WANNA WORK IN THE USA (and make lots of money)

In summary: And these scientists came not just to work in research but also to do their military service. So I don't think it would be hard for you to get a job in the US if you want it, but it will definitely be harder than if you were born there.
  • #36
franznietzsche said:
Research Grants?

Good gigs if you get a senior post at a major university, you do whatever research you want, and not much else.

When you talk of pay, that doesn't include research grants. Research grants don't go into your pocket.

Getting tenured at a major university is a $#!tload of hard work and is far from the cushy life you make it out to be. I believe there are a couple of members here that could attest to that. Even after getting a tenure, it's a lot of work producing results, writing proposals (which may sound easy, but is anything but), and keeping ahead of the competition.

It's a mad, mad, mad world, out there.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #37
Devil's advocate again (because Gokul is really right : if you want to make money, do not go for research)
As a PhD student, you have a constant occasion to save money. Apart from appartment rent, food and books, everything else is extra you could skip. For instance : it is great to buy a CD, but when are you going to listen to it :smile:
  • #38
humanino said:
For instance : it is great to buy a CD, but when are you going to listen to it :smile:

More importantly, why buy it when the comp sci department has one hell of a big pipe, that just screams "DOWNLOAD!" :-p
  • #39
Anyway, Marlon, you can always apply for a McDonalds or Burger King. Surely you find a lot of them there.

Careful! Now you are talking about taking a job away from an average American! :smile:

Things are indeed tight as far as jobs go in the industry. You would be fighting an uphill battle but if you are determined and do not give up there are opportunities. More so considering your field and level of education. Much of your success will depend upon your determination and ... Knowing someone in the company you apply to. (Sad, but true!) Any contacts you can make are vital.
  • #40
marlon said:
I am a fan of Europe, the USA and Canada...

Hi there,

I have only an indirect experience of working in the US ; in fact I stayed in Europe but worked remotely for HP Santa Rosa (now it is called Agilent). It was no fun, honestly. I myself left after 1 1/2 year, and my collegues who stayed, got kicked out a few years later - and not because the work didn't please, but just because we were more high-tech oriented and not so much "just do something-anything that can please the average customer QUICKLY, even if it is scientifically bull****".
I think that if you want to make big money, and only that, forget about PhD's and research and so on, and get your own business started. This is probably easier in Europe than in the US.
If you are more research-minded, well, forget the big money :redface:. Probably there are opportunities in the US, but you should consider maybe other countries than Belgium in Europe first - it is not really a research-minded country ; at least that was my experience. France is a lot better in that regard, even if things are getting a bit harder - there's an other mindset.

  • #41
marlon said:
The Japanese society is very closed and "internal" so a foreigner would never be looked at as completely integrated into society and thus regarded as beeing eeeuuhh of "strange" descent...

Besides, Japan is not number one, just look at their economy, and can you name me one great Japanese scientist apart from Yukawa ?

:redface: Really, i have never known that ? :redface:
But are you open ? Japan is admittedly not number one, but an individual living in a number one country can then surely become number one too ? :shy:, for example you!
  • #42
vanesch said:
Hi there,

I have only an indirect experience of working in the US ; in fact I stayed in Europe but worked remotely for HP Santa Rosa (now it is called Agilent). It was no fun, honestly. I myself left after 1 1/2 year, and my collegues who stayed, got kicked out a few years later - and not because the work didn't please, but just because we were more high-tech oriented and not so much "just do something-anything that can please the average customer QUICKLY, even if it is scientifically bull****".
I think that if you want to make big money, and only that, forget about PhD's and research and so on, and get your own business started. This is probably easier in Europe than in the US.
If you are more research-minded, well, forget the big money :redface:. Probably there are opportunities in the US, but you should consider maybe other countries than Belgium in Europe first - it is not really a research-minded country ; at least that was my experience. France is a lot better in that regard, even if things are getting a bit harder - there's an other mindset.


Hi Vanesch, thanks for your reply...

