Volume of a simplex using delta function

In summary, the conversation is about trying to calculate the volume of a simplex using an integral, specifically for a 2-simplex. The reasoning behind the formula is explained, and the use of a Fourier integral is mentioned. The final integral is shown to be difficult to solve, but it is eventually figured out that the method outlined is correct. The conversation ends with the expectation to see how the T.A. solves the problem in class.
  • #1
I tried to calculate the volume of a simplex, but got an integral I couldn't do.

For simplicity take a 2-simplex (the volume of a 2-simplex is 1/6)

[tex]V=\int da \int dx \int dy \int dz \mbox{ } \delta(1-a-x-y-z) [/tex]

where the integration limits are over the 4-cube.

My reasoning for this formula is that as (1-a) varies from 0 to 1, the integral counts the volume when x+y+z=(1-a), and gives zero otherwise, so you end up measuring the volume 0<x+y+z<1.

I then wrote the delta function as a Fourier integral:

[tex]V=\frac{1}{2\pi}\int dk \int da \int dx \int dy \int dz \mbox{ }e^{ik(1-a-x-y-z)}=
\frac{1}{2\pi}\int dk \mbox{ }e^{ik} \int da \mbox{ }e^{-ika} \int dx \mbox{ }e^{-ikx}\int dy \mbox{ }e^{-iky}\int dz \mbox{ }e^{-ikz}[/tex]

The integral of a,x,y,z all give the same value of [tex] \frac{1}{-ik}\left(e^{-ik}-1 \right) [/tex] since the limits are from 0 to 1. There are (d+2) of these terms for a d-simplex. So you end up with the integral:

[tex]\frac{i^{d+2}}{2\pi} \int dk \mbox{ } e^{ik} \left(\frac{1}{k}\right)^{d+2}\left(e^{-ik}-1 \right)^{d+2} [/tex]

I'm aware there are easier ways to calculate the volume of a d-simplex.

But I want to know if in principle this method works, and why is the integral so hard when the result should be easy, since the volume of a d-simplex is a simple expression.
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  • #2
I figured it out. The method I outlined is correct.

So we had this:

\frac{i^{d+2}}{2\pi} \int dk \mbox{ } e^{ik} \left(\frac{1}{k}\right)^{d+2}\left(e^{-ik}-1 \right)^{d+2}


[tex]\frac{2^{d+1}}{\pi} \int dk \left(\frac{1}{k}\right)^{d+2}sin^{d+2}\left(\frac{k}{2}\right)\left[cos\left(\frac{dk}{2}\right)-isin\left(\frac{dk}{2}\right) \right][/tex]

For some reason Mathematica can't handle this expression (or maybe just the online free version can't handle this). So what I did was that I inserted by hand several different values of d, and thankfully, the imaginary part vanished (as it should), and you get:


which is the correct answer.

I'm quite interested in seeing how the T.A. solves this problem next Monday in class...because a T.A. ought to spend more time on the homework than even the students, because the T.A. has a responsibility to be even more prepared, so his answer ought to be really good too.

FAQ: Volume of a simplex using delta function

1. How is the volume of a simplex calculated using delta function?

The volume of a simplex can be calculated using the delta function by first defining the vertices of the simplex and then integrating the delta function over the simplex's domain. This integration will yield the volume of the simplex.

2. What is the purpose of using the delta function to calculate the volume of a simplex?

The delta function is a mathematical tool that allows us to describe the volume of a simplex in a precise and concise manner. It eliminates the need for complex geometric calculations and provides a straightforward solution.

3. Are there any limitations to using the delta function for calculating the volume of a simplex?

Yes, there are some limitations to using the delta function for calculating the volume of a simplex. It can only be used for convex simplices, and the vertices of the simplex must be in a specific order for the integration to be valid.

4. Can the delta function also be used to calculate the volume of higher-dimensional shapes?

Yes, the delta function can also be used to calculate the volume of higher-dimensional shapes, such as hypercubes or hyperspheres. However, the integration process becomes more complex as the dimension increases.

5. Are there any real-world applications of calculating the volume of a simplex using delta function?

Yes, there are several real-world applications of calculating the volume of a simplex using delta function. It is commonly used in computer graphics and computer-aided design to calculate the volume of 3D objects. It is also used in physics and engineering for calculating the volume of irregularly shaped objects.
