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Sure, that's what makes QT different from classical physics, where there are no indetermined observables, because all observables of a system always have definite values, which we sometimes don't know and thus use probabilistic descriptions of classical statistical physics.stevendaryl said:Let's assume for simplicity that Alice and Bob are using the same filter orientation. That is agreed-upon ahead of time. Then after Alice measures her photon to have polarization H, Alice knows something definite about Bob's future measurement: that he will measure the polarization to be H.
Classically, if Alice learns something definite about a future measurement performed by Bob, she can assume that that means that that result was pre-determined. If Alice learns that Bob will find a right shoe when he opens the box, she assumes that it was a right shoe before he opened the box.
Within QT there are always some observables indetermined even if we know the complete (pure) state of the system. Usually, if you have a pure state of a composite system the parts of it are not in a pure state, as it's the case here for the polarization-entangled two-photon state.
Yes, it is, but this doesn't imply necessarily a collapse, because there's nothing preventing me from taking the point of view that the corresponding correlation was inherent from the very beginning in the entangled two-photon state. Thus it's a prediction of the model that when Alice finds her photon to be V-polarized, Bob must find his H-polarized, given the engangled initial state, ##|HV \rangle-|VH \rangle##.In EPR, Alice learns that Bob will measure polarization H. But she can't assume that it had polarization H before he measured it.
That's a pretty stark difference between the two cases.
Yes, but the important point is that, if he uses and appropriate other filter orientation, you can violate Bell's inequality, showing that the polarization have not been predetermined within a local deterministic hidden-variable theory. This clearly proves that QT is really fundamentally different from classical physics, as you stressed yourself above!You don't need an "if" in the EPR case, if Bob agrees ahead of time to use a pre-arranged filter orientation.
There's a possibility missing, namely precisely the one I follow!I don't think it's a matter of assuming a mechanism. Collapse is just a description of the situation, it seems to me. Assuming once again that Bob has agreed ahead of time to use the same pre-arranged filter orientation as Alice, Alice knows before Bob does what his measurement will be. She learns a fact about Bob's photon + filter + detector remotely. Under the assumption that Alice and Bob are using the same orientation, and that Alice observes a horizontally-polarized photon before Bob does his measurement, let [itex]X[/itex] be the claim: "Bob will observe a horizontally-polarized photon".
It seems to me that there are only three possibilities:
By "fact" I mean something that is objectively true, independent of any observer. If you assume definite outcomes, then it seems to me that "Bob will observe a horizontally-polarized photon" is a fact, in this sense.
- X was a fact before Alice observed her photon.
- X only became a fact after Alice observed her photon.
- X is not really a fact at all (the MWI tactic of rejecting unique outcomes)
X was not a fact before Alice's measurement (Bob's photon is unpolarized), but it was a fact that you had an entangled photon pair, so that there is this 100% correlation between A's and B's measurements. There's no problem with that point of view precisely when you don't take the collapse as a physical process (I guess, you'd call this ontological) but just an update of Alice's knowledge about the system (I guess, that you'd call epistemical). Nothing changes for Bob before his measurement, because he has not gained any information yet. From this point of view, there's no contradiction that for Bob his photon's state is still the maximum-entropy mixture ##1/2 \mathbb{1}## while for Alice's it's in the pure state ##|H \rangle \langle H|##. So after A's measurement and before B's measurement X became a fact for Alice but not for Bob. That's all.