Quantized Radiation Field: Where Am I Wrong?

  • Thread starter kof9595995
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In summary: Because the "natural" basis for describing a monochromatic wave is the Fock basis |n_k> with definite n and k. If you have a linear superposition of states |n_k>, |m_k>, |l_k> (of different n,m,l but the same k) as in the coherent states, then it's reasonable to count the _total_ number of particles n+m+l. In your example of a superposition of |n_k1> and |n_k2> (both with definite n and k but different k) it's not natural to count a total number of particles: each term n_k
  • #1
For a quantized radiation field(radiation gauge),the vector potential takes the form:
[tex]A(x,t) = \sum\limits_{k,\alpha } {\sqrt {1/\omega } } [{\mathord{\buildrel{\lower3pt\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle\frown$}}
\over \varepsilon } ^\alpha }{a_{k,\alpha }}{e^{ - i(\omega t - kx)}} + {\mathord{\buildrel{\lower3pt\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle\frown$}}
\over \varepsilon } ^\alpha }a_{k,\alpha }^\dag {e^{i(\omega t - kx)}}][/tex]
up to some multiplicative constant which is not relevant to my question.
then it seems the expectation value of the field is
[tex] < {n_{k,\alpha }}|A|{n_{k,\alpha }} > = 0[/tex]
However I thought this expectation value should give us a classical plane wave instead of 0, since the number state [tex]|{n_{k,\alpha }} > [/tex] represents a monochromatic wave with a definite momentum.
So where am I wrong?
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  • #2
I believe the quantum mechanical analogs of classical plane waves are http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coherent_state" .
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  • #3
I see, then is it still reasonable, for example in the treatment of stimulated and spontaneous radiation, to assume the initial and final state of radiation are occupation number state, while in reality we usually excite an atom by a classical source(laser)?
By the way I'm now also confused by the physical difference between the sates |n_k1>+|n_k2> and|n_k1,n_k2> , can you explain it to me?
  • #4
kof9595995 said:
I see, then is it still reasonable, for example in the treatment of stimulated and spontaneous radiation, to assume the initial and final state of radiation are occupation number state, while in reality we usually excite an atom by a classical source(laser)?
In quantum optics one treats emission via coherent states, not via occupation number states.
The latter have a very nonclassical statistics.
kof9595995 said:
By the way I'm now also confused by the physical difference between the states |n_k1>+|n_k2> and|n_k1,n_k2> , can you explain it to me?
the first is a state of a single particle in a superposition of different momenta (as produced by a beam splitter, say), the second a (tensor product) state of two particles with different momenta (as produced by parametric downconversion, say).
  • #5
A. Neumaier said:
the first is a state of a single particle in a superposition of different momenta (as produced by a beam splitter, say), the second a (tensor product) state of two particles with different momenta (as produced by parametric downconversion, say).
What do you mean? Both of them are many-particle states(say n>1), aren't they?
  • #6
kof9595995 said:
What do you mean? Both of them are many-particle states(say n>1), aren't they?
No. Only the second (n=2); the first is a single-particle state.
  • #7
I guess I have a huge misunderstanding on this issue: what exactly is a "single-paticle state" ? I thought the occupation number gives the number of particles, if not, what's the meaning of occupation number?
  • #8
kof9595995 said:
I guess I have a huge misunderstanding on this issue: what exactly is a "single-paticle state" ? I thought the occupation number gives the number of particles, if not, what's the meaning of occupation number?

Oh, according to what you had written, I thought that n is a unit vector in the direction of the momentum.

Ignoring polarization, a single photon is described by a superposition of states |p> of different momenta p, an n-photon state is a superposition of states |p_1,...,p_n> with one momentum vector p_k for each photon. if the setting is monochromatic with frequency omega then p_k=omega*n_k with unit vectors n_k. Thus there are no occupation numbers in this notation. (Occupation numbers make sense only for single-state systems.)