You are indeed right i want to go for the big money (not only that of course). Don't get me wrong here, what i mean by that is i want to be in the industry you know. I don't want to be a researcher and indeed i do not have a PhD. Getting into the industry and technology is the main reason why i am studying engineering (you know : burgerlijk ingenieur). My dream is to have my own business although that will be very difficult, yet that does not scare me. At least I will try my best. I am specializing in photonics...lasers, semiconductors and so on...

  • #43
YourLooks said:
:redface: Really, i have never known that ? :redface:
But are you open ? Japan is admittedly not number one, but an individual living in a number one country can then surely become number one too ? :shy:, for example you!

Hi Yourlooks

I don't think i am getting your point here ?
What do you mean ?
I never proclaimed to be number one you know...

marlon, number two ! :cool:
  • #44
Smurf said:
I have to say that for me Working in Europe would be infinitly preferable than in the states. :biggrin: Siestas, 2 hour lunch breaks :-p

Lazy ass. In the states we require real work :eek:
  • #45
vanesch said:
Hi there,

I have only an indirect experience of working in the US ; in fact I stayed in Europe but worked remotely for HP Santa Rosa (now it is called Agilent). It was no fun, honestly. I myself left after 1 1/2 year, and my collegues who stayed, got kicked out a few years later - and not because the work didn't please, but just because we were more high-tech oriented and not so much "just do something-anything that can please the average customer QUICKLY, even if it is scientifically bull****".
I think that if you want to make big money, and only that, forget about PhD's and research and so on, and get your own business started. This is probably easier in Europe than in the US.
If you are more research-minded, well, forget the big money :redface:. Probably there are opportunities in the US, but you should consider maybe other countries than Belgium in Europe first - it is not really a research-minded country ; at least that was my experience. France is a lot better in that regard, even if things are getting a bit harder - there's an other mindset.


As a business owner myself, I'm curious to know your reasoning on why you think it will be easier for him to start a business in Europe than in the US? Do you simply mean to say because he is European? Or do you believe that some market variable in Europe is more condusive to sucessfully starting a small business?
  • #46
phatmonky said:
Do you simply mean to say because he is European? Or do you believe that some market variable in Europe is more condusive to sucessfully starting a small business?

Because he's European. Of course it is easier to start a business in the US, but you first have to get there !

  • #47
marlon said:
You are indeed right i want to go for the big money (not only that of course). Don't get me wrong here, what i mean by that is i want to be in the industry you know.

Well, sorry to disappoint you then but I don't think that having a salary in industry as an engineer is so much better payed than, say, in public service (especially international public service). If $$$ is what you want, you should orient more towards commercial and management stuff, something that will be usefull too if you create your own business. Personally, for me these are the worst things I could do in my own life (and, hey, because we seem to disagree on many points, that's a plus for you :smile: )

  • #48
vanesch said:
Well, sorry to disappoint you then but I don't think that having a salary in industry as an engineer is so much better payed than, say, in public service (especially international public service). If $$$ is what you want, you should orient more towards commercial and management stuff, something that will be usefull too if you create your own business. Personally, for me these are the worst things I could do in my own life (and, hey, because we seem to disagree on many points, that's a plus for you :smile: )


Hi Vanesch, indeed we disagree on many points but that is not a problem for me. You are right though, it is in fact the management-positions that are best paid but i really believe that having a profound technical background is more valuable then some economic background. The latter will be learned in practice, you know...

  • #49
marlon said:
but i really believe that having a profound technical background is more valuable then some economic background. The latter will be learned in practice, you know...

I agree fully with you :smile: that this is the sanest way to be a good manager. However, I have the impression that this is absolutely not how people get in these positions in the first place. I think you have to go to an upshot MBA school or the like, not because you learn what so ever of any value there, but because you learn to know the people who distribute the cards, who have been through the same circuit and, you know, to start to be part of the ol'boys network and fill up your address book.

  • #50
In technical sales you can expect to earn $150,000 to $250,000 US dollars per year. That is what I do.

You need to be in mid management to make those figures. If you want higher incomes in management an MBA helps.
  • #51
<blowing long whistle>

I think Evo ought to throw a party for all PF members. :biggrin:

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