What happens to the non-interacting part of protons in LHC collisions?

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  • Thread starter Malamala
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In summary, the conversation discusses the main interaction in a pp interaction at LHC and the resulting production of particles perpendicular to the beam axis. It also questions what happens to the remaining protons and whether they form jets that travel along the beam line. It is mentioned that these protons may hit the beam pipe or other elements downstream. Additionally, there is mention of concerns about lead-lead operation and the production of electron/positron pairs that could potentially damage the accelerator wall. However, it is later revealed that this is not a major issue.
  • #1
Hello! I am sorry if this questions is dumb, but in a pp interaction at LHC, as far as I understand, we have one quark or gluon from one proton, interacting with another quark or gluon from the other. This is the main interaction and most of the resulting particles are produced perpendicular to the beam axis, at least for interesting interactions (hence the use of ##p_T## variable). I am not sure I understand what happens to the rest of the 2 protons (the 2 remaining valence quarks and the rest of the sea quarks and gluons). Now they shouldn't be colorless anymore, so they can't stay like that for long. Do they form jets that travel forward, along the beam line? Do they keep going around the beam line for a while (I am not even sure what charge they have). What actually happens to the non-interacting part of the 2 interacting protons? Thank you!
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  • #2
They hadronize and form two jets close to the beam directions, yes. They have a lower energy (but cannot have a lower but non-zero electric charge), so even particles that are nicely aligned with the beam axis won't travel farther than the beginning of the next dipole section. Most of them hit the beam pipe, the shielding, or other elements somewhere downstream. There are some smaller experiments in these regions, LHCf near ATLAS and TOTEM near CMS, to look for particles in the extreme forward direction.

For a while people were concerned about lead-lead operation. If two lead nuclei pass each other closely (without colliding) the electric field is so strong that you can produce electron/positron pairs and one of the electrons can stick to a nucleus. You would produce a set of Pb81+, all with the same momentum as the fully ionized Pb82+, so these lead ions could all hit the accelerator wall in the same spot, potentially damaging it. As operation showed this is not a big deal.

FAQ: What happens to the non-interacting part of protons in LHC collisions?

What are LHC non-interacting products?

LHC non-interacting products refer to particles or objects that do not interact with the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) during its experiments. These can include particles that are too small or too weak to be affected by the LHC's high-energy collisions.

Why are LHC non-interacting products important?

Studying LHC non-interacting products can provide valuable information about the fundamental building blocks of the universe and the forces that govern them. These particles may also play a role in dark matter, which is a major area of research in particle physics.

How are LHC non-interacting products detected?

LHC non-interacting products are detected through indirect methods, such as measuring the energy and momentum of particles produced in the LHC collisions. These measurements can reveal the presence of non-interacting products by showing imbalances or missing energy in the data.

What are some examples of LHC non-interacting products?

Some examples of LHC non-interacting products include neutrinos, which have very little interaction with matter, and hypothetical particles such as axions and gravitons. These particles are difficult to detect directly but can be inferred through their effects on other particles.

How do LHC non-interacting products contribute to our understanding of the universe?

LHC non-interacting products play a crucial role in our understanding of the universe by providing evidence for new particles and forces that may exist beyond our current understanding. Studying these particles can also help us refine our theories and models of the universe, leading to a deeper understanding of its origins and evolution.

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