Which one is more elastic: steel or rubber. and why?

In summary, elasticity refers to a material's ability to return to its original shape after being stretched or compressed. It is measured by the material's elastic modulus, which is the ratio of stress to strain. Steel is more elastic than rubber due to its higher elastic modulus, making it less prone to permanent deformation under stress. This is why steel is commonly used in construction despite rubber's flexibility. However, there is a limit to how elastic a material can be, known as the elastic limit, which can vary depending on factors such as temperature and pressure.
  • #1

I want to know that which one is more elastic:
steel or rubber.
and why?
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2

You are comparing apples to oranges. Steel obeys Hooke's Law (in the elastic region) and rubber is non-Hookean material. What are your thoughts?

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  • #3

The answer to this question depends on how we define "elasticity." If we are talking about the ability of a material to return to its original shape after being stretched or compressed, then rubber is generally considered to be more elastic than steel.

Rubber is a polymer, meaning it is made up of long chains of molecules that can stretch and bend easily. When a force is applied to rubber, these molecules can stretch and slide past each other, allowing the rubber to deform. When the force is released, the molecules return to their original positions, causing the rubber to return to its original shape. This ability to deform and return to its original shape is what makes rubber a very elastic material.

On the other hand, steel is a metal and has a crystalline structure. When a force is applied to steel, the atoms in the crystal lattice are forced to move, causing the material to deform. However, unlike rubber, the atoms in steel are tightly bound together, making it more difficult for them to return to their original positions once the force is released. This results in steel being less elastic than rubber.

In addition, rubber has a higher elasticity coefficient, which is a measure of how much a material can be stretched before it breaks. Rubber can be stretched to about 700% of its original length before breaking, while steel can only be stretched to about 8% of its original length before breaking. This further demonstrates the higher elasticity of rubber compared to steel.

In conclusion, due to its molecular structure and higher elasticity coefficient, rubber is generally considered to be more elastic than steel. However, it is important to note that both materials have their own unique properties and are used for different purposes based on their specific characteristics.

FAQ: Which one is more elastic: steel or rubber. and why?

1. What is elasticity and how is it measured?

Elasticity is the ability of a material to return to its original shape after being stretched or compressed. It is measured by the material's elastic modulus, which is the ratio of stress (force per unit area) to strain (change in length per unit length).

2. Which material is more elastic: steel or rubber?

Steel is more elastic than rubber. This is because steel has a higher elastic modulus, meaning it can withstand greater stress before permanently deforming. Rubber, on the other hand, has a lower elastic modulus and tends to deform more easily under stress.

3. Can you provide an example of how steel is more elastic than rubber?

One example is when a steel spring and a rubber band of the same size and shape are stretched with the same force. The steel spring will return to its original shape more easily and with less permanent deformation, while the rubber band may become stretched out or even break.

4. Why is steel more commonly used in construction if rubber is more flexible?

While rubber may be more flexible, it is not as strong or durable as steel. Steel's higher elasticity allows it to withstand heavy loads and stress without permanent deformation, making it a better choice for structural support in construction.

5. Is there a limit to how elastic a material can be?

Yes, there is a limit to how elastic a material can be. Every material has a maximum elastic modulus, also known as the elastic limit, beyond which it will permanently deform or break. This limit varies for different materials and can also be affected by factors such as temperature and pressure.

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