What is charge? Why do fundamental particles possess it?

In summary, charge is a fundamental property of particles that determines how they interact with each other and with electromagnetic fields. It is a measure of the imbalance of positive and negative electric charges within a particle. Fundamental particles possess charge because they are made up of smaller subatomic particles that also possess charge. The existence of charge allows for the formation of atoms, molecules, and other structures that make up the world around us. The strength of the charge can also affect the behavior of particles in various physical phenomena.
  • #1
logic smogic
I attended a colloquium a few days ago concerning the LHC and the search for the Higgs Boson. After some thought, I have the following question.

Among other things, there are two measurable properties of all of the fundamental particles in the Standard Model: mass and charge. It is hypothesized that a particle gets its mass by interacting with the Higgs field (colloquially, by the tendency of local vacuum to 'cling' to it as it moves through space).

But what gives a particle its electric charge?

Is this a meaningful question? Is it by some interaction with some charge field - by interaction with the local EM field? No, for charge generates a local EM field, right? Is my question off the wall, unresearched, or being currently discussed? Is it only meaningful by way of discussing gauge theories? Essentially, what is charge, and why do some particles have it and others don't?
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  • #2
There are really two different question: 1) Why does a preserved quantity such as electric charge exist? and 2) Why is it quantized?
  • #3
It's one of the fundamental forces of nature [electric charge], it's a phenomenon we take for granted. People should be able to explain why [what happens] when one charged particle is attracted to another one, but to break it down further than that is not really known.

Not really sure if I am answering your question though...
  • #4
arivero said:
There are really two different question: 1) Why does a preserved quantity such as electric charge exist? and 2) Why is it quantized?

...meaning we should just consider it as a conserved quantity of a system, similar to energy, momentum, etc. From that point of view, why is it considered special, and not just a dynamical symmetry? Because it is quantized and its greater applicability?

hxtasy said:
It's one of the fundamental forces of nature [electric charge], it's a phenomenon we take for granted. People should be able to explain why [what happens] when one charged particle is attracted to another one, but to break it down further than that is not really known.

Not really sure if I am answering your question though...

It would seem to me that mass would hold that status, too. That it is a fundamental property of nature, and that it's origin cannot be probed further - but that's seemingly incorrect. I guess why one can be probed further and the other not is the nature of my confusion.
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  • #5
logic smogic said:
...meaning we should just consider it as a conserved quantity of a system, similar to energy, momentum, etc. From that point of view, why is it considered special, and not just a dynamical symmetry? Because it is quantized and its greater applicability?

It would seem to me that mass would hold that status, too. That it is a fundamental property of nature, and that it's origin cannot be probed further - but that's seemingly incorrect. I guess why one can be probed further and the other not is the nature of my confusion.

Yeah gravity is also a fundamental force in nature, and it hasn't been probed further yet. Gravitational forces and electrical forces share similar mathematical properties, so uncanny that scientists are intriqued to find out why they behave in similar fashions. That is more getting into string theory though:


But honestly I am still a little fuzzy on what you are asking?
  • #6
… t3 + Y … ?

Is it fundamental … isn't it hypercharge plus t3?
  • #7
hxtasy said:
Yeah gravity is also a fundamental force in nature, and it hasn't been probed further yet. Gravitational forces and electrical forces share similar mathematical properties, so uncanny that scientists are intriqued to find out why they behave in similar fashions. That is more getting into string theory though:


But honestly I am still a little fuzzy on what you are asking?

Consider the Standard model (say, as it appears on the Wiki article http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_Model). Each particle is listed in the left-most column, and to the right are listed the currently known values of its various observables (electric charge, weak isospin, weak hypercharge, color charge, mass).

So the positron has electric charge +1 and mass 511 keV.

A month ago, I would have thought it strange to ask, "Why does the positron have a mass of 511 keV?" Today, a particle physicist would likely answer, "Because it interacts with the Higgs field in such a way as to give it a 'mass' of 511 keV." That is, the positron's mass is defined by the strength of its interaction with the Higgs field.

My question is exactly this, "Why does the positron (or any other fundamental particle) have the charge it has." Is it because it interacts with some field that gives it its charge? This seems to me like a perfectly reasonable question that follows from our new understanding of mass and the Higgs field.
  • #8
arivero said:
2) Why is it quantized?

Yes why ?
The yukawa coupling between higgs and fermions do not look really quantized.
Why electric charge is ? And why is it such that it cancels prefectly eg anomalies ?
Can it be explained in GUT theories ?
  • #9
logic smogic said:
But what gives a particle its electric charge?
Charge (electric, weak or color) follows from the principle of Local Gauge Invariance (LGI) in quantum mechanics. If it is desired that the phase of a spinor wave function psi have no physical effect, then vector fields must be introduced with a psibar V psi interaction.
Why LGI is needed, and why e^2=1/137 are deeper questions.

FAQ: What is charge? Why do fundamental particles possess it?

What is charge?

Charge is a fundamental property of matter that describes the amount of electrical energy an object possesses. It is measured in units of coulombs and can be either positive or negative.

Why do fundamental particles possess it?

Fundamental particles, such as protons and electrons, possess charge because they are made up of subatomic particles called quarks, which have an electric charge. This charge is essential for the interactions between particles and plays a crucial role in the structure and behavior of matter.

Is charge conserved?

Yes, charge is conserved in any physical process. This means that the total amount of electric charge in a closed system remains constant, even if it is transferred from one object to another. This is a fundamental law of physics known as the law of conservation of charge.

How does charge interact with other forces?

Charge interacts with other forces, such as gravity and electromagnetism, through the exchange of particles called bosons. For example, the electromagnetic force is mediated by photons, which are particles with no mass that carry the electromagnetic charge between charged particles.

Can charge be created or destroyed?

No, charge cannot be created or destroyed. It can only be transferred from one object to another through various processes, such as conduction or induction. This is due to the law of conservation of charge, which states that the total charge in a closed system remains constant.

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