Which Industry Will Be Next Big Thing Just Like Silicon Valley Boom In 90's?

In summary: Renewable energy started getting big deal when the government created a tax credit for people to invest in it.
  • #1
Which Industry Will Be Next Big Thing Just Like Silicon Valley Boom In 90's?

i mean industry that will provide huge wealthy oppurtunities just like silicon valley boom in 90's.could it be renewable energy,genetic engineering,materials engineering,nanotechnology,space construction or anything else?i know renewable energy made a couple of billionaires in china lately.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2

Renewable energy. Cap and trade is about to pass in America along with many other G7 countries.
  • #3

Wax said:
Renewable energy. Cap and trade is about to pass in America along with many other G7 countries.

is there still has spaces for people to jump into the game??what about the other industries that will be a bomb?
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  • #4

What do you mean jump into the game? You mean finding a degree in a renewable energy related field?
  • #5

Wax said:
What do you mean jump into the game? You mean finding a degree in a renewable energy related field?

Future Prospect.Anyway,what are the other industries that have potentials ?
  • #6
The Next Trillionaire Industries?(Serious)

which would be the next trillionaire industries in the future just like how internet and telecommunication boom were in 90's?

nanotechnology/materials science
genetic engineering
renewable energy
nuclear fusion
military hardware
space travel
wireless energy
another computer/software/internet/etc boom?
transportation(exp:everyone owns a private jet?)
artificial intelligence
applied mechanics
virtual world
green revolution?
anything else?

lets discuss here so that we may become the next billionaires.im an aspirin successful entrepreneur.
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  • #7

Unknown_9999 said:
which would be the next trillionaire industries in the future just like how internet and telecommunication boom were in 90's?

nanotechnology/materials science
genetic engineering
renewable energy
nuclear fusion
military hardware
space travel
wireless energy
another computer/software/internet/etc boom?
transportation(exp:everyone owns a private jet?)
artificial intelligence
applied mechanics
virtual world
green revolution?
anything else?

lets discuss here so that we may become the next billionaires.im an aspirin successful entrepreneur.

English is your friend when your an aspiring (aspirin is a drug) entrepreneur.
  • #8

The fossil fuel industry in the US is worth about $1 trillion annually. About a third to half of that money leaves the country, depending on the price of crude.
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  • #9

Some sort of novel transportation revolution is needed. Alot of time is wasted behind a steering wheel when commuting in a car. Increasingly people are utilizing this time doing other things, and as a result increase the risk of an accident, and do a poorer job at whatever they are doing. An energy efficient smart car with autopilot would solve the problem, and buy more time for commuters to utilize. It would reduce traffic accidents, and kill any DUIs.
  • #10

A few of those aren't even industries. For example, "quantum". Quantum what? Automation, robotics, applied mechanics, and virtual world are all very vague as well. Military hardware is already a trillion dollar business annually around the world.
  • #11

Medicine and Energy will always be huge. "virtual world?" I know that World of Warcraft can be addicting to some people, but I don't think we, as a people, are THAT pathetic.

Pengwuino said:
A few of those aren't even industries. For example, "quantum". Quantum what?

I think he means Quantum Computation.
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  • #12

Robotics and artificial intelligence. And then Homo Sapiens will become obsolete technology, so it will also be the end of us.
  • #13

I think quantum technologies. i know that is ambiguous but I think people start to engineer more and more using quantum techniques. I think the next century a lot of people will be doing some pretty cool things with it. Quantum computers for instance I think is where it might start.
  • #14

Nanotechnology, it already [invaded], if I must say, every industrial field, electronics, medicine… just every thing
  • #15

Think incremental, where efficiencies could be key. Graphene nano-components, for instance, if you are interested in supplanting silicone in chips.

If you are a thinking of CE, you might do well to follow the University of Maine. They have recently come up with a way to produce tubes of carbon composites, inflate them, coat them with resins, fill the tubes with concrete and build bridges on-site quickly with limited resources. Sometimes it takes a fresh look at existing tech to create the leverage.
  • #16

IMO: battery storage technology.
  • #17

(Shakes head as I hit the back button to get me out of this thread).
  • #18

since there are already a bunch of start ups in renewable energy industry,do you people think there still have chances to jump into the game?
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  • #19

Unknown_9999 said:
since there are already a bunch of start ups in renewable energy industry,do you ppl think there still have chances to jump into the game?

Sure. It doesn't matter if it bunk and bogus. It can still make a profit. Probably not a trillion, though. Does that matter to ya?
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  • #20

Phrak said:
Sure. It doesn't matter if it bunk and bogus. It can still make a profit.

how did renewable energy start getting big deal anyway?
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  • #21

Unknown_9999 said:
how did renewable energy start gettin big deal anyway?

Government agenda to generate more revenue by cap and trade through climate change.
  • #22

Unknown_9999 said:
how did renewable energy start gettin big deal anyway?

OK. I'll get serious. You suggested military hardware. Try military software. Not in the trillions, but high millions or billions.
  • #23

Unknown_9999 said:
since there are already a bunch of start ups in renewable energy industry,do you ppl think there still have chances to jump into the game?

Yes, we have a long way to go. With a trillion dollars in annual revenues in the balance, there are plenty of pieces of the pie.

The hard part is picking the winners and losers.
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  • #24

Unknown_9999 said:
how did renewable energy start gettin big deal anyway?