If you meant something different then please explain your notation in sufficient detail.
  • #9
Ok I followed the notations from Sakurai, |n_k> (ignoring polariztion) denotes the eigenstate of a number operator N=(a*_k )a_k, where a* and a are ladder operators.
Anyway why can't we interpret |n_k1,n_k2> as there are n_k1 photons with wavevector k1 and n_k2 photons with wavevector k2?
And if you have a copy of Sakurai's advanced QM you can check he clearly interprets the state like this(page 26,"photon states")
  • #10
kof9595995 said:
Ok I followed the notations from Sakurai, |n_k> (ignoring polariztion) denotes the eigenstate of a number operator N=(a*_k )a_k, where a* and a are ladder operators.
Anyway why can't we interpret |n_k1,n_k2> as there are n_k1 photons with wavevector k1 and n_k2 photons with wavevector k2?
And if you have a copy of Sakurai's advanced QM you can check he clearly interprets the state like this(page 26,"photon states")

I don't have Sakurai's book. But your explanation is enough to see what you mean.

In this case, |n_k1>+|n_k2> is a superposition of a state with n_k1 photons with wave vector k1 and a state with n_k2 photons with wave vector k2, thus with an indefinite number of photons, while |n_k1,n_k2> is a tensor product state consisting of n_k1 photons with wave vector k1 and n_k2 photons with wave vector k2, thus containing the definite number of n_k1 + n_k2 photons. (But the first is a very unnatural situation, and the second is natural only if the n's are 0,1, or 2.)
  • #11
Ok, just to check if I understand this issue correctly:
A classical monochromatic wave with wave vector k is given by a coherent state |c_k> ("c" for "coherent"), so to construct a wave packet it's better to use |c_k> as basis and do the superposition [tex]\sum\limits_k {{f_k}|{c_k} > } [/tex], actually in this case "|n_k1>+|n_k2>" can appear as part of the superposition since each |c_k> is a linear combination of |n_k> w.r.t different n's.
And by the way why did you say "second is natural only if the n's are 0,1, or 2"
  • #12
kof9595995 said:
Ok, just to check if I understand this issue correctly:
A classical monochromatic wave with wave vector k is given by a coherent state |c_k> ("c" for "coherent"), so to construct a wave packet it's better to use |c_k> as basis and do the superposition [tex]\sum\limits_k {{f_k}|{c_k} > } [/tex], actually in this case "|n_k1>+|n_k2>" can appear as part of the superposition since each |c_k> is a linear combination of |n_k> w.r.t different n's.
Coherent states are superpositions of |0_k>, |1_k>,...|n_k>,... (all n) with the _same_ k.
Only _these_ superpositions are natural.
Typical experiments involving linear optical devices produce superpositions of coherent states of different k (one for each beam direction and color). Nonlinear optics produces also squeezed states
and other more complex states. None is of the simple forms you discussed.
kof9595995 said:
And by the way why did you say "second is natural only if the n's are 0,1, or 2"
Because already these are very difficult to produce, and the difficulty increases rapidly with occupation number.
  • #13

FAQ: Quantized Radiation Field: Where Am I Wrong?

1. What is quantized radiation field?

The quantized radiation field is a concept in quantum physics that describes the electromagnetic field as being made up of discrete packets of energy, known as photons.

2. How does quantized radiation field differ from classical electrodynamics?

In classical electrodynamics, the electromagnetic field is described as a continuous wave, whereas in quantized radiation field, it is described as a collection of discrete particles. This is a fundamental difference between the two theories.

3. Can you give an example of quantized radiation field in action?

One example of quantized radiation field is the photoelectric effect, where photons of light are absorbed by a material, causing electrons to be emitted. This phenomenon cannot be explained by classical electrodynamics, but is easily understood using the concept of quantized radiation field.

4. Is the existence of quantized radiation field proven?

Yes, the existence of quantized radiation field has been proven through numerous experiments and observations, including the photoelectric effect, blackbody radiation, and the Compton effect. These experiments have shown that light behaves as both a wave and a particle, supporting the concept of quantized radiation field.

5. Where might I have misconceptions about quantized radiation field?

Some common misconceptions about quantized radiation field include thinking that it only applies to light, when in fact it applies to all forms of electromagnetic radiation. Additionally, it is often mistakenly believed that quantized radiation field is a theory separate from classical electrodynamics, when in reality it is a more accurate and complete description of the electromagnetic field.

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