What chemicals will dissolve biological matter fastest?

In summary, using strong oxidizers with organic matter can be dangerous, and using Dermestid beetles is a better option.
  • #1
In the matter of 30 seconds, preferably.

So far it seems Sulfuric Acid, Hydrogen Peroxide and Permanganate in a cocktail will suffice.

Are there any faster, cheaper methods?

Thanks :)
Chemistry news on Phys.org
  • #2
Actually permanganate will get reduced by the hydrogen peroxide, rendering the mixture useless.

What do you need it for? Using strong oxidizers with organic matter can be dangerous.
  • #3
Borek said:
Actually permanganate will get reduced by the hydrogen peroxide, rendering the mixture useless.

What do you need it for? Using strong oxidizers with organic matter can be dangerous.

Thanks for the information, I am curious if it will dissolve organic tissues in under half a minute. For example, to extract the bones out of a mouse by eliminating all tissue matter.
  • #4
I doubt anything will be able to act that fast and to not eat through the bones as well.
  • #5
Why so fast? Are you serially processing dozens of mice? We used Dermestid beetles to get really clean skeletons from small mammal carcasses - this is the defacto method for really clean. Plus, long term, they are way cheaper than chemicals.

Fast oxidation will severely degrade the skeleton, as Borek says. And you really did not answer the question: What are you doing with the skeletal material?

Dermestid beetles in the US (example):

  • #6
Borek said:
I doubt anything will be able to act that fast and to not eat through the bones as well.

Say if I extracted the bones first, in your best opinion Borek, how long will it take to dissolve say 1kg of left overs in that cocktail mix?
  • #7
jim mcnamara said:
Why so fast? Are you serially processing dozens of mice? We used Dermestid beetles to get really clean skeletons from small mammal carcasses - this is the defacto method for really clean. Plus, long term, they are way cheaper than chemicals.

Fast oxidation will severely degrade the skeleton, as Borek says. And you really did not answer the question: What are you doing with the skeletal material?

Dermestid beetles in the US (example):


Thanks for the input, Dermestid beetles look interesting for a longer time frame. I find it to be interesting to initiate a contest where each person has to either dissolve or somehow extract everything except bones to construct them with quick dry superglue.
  • #8
Okay. If this is a "contest" you should be painfully aware that the chemicals you are using are dangerous to humans. It is a genuinely bad idea to create a situation where the goal is to "go fast" using dangerous materials. It is a great way to get in legal trouble.

I'm sure Borek, or any chemist, can provide you with stories about the nasty things that happen when inexperienced, unsupervised, and/or sloppy people start playing with chemicals. I give up.
  • #9
Do all these people have training and protective gear plus access to decent fume hoods? Probably not, so the possibility of injury is very high. I would strongly advise against this "contest", even if you answered "yes" to all three. Trying to do things quickly using very strong chemicals is a great way to get hurt.

FAQ: What chemicals will dissolve biological matter fastest?

What chemicals will dissolve biological matter fastest?

The five most frequently asked questions about this topic are:

1. What chemicals are commonly used to dissolve biological matter?

Some commonly used chemicals to dissolve biological matter include strong acids (such as hydrochloric acid or sulfuric acid), strong bases (such as sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide), and enzymes (such as proteases or lipases).

2. How do these chemicals dissolve biological matter?

Strong acids and bases work by breaking down the bonds between molecules in biological matter, causing it to disintegrate. Enzymes, on the other hand, catalyze specific biochemical reactions that can break down biological matter.

3. Which of these chemicals is the fastest at dissolving biological matter?

The speed at which these chemicals dissolve biological matter depends on a variety of factors, such as concentration, temperature, and the type of biological matter being dissolved. In general, strong acids and bases tend to be faster-acting than enzymes.

4. Are there any safety concerns when handling these chemicals?

Yes, all of these chemicals can be hazardous if not handled properly. It is important to follow safety protocols and wear appropriate protective gear when working with them.

5. Is there a specific chemical that works best for dissolving all types of biological matter?

No, there is no one-size-fits-all chemical for dissolving all types of biological matter. The most effective chemical will depend on the specific type of biological matter and the purpose for which it is being dissolved.
