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In flat space time the Lagrangian for the EM potential is (neglecting the source term)
which is a scalar for flat spacetime. I would have expected the generalization to curved manifolds to be
However, the Wikipedia article for equations in curved spacetime[/url] gives the Lagrangian still in terms of the regular derivatives, not covariant derivatives. But [tex]\mathcal{L}_{flat}[/tex] is not a scalar in general, is it? I was just reading an article about covariance and Noether's theorem that likewise uses an EM Lagrangian in terms of partial derivatives instead of covariant derivatives.
So which is correct?
Edit: I just checked Gravitation (Misner, Thorne, Wheeler) and eq 22.19a gives the EM tensor as [tex]\nabla_{\mu}A_{\nu}-\nabla_{\nu}A_{\mu}[/tex]
which is a scalar for flat spacetime. I would have expected the generalization to curved manifolds to be
However, the Wikipedia article for equations in curved spacetime[/url] gives the Lagrangian still in terms of the regular derivatives, not covariant derivatives. But [tex]\mathcal{L}_{flat}[/tex] is not a scalar in general, is it? I was just reading an article about covariance and Noether's theorem that likewise uses an EM Lagrangian in terms of partial derivatives instead of covariant derivatives.
So which is correct?
Edit: I just checked Gravitation (Misner, Thorne, Wheeler) and eq 22.19a gives the EM tensor as [tex]\nabla_{\mu}A_{\nu}-\nabla_{\nu}A_{\mu}[/tex]
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