Matrix Revolutions: Worth The Wait?

  • Thread starter Monique
  • Start date
In summary, the speaker is uninspired and lost motivation. They say that anything or anyone that used to inspire them has let them down recently. They mention that inspiration comes from the memory of teachers and friends, but they find it difficult to live up to the expectations of others. Life is too short to feel uninspired and discouraged. They state that if things in one's life make them sad, they should change them. They advise finding things to do that make you happy and that you can be proud of. Finally, they say that if you find yourself feeling uninspired, it is okay to seek guidance from those who have achieved more.
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
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Gold Member
Lately, anything or anyone that used to inspire me seems to have let me down.. kinda bummed out right now :)

Soo, I was wondering: who or what is your motivation to ambition?
Physics news on
  • #2

Quest Of Course
  • #3
inspirational quotes

I really like quotes. especially the ones by the infamous Author Unknown. I find inspiration in such quotes as: "Ambition is building a ladder against the sky", and "No one can make you feel inferior without you consent."

I'd post more, but I've got to go to school soon.:smile:
  • #4
I inspire to inspire.

Unfortunately, I'm uninspired to inspire inspiring.

Guess i'll never be inspired.

O well.
  • #5
who inspires me?

I would have to say that, aprt from my family, my biggest inspiration comes form the memory of my teachers and from my friends. The problem with that is, they are (or were) some of the most well known scientists, authors, etc. in history. It is easy to compare myself to them and find I am wanting. This I suppose is natural to a degree. We all strive to be all that we can, and often the most severe judge of our success is ourselves.
  • #6
Oddly enough one of the things that inspires me the most is something that others may find daunting.

I am frequently inspired by considering how relatively short our time is alive.

When I think about this, I turn off the TV, or whatever else I am doing to waste time, and begin to work on whatever I have been putting off.

I do a lot of the type of things that most people think of as requiring inspiration, such as writing and painting. I find the hardest part is putting aside the distractions and just starting. If it's a long term project, make the time to work on it every day. Keep reminding yourself that life is transient, we won't be here forever.
  • #7

Who? God!
What? Oxygen!
  • #8
life experiences inspire me, as i try to learn as much as i can from them...
  • #9
The Bible inspires me.
  • #10
Fresh air and solitude...
  • #11
Doing things really. I love learning new things and trying to do them. Whether it is work related, websites, motorcycle racing (my favourite), learning, sport, drinking, playing... whatever.

Life is indeed to short to run out of things to do. If I retired tomorrow (No chance I'm 41) I would rarely have any spare time to get bored in.

I'm with Artman - life is so short. You are a long time dead so find what you like doing and try to do more of it. If you get bored with that, do something else.

If things in your life make you sad, either change them, or cope with them and move on. I've been told by many people that my simplistic approach is 'unrealistic' and that I ought to 'join the real world'. Hey, I'm in it!
  • #12
Well, I both love to work and study. You kinda loose your zeal though, when you work and work and work, sweet blood and tears, and when all is done, nothing is done with the data. Or you start a master program and after two months you haven't seen a single student and all the courses are delayed :)

Basically not being in control

Sometimes a world can become very small and there is a need to break free..
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  • #13
The fear of becoming a failure inspires me.
  • #14
Richard Feynman and mango ice cream.

- Warren
  • #15



  • #16
  • #17
Originally posted by Monique
Basically not being in control

I suggest you see the matrix revolutions
  • #18
Originally posted by Monique
Well, I both love to work and study. You kinda loose your zeal though, when you work and work and work, sweet blood and tears, and when all is done, nothing is done with the data. Or you start a master program and after two months you haven't seen a single student and all the courses are delayed
I see what's bugging you: not boredom, but disappointment. All work and no fruition.

Time to do a little extracurricular study of where your efforts are more likely to yield results. Knowing that constitutes a kind of talent unto itself. Unplug from the people for whom beurocracy is a reward unto itself, and get with the people who get stuff done.
  • #19
I used to be inspired by the great work other people had done. When you are starting out, you set your sites high. You want to be among the greats. There comes a time for most though, when other people's great accomplishments remind them that they are not doing anything Earth'shaking. What used to inspire now depresses. It's wrong to feel this way. There is plenty of good work that isn't Earth'shaking. But while you can take pride in this good work, it generally does not inspire.

  • #20
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
I see what's bugging you: not boredom, but disappointment. All work and no fruition.
You have very good insight

Yeah, that is basically it, it feels like: why sit down and read all those papers, who will care. And thus rather seeking instant victory, reversi on internet for instance You know, sometimes you work so hard to get things done and when the finished product is just set aside by someone to collect dust, it is kinda frustrating :)

I am about to start on a new research project with a succesfull group of people so I guess I will have my inspiration back in no time
  • #21
Inspiration.. not my friends:

I made a real inspirational wallpaper by cropping the following picture of a sunflower against a sunlit sky, and in the upper right corner I put the following text in itallics, the same color as the flower petals:

Aim at the sun and you may not reach it..

but your arrow will fly far higher than if
aimed at an object on a level with yourself ((wallpaper: ofcourse for personal use only))

The friend: "pfff, what a lame quote" [zz)] lol
  • #22
Originally posted by Monique I am about to start on a new research project with a succesfull group of people so I guess I will have my inspiration back in no time
This is the way to go. It's hard, if not impossible to motivate other people, so find and stick with people who are already motivated.
  • #23
Originally posted by dduardo
I suggest you see the matrix revolutions

I suggest you wait 'till it comes out in theaters. :wink:

FAQ: Matrix Revolutions: Worth The Wait?

1. Is "Matrix Revolutions" worth the wait compared to the previous films in the franchise?

This is a subjective question, as opinions on the quality of the film may vary. However, many fans of the franchise believe that "Matrix Revolutions" is a fitting conclusion to the series and was worth the wait.

2. Does "Matrix Revolutions" answer all of the questions and mysteries from the previous films?

While "Matrix Revolutions" does provide some closure to the plot and characters, there are still some unanswered questions and lingering mysteries. This is a common occurrence in complex and philosophical films such as the Matrix franchise.

3. How does "Matrix Revolutions" compare to the visual effects of the previous films?

The visual effects in "Matrix Revolutions" are just as impressive as the previous films, if not more so. The final battle scene in particular is a visual masterpiece and showcases the advancements in technology since the first film was released.

4. Is the storyline in "Matrix Revolutions" as complex and thought-provoking as the previous films?

Some viewers may argue that the plot in "Matrix Revolutions" is not as complex as the previous films, as it focuses more on action and resolving conflicts rather than delving deeper into the philosophical themes. However, there are still plenty of thought-provoking elements and themes present in the film.

5. Does "Matrix Revolutions" provide a satisfying ending to the franchise?

Again, this is a subjective question and opinions may vary. However, many fans of the franchise consider the ending of "Matrix Revolutions" to be a fitting and satisfying conclusion to the series, with the main conflicts resolved and the characters' stories coming to a close.
