What factors make landing on Mars easier than on the Earth? Harder?

In summary, the Mars lander has to use aerodynamic drag to slow down from its high entry velocity. The shallower approach angle would increase atmospheric friction heating time beyond present shield endurance.
  • #1
Iv been watching the NASA guys work on the Mars lander on Ustream, and starting to really get into it. But I have a question:

What factors make landing on Mars easier than on the Earth? Harder?

And I am having a debate with a friend, maybe one of you can help. Which variables are important for a successful landing, eg. mass, size, shape.?
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
no competing air traffic and its associated flight control rules

no flight control rules, and no other traffic that can contribute to weather reports , etc.
also: thin atmosphere makes things happen faster ...

but colder atmosphere makes for easier maneuverability of a landing craft ... easier than were that atmosphere at a temp usually found on earth. Low temperatures increase density, and airfoils and associated control surfaces depend on density to be effective: more dense = more responsive control of the vehicle. Its usually easier to fly in the winter time here ...
  • #3
As for the lander it self, Which variables are important for a successful landing, eg. mass, size, shape.?
  • #4
Risks and probability of catastrophic landing depends on many things.

Think of how you would build a MArs LAnder that would ensure its total destruction as it slammed into the Martian surface

Trick is to avoid these things
  • #5
The air is thick enough that using a rocket to decelerate (like the NASA moon lander) is impractical because a rocket plume is unstable at the airspeeds involved.

However, the air is also too thin to rely on aerodynamic drag effects to slow down a heavy spacecraft (as in the space shuttle, Apollo CM, etc).

What's a method that works in the middle? We don't know, and we have no experience in that regime. We've gotten away with it so far because our Mars landers have been very light.

edit for more:

The new rover (Curiosity) is too large to use airbags like the previous rovers have, so it's been designed to use a fairly interesting arrangement of aerodynamic drag from an aeroshell and later parachutes, and rockets at the final stage. Look it up for more info.

Also, I recommend you download Orbiter:


and try landing on Mars yourself...
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  • #6
Wouldn't gradual decceleration before achieving Mars orbit decrease risk?

Entry, Descent and Landing on Mars

With an historic failure rate of 66 per cent, the entry, descent and landing phase of the Mars mission is the most dangerous six minutes of the nearly two-year journey. Because the Mars surface pressure is less than one per cent of Earth’s—not enough to slow a spacecraft down—the engineering challenge is to find a way to slow the Mars lander from its entry velocity that might be in excel of of 19,000 kilometres an hour to zero impact in just six minutes. Steadily improving deceleration and landing techniques for every mission, engineers have been developing new technologies to help reduce the risks.
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  • #7
I must be oversimplifying this in my head, because it seems to me that a shallower approach angle would suffice.
  • #8
LURCH said:
I must be oversimplifying this in my head, because it seems to me that a shallower approach angle would suffice.

Maybe that would increase atmospheric friction heating time beyond present shield endurance.

FAQ: What factors make landing on Mars easier than on the Earth? Harder?

What factors make landing on Mars easier than on the Earth?

1. Atmosphere: Mars has a much thinner atmosphere compared to Earth, making it easier for spacecraft to slow down and land on the surface without being subjected to extreme heat and pressure.

2. Gravity: Mars has about one-third of Earth's gravity, which means less force is needed to land a spacecraft on its surface.

3. Surface terrain: The surface of Mars is relatively flat and free of obstacles, making it easier to find a suitable landing site compared to Earth, which has mountains, oceans, and other challenging terrains.

4. Distance: The distance between Earth and Mars varies, but on average, it takes about 7 months to travel from Earth to Mars. This distance provides more time for engineers to plan and make adjustments for the landing process.

5. Experience: There have been numerous successful landings on Mars, giving scientists and engineers a better understanding of what works and what doesn't when it comes to landing on the red planet.

What factors make landing on Mars harder than on the Earth?

1. Thin atmosphere: While the thin atmosphere of Mars makes it easier for spacecraft to land, it also makes it harder to use parachutes and other methods of deceleration that rely on air resistance.

2. Dust storms: Mars is known for its intense dust storms, which can make it challenging to navigate and land on the surface. These storms can also affect solar panels and other equipment, making it harder for spacecraft to function properly.

3. Communication delay: Due to the distance between Earth and Mars, there is a significant delay in communication between the two planets. This makes it harder for engineers to monitor and control the landing process in real-time.

4. Limited testing: Unlike Earth, where we can conduct numerous tests and simulations, there are limitations on how much we can test and prepare for landing on Mars. This adds an element of uncertainty and risk to the process.

5. Human error: No matter how advanced our technology is, there is always a chance for human error, which can make landing on Mars harder. Any mistakes or miscalculations during the landing process could lead to a failed mission.

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