Volume of air flow through an orifice at speed

In summary, at 3,000 RPM in 4th gear, the air intake on a motorcycle would be able to intake enough air to cool the cylinders.
  • #1
Trying to figure out how much air can (or would) flow through an air intake on a vehicle.

I have a rectangular intake opening that is 13.52 square inches, the vehicle is traveling at 60 MPH for 1 hour.

Obviously more air is being forced into the intake due to the speed but I can't sort out how to calculate that.

Any tips/advice is appreciated.

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
motolectric said:
Trying to figure out how much air can (or would) flow through an air intake on a vehicle.

I have a rectangular intake opening that is 13.52 square inches, the vehicle is traveling at 60 MPH for 1 hour.

Obviously more air is being forced into the intake due to the speed but I can't sort out how to calculate that.
Air intake for what? The backpressure from whatever the intake is to will determine the [change in] flow rate.
  • #3

Thanks much for the reply.

Essentially there is no (or little) back pressure as the housing has vents for any excess pressure.

I have attached 3 graphics.

The first shows the calculations for the amount of air/fuel mixture the engine would injest.


The 2nd shows the orifices I am dealing with.

The 2 red boxes represent the 2 intakes at the front of the hollow cast aluminum frame of a motorcycle.

The 54 mm red circle is the intake to the fuel injection system.

The housing has both the 3 vents seen to the lower left and a tubular vent to the rear that is not seen in this image.

The circles and rectangle at the top are from the conduit from the frame to the airbox housing and it is plain to see that they are large enough to flow enough air for the 54 mm fuel injection system.


The issue I am trying to resolve is whether there is excess pressure (and how much pressure) in the housing (it is sealed other than the inlet at the top and the vents I described.

I say there is and others say there isn't. This is as far as I have gotten.


On the bike, at 3,000 RPM in 4th gear you are doing 60 MPH so that is the common variable.

Some people encourage buyers of the vehicle to change to a fully open airbox stating that the OEM is "restrictive".

I claim that not only is it not restrictive but that in order to make use of the excess airflow the engineers put in the vents to use the excess airflow to cool the cylinders.

The air would not be expected to flow outward unless there was some pressurization inside the airbox enclosure.

Again, thanks for any tips or info on solving my problem.



  • cc.by.hour.png
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  • airbox.sizings.png
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FAQ: Volume of air flow through an orifice at speed

1. What is the purpose of measuring air flow through an orifice at speed?

The purpose of measuring air flow through an orifice at speed is to determine the rate at which air is passing through a specific opening. This information is useful in various industries, such as HVAC, automotive, and aerospace, as it can help in designing and optimizing systems for efficient air flow.

2. How is the volume of air flow through an orifice at speed calculated?

The volume of air flow through an orifice at speed is calculated using the formula Q = AV, where Q is the volumetric flow rate, A is the area of the orifice, and V is the velocity of the air passing through the orifice. This formula assumes that the air flow is steady and incompressible.

3. What factors can affect the volume of air flow through an orifice at speed?

Several factors can affect the volume of air flow through an orifice at speed, including the size and shape of the orifice, the density and viscosity of the air, the pressure difference across the orifice, and any obstructions or restrictions in the air flow path.

4. How does the temperature of the air affect the volume of air flow through an orifice at speed?

The temperature of the air can affect the volume of air flow through an orifice at speed through its impact on air density. As air temperature increases, its density decreases, resulting in a decrease in volumetric flow rate. This is because the same amount of air occupies a larger volume at higher temperatures.

5. What are some common methods used to measure air flow through an orifice at speed?

Some common methods used to measure air flow through an orifice at speed include using a flow meter, such as a pitot tube or an anemometer, or using the Bernoulli's equation to calculate the volumetric flow rate based on pressure measurements at different points in the air flow path.

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