The price of crude oil, which jumped from $60 a barrel, to $140 a barrel, in eighteen months, has been the main driver. It has been said by industry experts that one missile attack on an oil tanker, by Iran, for example, or perhaps terrorists, could drive the price of crude to $200 a barrel, virtually overnight. Solving the energy problem is now a matter of national security. Beyond that are issues like climate change.


We are currently depleting US wealth to the tune of half a trillion dollars a year by importing crude oil. Oil tycoon T. Boone Pickens, billionare, calls this the largest transfer of wealth in history! This creates the opportunity to keep the money in the US by attaining energy independence, creating millions of jobs in the process.

It is also true that crude prices have risen to such a level that other options like biodiesel are competitive. When petrodiesel hit three dollars a gallon - about the required sales price for biodiesel to be competitive - biodiesel began to sell. When petrodiesel was selling for $2 a gallon, it was pretty tough to sell biodiesel for $3.

Also, the demand for energy from China and India is expected to "explode". The next world war may well be over oil if we don't address the problem before it gets out of hand.

Mirko Mikelic, an Analyst at Fifth Third Bank, told the news provider: "The Chinese auto market is going to explode exponentially over the next five to ten years.

"They have an untapped consumer base that is constantly growing, so I don't think it would surprise most people that China is expected to surpass the United States in the next ten years."

A range of incentives and tax cuts introduced in Beijing earlier this year contributed to the increased sales performance but China also has another major advantage over the US.

While the US market is now largely saturated, China has 1.3 billion people - which accounts for a fifth of the world's population - with the potential for a much higher ownership ratio.

As Credit Suisse Analyst Hung Bin Toh wrote in a recent research report quoted by the news provider, car ownership in the country could increase fivefold to 148 cars per 1,000 residents by 2020...

...meaning that China could add over 100 million gas-hungry cars to the roads over the next ten years. We have about 250 million passenger vehicles in the US right now, and we use about 24% of the worlds oil.
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  • #25

Ivan Seeking said:
The price of crude oil, which jumped from $60 a barrel, to $140 a barrel, in eighteen months, has been the main driver. It has been said by industry experts that one missile attack on an oil tanker, by Iran, for example, or perhaps terrorists, could drive the price of crude to $200 a barrel, virtually overnight. Solving the energy problem is now a matter of national security. Beyond that are issues like climate change.


We are currently depleting US wealth to the tune of half a trillion dollars a year by importing crude oil. This creates the opportunity to keep the money in the US by attaining energy independence, and creating millions of jobs in the process.

Isn't a large portion of that uptrend do to market speculation?
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  • #26

Cyrus said:
Isn't a large portion of that uptrend do to market speculation?

There are two issues: The trend, and the spike. Remember also that oil speculators are betting on future prices.

As the world's economy froze and the demand for oil dropped, the price of oil dropped dramatically. As the economy begins to recover, so does the price of oil. In fact we are already above the price levels seen just before the spike.

According to the DOEs Aquatic Species program, biodiesel from algae might be competitive when the price of diesel doubles its 1998 price. That happened in about April of 2005.
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  • #27

Merged 9999's two threads into one here in GD.
  • #28

what about nanotechnology??will it be a strong industry within 30 years?
  • #29

Unknown_9999 said:
what about nanotechnology??will it be a strong industry within 30 years?

Nanotech was such a buzz once upon a time. I'm still waiting for some good nano products.

The OP is an interesting question. Whatever it is, I think it's too early to say. We need a new technology. Maybe were at a plateau right now.
  • #30

Unknown_9999 said:
what about nanotechnology??will it be a strong industry within 30 years?

You know, were not fortune tellers at PF.
  • #31

drankin said:
Nanotech was such a buzz once upon a time. I'm still waiting for some good nano products.

The Nano-Tex spill-proof shirt was touted as the first nanotechnology product to be commercialized. Discussion includes other future technologies.

  • #32

Count Iblis said:
Robotics and artificial intelligence. And then Homo Sapiens will become obsolete technology, so it will also be the end of us.

Nonsense! While a robot may displace some low end production jobs it creates higher end maintance jobs to keep them running and other manufacturing jobs to fabricate the robot.
  • #33

Integral said:
Nonsense! While a robot may displace some low end production jobs it creates higher end maintance jobs to keep them running and other manufacturing jobs to fabricate the robot.

Yes, that's how things are today, but it won't stay that way forever. There is no reason why eventually robots and artificially intelligent agents won't replace humans altogether.
  • #34

Count Iblis said:
Yes, that's how things are today, but it won't stay that way forever. There is no reason why eventually robots and artificially intelligent agents won't replace humans altogether.

Artificial intelligence replacing humans is one idea popular with Hollywood movies, but a more likely scenario in my view would be the merging of robotics/artificial intelligence WITH humans. The latter is more likely because we already see it happening. Computerized prosthetics for amputees(search for "C-Leg"), cochlear implants for the deaf, even our personal computers are getting smaller and faster so they can stay with us at all times. Our technology will merge with our biology.
See transhumanism: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transhumanism"

"Will robots inherit the earth? Yes, but they will be our children." ---Marvin Minsky, 1995
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  • #35

Count Iblis said:
Yes, that's how things are today, but it won't stay that way forever. There is no reason why eventually robots and artificially intelligent agents won't replace humans altogether.

No reason? That is going a bit far. While what you say may be true, we certainly don't know it to be true. There is much about the mind that we don't understand and may never be able to duplicate with programming and memory.

It is also conceivable that as we learn more about the mind and its functioning, we will one day laugh at the notion that dumb computers could ever replace us. Consider for example that even with all of the amazing processing power and speed available today, I still have to drive my car instead of just telling it where to take me.

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