What is a Contour? Complex Analysis Explained

  • Thread starter aaaa202
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In summary: B0aGlzIHdvcmQga2VlcHMgcG9wcGluZyB1cCBpbiBjb21wbGV4IGFubCBjb21wbGV4IGFuYWx5dGljIGJ5IGEgY3VycmU/IHByaW50IGl0IHVwIGFuIGV4YWN0IGRlZmluaXRpb24gb2Ygd2hhdCBhIGNvbnRyb3IgaXM/IHJlZ2lzdGVyZWQgYnkgaW4gcmVwb3J0IGluIFJUTFIgMj8gCg==
  • #1
Simple question, this word keeps popping up in complex analysis but my book hasn't given an exact definition of what a contour is. Is it just a region in the complex plane bounded by a curve? So when the books says for instance "integrate over a contour" is that equivalent to just integrating over a closed surface in ℝ2?

Another question which also troubles me quite a bit:

Due to the cauchy riemann relations we have:

[itex]\oint[/itex]Cf(z)dz = 0

But still I often see things like: "Consider two closed contours A and B in the argand diagram, B being sufficiently small that it lies completely within C. Show that if f(z) is analytic in the region between the two contours then:
[itex]\oint[/itex]Cf(z)dz = [itex]\oint[/itex]Bf(z)dz
But shouldn't that be obvious since they are both equal to zero?
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  • #2
aaaa202 said:
Simple question, this word keeps popping up in complex analysis but my book hasn't given an exact definition of what a contour is. Is it just a region in the complex plane bounded by a curve? So when the books says for instance "integrate over a contour" is that equivalent to just integrating over a closed surface in ℝ2?

Another question which also troubles me quite a bit:

Due to the cauchy riemann relations we have:

[itex]\oint[/itex]Cf(z)dz = 0

But still I often see things like: "Consider two closed contours A and B in the argand diagram, B being sufficiently small that it lies completely within C. Show that if f(z) is analytic in the region between the two contours then:
[itex]\oint[/itex]Cf(z)dz = [itex]\oint[/itex]Bf(z)dz
But shouldn't that be obvious since they are both equal to zero?

The contour integral is zero if f(z) is analytic inside the contour. But suppose f has a pole inside the contour. That is the situation being considered in your last example. Both contour integrals will give the same non-zero answer.
  • #3
aaaa202 said:
Simple question, this word keeps popping up in complex analysis but my book hasn't given an exact definition of what a contour is. Is it just a region in the complex plane bounded by a curve? So when the books says for instance "integrate over a contour" is that equivalent to just integrating over a closed surface in ℝ2?

Another question which also troubles me quite a bit:

Due to the cauchy riemann relations we have:

[itex]\oint[/itex]Cf(z)dz = 0

But still I often see things like: "Consider two closed contours A and B in the argand diagram, B being sufficiently small that it lies completely within C. Show that if f(z) is analytic in the region between the two contours then:
[itex]\oint[/itex]Cf(z)dz = [itex]\oint[/itex]Bf(z)dz
But shouldn't that be obvious since they are both equal to zero?

Contours are curves, not regions. Typically, a "contour integral" refers to an integral over a closed curve.


FAQ: What is a Contour? Complex Analysis Explained

1. What is a contour?

A contour is a curve on a surface or in a plane that connects points of equal elevation or value of a particular quantity. In mathematics, a contour is commonly used in complex analysis to represent the path of integration for a complex function.

2. How is a contour different from a curve?

A contour and a curve are similar in that they both represent a continuous line. However, a contour specifically represents a line of equal value, while a curve can represent any continuous line.

3. What is the purpose of using contours in complex analysis?

In complex analysis, contours are used to represent the path of integration for a complex function. This allows for the evaluation of complex integrals, which can be difficult to calculate using traditional methods.

4. Are there different types of contours in complex analysis?

Yes, there are different types of contours in complex analysis, including simple closed contours, closed contours with multiple components, and open contours. Each type has its own properties and uses in complex analysis.

5. What are some applications of contour integration in real-world problems?

Contour integration has many applications in physics, engineering, and other fields. Some examples include calculating electric fields in electromagnetism, solving differential equations in fluid dynamics, and analyzing heat transfer in thermodynamics.
