Are there vocational physics courses for high school graduates?

In summary: All or any of these should enable you to do a physics-related job abroad,not in your country or nearby.Any advice?
  • #1
Is there such a thing like a vocational physics course that can be attended after finishing high school?
I am 35 years old man from the East Europe and have a high school degree.I used to love physics very much in the past and now I got an idea that it would be nice to steer my carrier in that direction.
Physics news on
  • #2
Hi ekola, welcome to PF!

By "vocational physics" I assume you mean classes that offer hands-on training.

I'm not familiar with the educational institutions where you live. Are there engineering classes available to you? Perhaps electronics?
  • #3
lisab said:
Hi ekola, welcome to PF!

By "vocational physics" I assume you mean classes that offer hands-on training.

I'm not familiar with the educational institutions where you live. Are there engineering classes available to you? Perhaps electronics?

Yeah. In the US, trade school or some physics / engineering "workshop" would be the the ideal choice but I'm not sure. There is a physics / engineering program in my school where they offer that hands-on training because the program is one of those "3+1" programs
  • #4
Physics and Vocational Training do not overlap. Physics is a main academic and scientific subject. Vocational training is training to do specific tasks for employment. You are probably interested in Engineering-related or some kind of technical job skills training.
  • #5
Thank you for welcoming!
Actually,I should rephrase the question.I've made a mistake using the word vocational.the question may have echoed indecisively.On the contrary,I am really serious about this.I am thinking about the whole idea for a long time,almost 5 years.I've been saving the money for that purpose.
I am more interested in:
1.some kind of short formal education in the beginning that could be continued later(abroad Europe if possible,1 year ideal to 2 years max)
2.any informal education that you have an idea of
3.accredited online courses.
All or any of these should enable me to do a physics-related job abroad,not in my country or nearby.
  • #6
Any advice?

FAQ: Are there vocational physics courses for high school graduates?

What is a vocational physics course?

A vocational physics course is a specialized form of education that focuses on the practical application of physics principles in a specific field or industry. It is designed to provide students with the necessary knowledge and skills to succeed in a particular career path.

What are the benefits of taking a vocational physics course?

One of the main benefits of taking a vocational physics course is that it provides hands-on training and real-world experience, which can make it easier to secure a job in a specific field. These courses also tend to be more focused and relevant to a particular career, making them more efficient and effective in preparing students for the workforce.

Who can take a vocational physics course?

Vocational physics courses are open to anyone who has completed high school or holds an equivalent qualification. They are especially beneficial for those who are interested in a particular career that requires a strong understanding of physics principles, such as engineering or medicine.

What topics are covered in a vocational physics course?

The specific topics covered in a vocational physics course will vary depending on the focus of the course and the industry it is preparing students for. However, common topics may include mechanics, thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism, optics, and modern physics.

What career opportunities are available after completing a vocational physics course?

A vocational physics course can lead to a variety of career opportunities, depending on the industry and specialization. Some possible career paths include engineering, healthcare, renewable energy, manufacturing, and research and development. Graduates may also have the option to continue their education in a related field.

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