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Hello! I am sorry if this questions is dumb, but in a pp interaction at LHC, as far as I understand, we have one quark or gluon from one proton, interacting with another quark or gluon from the other. This is the main interaction and most of the resulting particles are produced perpendicular to the beam axis, at least for interesting interactions (hence the use of ##p_T## variable). I am not sure I understand what happens to the rest of the 2 protons (the 2 remaining valence quarks and the rest of the sea quarks and gluons). Now they shouldn't be colorless anymore, so they can't stay like that for long. Do they form jets that travel forward, along the beam line? Do they keep going around the beam line for a while (I am not even sure what charge they have). What actually happens to the non-interacting part of the 2 interacting protons? Thank you!