Wavefunction in rotating frame

In summary, the conversation discusses the Hamiltonian in a rotating frame and how it differs from the Hamiltonian in the lab frame. It is clarified that the potential in the rotating frame is stationary, and a transformation from the wavefunction in the rotating frame to the lab frame is proposed. The conversation also discusses whether or not the values of the wavefunction in a specific location would be the same in both frames. It is determined that the potential in the rotating frame is not isotropic, indicating that the commutator with the operator L=L' cannot vanish, and therefore, L' and H'' do not commute. This leads to the conclusion that the proposed unitary transformation is correct for rotating frames, and that the values of the wavefunction
  • #1
Hello, I have the following problem:

A system in the lab frame is described by a time dependent rotating potential ##V(\vec{r},t)##.

So ##H_{lab}=\frac{\boldsymbol{p}^{2}}{2m} + V(\vec{r},t)##.

My book says that the Hamiltonian in the rotating frame is given by

##H_{rot}=\frac{\boldsymbol{p'}^{2}}{2m} + V(\vec{r}) - w\boldsymbol{L'_z}##

Where ##\boldsymbol{p'}## and ##L'_z## are operators in the rotating frame. So to clarify, in this frame the potential is stationary.

(Let's take this as an ansatz! Assume this is the correct rotating Hamiltonian for all reasoning to follow.)

So in the rotating frame a ##\Psi'## will solve the Schrodinger equation with the adjusted Hamiltonian.

How to conver from ##\Psi'## to the wavefunction in the lab frame?Edit:

I see some papers proposing the following: (in hbar=1 units)



Let me show why I don't see how this is correct:

Writing out the time evolution for ##\Psi'## in the rotating frame Schrodinger equation gives:

##\Psi'(\vec{r'},t)=e^{-i\boldsymbol{H''}t + i\boldsymbol{L'_z}wt} \Psi'(\vec{r},0) ##

Where ##\boldsymbol{H''}=\frac{\boldsymbol{p'}^{2}}{2m} + V(\vec{r'})##

Now if ##\boldsymbol{L'z}## and ##\boldsymbol{H''}## commute which I'm pretty sure they do then:

##\Psi'(\vec{r'},t)=e^{i\boldsymbol{L'_z}wt} e^{-i\boldsymbol{H''}t} \Psi'(\vec{r},0) ##

Since ##\Psi'(\vec{r},0) = \Psi_{lab}(\vec{r},0)## we have this final equation :

##\Psi'(\vec{r'},t)=e^{i\boldsymbol{L'_z}wt} e^{-i\boldsymbol{H''}t} \Psi(\vec{r},0) ##


Now now! Compare eq(1) and eq(2), it does look like:

##\Psi_{lab}(\vec{r},t)=e^{-i\boldsymbol{H''}t} \Psi(\vec{r},0) ##

Which is a result I can not believe. If you take a look at ##\boldsymbol{H''}## it has a time INDEPENDENT potential in there. This would mean that to find the evolution in the Lab frame all we have to do is ignore the time dependence of the potential and just let it evolve as if the potential was stationary in the lab frame all along.

What is wrong?
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  • #2
Your potential V(r') is not isotropic, hence the commutator with the operator L=L' can't vanish as L is the generator of rotations. So L' and H'' certainly don't commute.
  • #3
Great. This was exactly what I thought a few hours after posting it (the non-commuting part) but thanks for confirming. So the unitary transformation I wrote down is correct for rotating frames in general? This means both the lab frame and the rotating frame agree upon the values of the WF in a certain point in real space. By this I mean, for example if the person in the lab frame points a laser pointer at a certain location and yells the value of te WF for me is ''...'' and the person in the rotating frame looks at this same spot that is lit up, he agrees with this value?

Sounds correct but I'd like to be sure.
  • #4
DrDu said:
Your potential V(r') is not isotropic, hence the commutator with the operator L=L' can't vanish as L is the generator of rotations. So L' and H'' certainly don't commute.

Hey DrDu. I don't mean to persist, but just a headsup to ask if you have seen my response? If you don't have time right now it's totally okay just making sure.

FAQ: Wavefunction in rotating frame

What is a wavefunction in a rotating frame?

A wavefunction in a rotating frame is a mathematical description of a quantum system that takes into account the effects of rotation. It is used to describe the behavior of particles in rotating systems, such as atoms and molecules.

How is a wavefunction in a rotating frame different from a regular wavefunction?

A wavefunction in a rotating frame takes into account the rotation of the system, while a regular wavefunction does not. This means that the wavefunction in a rotating frame will change over time as the system rotates, while a regular wavefunction will remain constant.

Why is it important to use a wavefunction in a rotating frame?

Using a wavefunction in a rotating frame allows us to accurately describe the behavior of quantum systems in rotating environments, such as in centrifuges or spinning molecules. Without taking rotation into account, our understanding of these systems would be incomplete.

How is a wavefunction in a rotating frame calculated?

A wavefunction in a rotating frame is calculated using the Schrödinger equation, which takes into account the effects of rotation. This equation is solved using various mathematical techniques, such as perturbation theory or numerical methods.

What are some applications of using a wavefunction in a rotating frame?

Wavefunctions in rotating frames have many practical applications, such as in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, which is used in medical imaging and chemical analysis. They are also used in understanding the behavior of particles in spinning objects, such as gyroscopes or rotating planets.

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