note: x is measured positive upward, and the gravitational force is assumed to be constant.)

I've started on the question, but I keep coming to the wrong answer. I shall type out what I have done.

The general equation would be:

m dv/dt = mg - cv^2 = mg(1 - cv^2/mg)
.'. dv/dt = g(1 - v^2/v(sub t)^2) where v(sub t) is the terminal speed, sqrt(mg/c)

We now play around with the differential equation to obtain the independant variable for distance rather than time.

dv/dt = dv/dx dx/dt = 1/2 dv^2/dx
So now we can write the equation as:

dv^2/dx = 2g(1 - v^2/v(sub t)^2)
and we solve the equation using substitution method

u= 1 - v^2/v(sub t)^2 so that du/dx = -u(2g/v(sub t)^2)
u=u(naught)e^[-2gx/[v(sub t)^2]] and we know u(naught) = 1 - v(naught)^2/v(sub t)^2

putting everything together, we get (using k= c/m, v(sub t)= sqrt(mg/c)

v^2 = g/k(1-exp^[-2kx]) + v(naught)^2.exp^[-2kx]

Likewise for upward, we get:

v^2 = g/k(1+exp^[2kx]) + v(naught)^2.exp^[2kx]

I don't seem to be able to continue any further to reach the proof. Could someone profound in this area give me some assistance?

Thanks in advance,

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  • #2
Maybe check the sign of the air drag in your first equation. The force from the drag is in the same direction as the gravitational force on the way up.
  • #3
Let me expand a bit on berkeman's comments.

You have used v = dx/dt in dv/dt = dv/dx dx/dt = 1/2 dv^2/dx. Since x is a vector so is v, i.e., v is not speed. In other words, x, v =dx/dt, and a = dv/dt are all vectors that have their directions given by their signs.

Consequently, for the downward case, the starting equation should be

m dv/dt = -mg + cv^2.

Gravity acts downward, drag acts upward, the direction of the net force m dv/dt is given by the sign of dv/dt.

Also, for the downward case, it appears that you have taken x_naught = 0, but, for the downward case, x_naught is actually the maximum height of the bullet.
  • #4
I tried flipping the signs but I still end up with a similar answer to my previous one, I admit I overlooked that minus, but still, this doesn't really help me reach my proof. Where do A and B come from? Perhaps a better question is, can someone tell me what A and B are so I know how to work to the proof. I've been stuck on this for a few days and it's starting to really annoy me.

I need help, Argh.

Help me.

  • #5
Hey guys,

It's ok now, I finally sat down, cleared my mind of angst and frustration and carefully worked it out. It looks good now.

Thank you both berkeman and George Jones.


FAQ: Vertical fall with quadratic air drag.

1. What is vertical fall with quadratic air drag?

Vertical fall with quadratic air drag is a type of motion where an object falls straight down due to the force of gravity, while also experiencing air resistance that increases with the square of its velocity.

2. How is the motion of an object affected by quadratic air drag?

The presence of quadratic air drag causes the velocity of the falling object to decrease over time, as the force of air resistance increases as the object's speed increases. This results in a slower and more gradual descent compared to a free fall without air resistance.

3. What is the equation for vertical fall with quadratic air drag?

The equation for vertical fall with quadratic air drag is: F = mg - kv^2 where F is the net force, m is the mass of the object, g is the acceleration due to gravity, k is the drag coefficient, and v is the velocity of the object.

4. How does the drag coefficient affect the motion of an object in vertical fall?

The drag coefficient determines the strength of the air resistance force, and therefore has a significant impact on the motion of the object. A higher drag coefficient means a stronger air resistance force, resulting in a slower descent, while a lower drag coefficient means a weaker air resistance force and a faster descent.

5. How does the presence of quadratic air drag affect the terminal velocity of an object?

The presence of quadratic air drag means that the object will not reach a constant terminal velocity, as is the case with linear air drag. Instead, the object's velocity will continue to decrease as it falls, eventually reaching a minimum velocity known as the limiting velocity.
