What Causes Violation of Snell's Law in Linear Birefringent Crystals?

In summary, the behavior of light in birefringent crystals is a result of the index of refraction varying with direction. This results in two solutions to the wave equation, the ordinary wave and the extraordinary wave. The speeds of these waves can be identical when traveling along the optical axis in uniaxial crystals, but in biaxial crystals, this leads to conical refraction. There is no violation of Snell's Law in birefringent materials, as both the ordinary and extraordinary waves fulfill it. The difference in refractive indices for the two waves is what causes the e-ray to travel at an angle to the face, while the o-ray continues parallel to the face. Further understanding of this phenomenon
  • #1
In a linear birefringent crystal, if light enters parallel to a face that has been cut so that it is at an angle to the optical axis, the o-ray continues parallel to the face but the e-ray travels at an angle to the face in violation of Snell's Law.

Question --- Is there any explanation for the source cause of this violation?

(The answer is not the difference in index of refraction for the e-ray! The e-ray index can be higher or lower than that of the o-ray. It does alway bend the in-optical axis-plane polarized ray, but why not always bend the o-ray instead?)
Science news on Phys.org
  • #2
heh... it's not called the 'extraordinary wave' for no reason.

To get to the root of the question, one needs to understand light propagation in crystals- that is, the index of refraction varies with direction. Born and Wolf covers this very well in chapter 15 (7th edition), so to summarize, the wave equation admits two solutions.

The general solution is quite complicated- it's a 4th order polynomial, but for some crystal geometries (uniaxial) this reduces to a solution where the velocity is independent of direction (ordinary wave) and one where is does (extraordinary wave). The speeds of the two waves are identical when they travel along the optical axis.

The next level of complication is biaxial crystals; this leads to conical refraction (among other phenomena).

The wiki site is not that great; It's worth checking out Born and Wolf.
  • #3
Andy, I hope this isn't a stupid question/wording:

If a single visible-light photon enters a birefringent crystal, does the photon split?
  • #4
If I understand what you are getting at, then the results should be similar to that obtained by single photons + polarizers. That said, I have no idea what "really" happens in that situation.
  • #5
Andy Resnick said:
heh... it's not called the 'extraordinary wave' for no reason.

To get to the root of the question, one needs to understand light propagation in crystals- that is, the index of refraction varies with direction. Born and Wolf covers this very well in chapter 15 (7th edition), so to summarize, the wave equation admits two solutions.

....It's worth checking out Born and Wolf.

The question I asked is about the e-ray violating Snell's Law. Light enters perpendicular to the crystal face but changes angle.

As far as I know, the two solutions to the wave equations due to the fact that the index of refraction varies with direction (resulting in different velocities) does not require the e-ray to bend at the interface.

However I will check out Born and Wolf.

  • #6
There is no violation of Snell's law in birefringent materials... Please, give citation. The parallel and perpendicular polarizations travel with different refractive indices, that's all... but both of them fulfill Snell's law!

FAQ: What Causes Violation of Snell's Law in Linear Birefringent Crystals?

1. What is Snell's law?

Snell's law, also known as the law of refraction, describes the relationship between the angle of incidence and the angle of refraction when a ray of light passes through the boundary between two different mediums.

2. What is the violation of Snell's law?

The violation of Snell's law refers to a situation where the angle of incidence and the angle of refraction do not follow the expected relationship described by the law. This can occur when the light passes through a medium that has non-uniform properties or when the light encounters a surface that is not smooth.

3. What are some real-world examples of violation of Snell's law?

One common example is when light passes through a glass prism. The light rays are bent at different angles due to the varying refractive index of the glass at different points along the surface. Another example is when light passes through a soap bubble, as the surface of the bubble is not perfectly smooth, causing the light to refract at different angles.

4. How does violation of Snell's law affect the behavior of light?

When Snell's law is violated, the light rays can behave in unexpected ways, such as bending or splitting in different directions. This can result in distorted or blurred images, which can have practical implications in fields such as optics and photography.

5. How can scientists study the violation of Snell's law?

Scientists can study the violation of Snell's law through experiments and simulations using different materials and surfaces. They can also use mathematical models to predict and analyze the behavior of light when Snell's law is violated, helping to better understand the underlying principles of refraction.

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