What is counteracting spacetime deformation?

In summary, The conversation discusses the concept of stress in relation to general relativity and the role of tensors in describing the curvature of spacetime. It is mentioned that lasting deformation can be achieved by applying two counteracting forces to material, and the Einstein curvature tensor is equated to the stress-energy tensor in Einstein's field equations. The question is raised about the counteracting force that holds spacetime in place, with the answer being that the counteracting force is the same as the original force and is present in equal and opposite pairs at every point. The conversation also touches on the role of mass and energy in producing stress and curvature in spacetime.
  • #1
Gold Member
I have a question concerning General relativity.
I am not familiar with tensor mathematics but as I understand lasting deformation can be achieved by applying two counteracting forces to material in different places.
If tensors are used to describe curvature of spacetime and one of the forces result from presence of matter and radiation what is the counteracting force that holds spacetime in place?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
zonde said:
I am not familiar with tensor mathematics but as I understand lasting deformation can be achieved by applying two counteracting forces to material in different places.
If tensors are used to describe curvature of spacetime and one of the forces result from presence of matter and radiation what is the counteracting force that holds spacetime in place?

Hi zonde! :smile:

Tension (or compression or pressure) (which is not directly connected with tensors, of course :wink:) in material is a pair of two equal and opposite counteracting forces, but those two forces are at the same place …

tension (or compression or pressure) is the diagonal part of the stress energy tensor, which also has the internal shear forces of material on the off-diagonal parts …

the Einstein curvature tensor equals the stress-energy tensor (that's Einstein's field equations , which link the cause, stress-energy, to the effect, curvature), but they don't describe the same things, they only have the same coordinates. :wink:

The direct answer to your question is that the counteracting force is the same as the original force … they come in equal and opposite pairs at every point. :smile:
  • #3
tiny-tim said:
The direct answer to your question is that the counteracting force is the same as the original force … they come in equal and opposite pairs at every point.
Thanks for the answer.
But it seems to me that you have somehow missed my question. If we talk about internal forces of body then forces "come in equal and opposite pairs at every point".
My intention however was to ask about external forces where one of the forces results from presence of matter and radiation.
  • #4
zonde said:
lasting deformation can be achieved by applying two counteracting forces to material in different places.
If tensors are used to describe curvature of spacetime and one of the forces result from presence of matter and radiation what is the counteracting force that holds spacetime in place?
zonde said:
… My intention however was to ask about external forces where one of the forces results from presence of matter and radiation.

I'm not following you :confused:

One side of the EFE equation is gravity, which is not a force;

the other side is stress-energy, which is an ordinary non-relativistic concept;

energy isn't a force, of course, but stress is (it's force-per-area) …

which is the force that you feel needs a counteracting force? :smile:
  • #5
tiny-tim said:
I'm not following you :confused:

One side of the EFE equation is gravity, which is not a force;

the other side is stress-energy, which is an ordinary non-relativistic concept;

energy isn't a force, of course, but stress is (it's force-per-area) …
Hmm ...
From wikipedia: "(Stress) is a measure of the intensity of the total internal forces acting within a body across imaginary internal surfaces, as a reaction to external applied forces and body forces."
If gravity is expressed as stress then one of external forces is produced by mass and radiation ... at least it looks this way to me. Can't comment about equations :rolleyes:

tiny-tim said:
which is the force that you feel needs a counteracting force? :smile:
Force that produces stress in spacetime. Or can there be a stress if there is no external force?
Stress appears where mass and energy is located so the force must come from mass and energy ... don't know how to say otherwise.
  • #6
Hi zonde! :smile:
zonde said:
Can't comment about equations :rolleyes:

Sorry, but physics is equations … you need to look at Einstein's field equations or you won't understand what stress has to do with it.
If gravity is expressed as stress …

No, gravity is not expressed as stress, gravity is expressed as the curvature of space-time.
Force that produces stress in spacetime.

Force produces stress in matter … it needs an equal opposing force to do so (otherwise the matter just accelerates into the distance! :biggrin:).

It is mostly matter density (the "obvious" part of the stress-energy tenosr) that causes curvature … as you'd expect, since clasically gravity is caused by matter … stress is just an extra. :smile:

Curvature is not caused by forces … rather, Einstein's field equations (look them up in the PF Library, or wikipedia :wink:) say that the curvature tensor has the same components as the stress-energy tensor (which is made up of matter density and matter stress).

FAQ: What is counteracting spacetime deformation?

1. What is spacetime deformation?

Spacetime deformation refers to the bending or warping of the fabric of space and time, as described by Einstein's theory of general relativity. This is caused by the presence of massive objects, such as planets or stars, which create a gravitational pull that alters the geometry of spacetime.

2. How does counteracting spacetime deformation work?

Counteracting spacetime deformation involves using techniques, such as gravitational wave detectors or precision measurements of the motion of celestial bodies, to detect and correct for the effects of spacetime deformation. This can help us better understand the nature of gravity and the behavior of objects in the universe.

3. What are some real-world applications of counteracting spacetime deformation?

One potential application of counteracting spacetime deformation is in the development of more accurate and reliable navigation systems for space missions. By accounting for the effects of spacetime deformation, spacecraft can better navigate through the complex gravitational fields of celestial bodies.

4. Can counteracting spacetime deformation lead to time travel?

No, counteracting spacetime deformation does not allow for time travel. While it may help us better understand the nature of time and the behavior of objects in the universe, it does not provide a means for physically traveling through time.

5. How does counteracting spacetime deformation relate to the search for a theory of everything?

Counteracting spacetime deformation is an important area of study in the search for a theory of everything, which aims to unify the theories of general relativity and quantum mechanics. Understanding how to counteract spacetime deformation can provide valuable insights into the fundamental laws of the universe and help us develop a more complete picture of how the universe works.

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