Why are complex numbers in the form a+bi?

In summary, complex numbers are written in the form a+bi because they allow for the representation of both real and imaginary numbers. This form, known as the Cartesian form, follows the rules of algebra and allows for operations such as addition, subtraction, and multiplication to be performed on complex numbers. It also provides a geometric interpretation, where the real part represents the horizontal axis and the imaginary part represents the vertical axis on a complex plane. This form is essential in solving various mathematical problems, such as finding roots of polynomials and solving differential equations. Additionally, the a+bi form is used in many other fields, including engineering, physics, and economics, to model and analyze real-world phenomena.
  • #1
Does it have something to do with the quadratic form? What would i type on google to search for more information to get better search results?
Mathematics news on Phys.org
  • #2
With that form one may describe a complex number as the sum of a real part (a) and an imaginary part (bi).

The form is known as "rectangular form."
  • #3
They are like that because complex numbers are constructed by taking the real numbers and then adding the new number i to them to form a new field of numbers. The results of the equations means that every complex number has a real and imaginary part and add as you would expect, so expressing them like that explains the idea that each complex number you have has a real part (the a) and an imaginary part (the b).

However, there are other ways you can express them. You can express them with polar coordinates like you can for points in the plane usually (each number is of the form r(cos([itex]\theta[/itex])+i.sin([itex]\theta[/itex])) where the r is the distance from the origin and the [itex]\theta[/itex] is the angle which you leave the origin from to go distance r to reach your point).

The neat thing about complex numbers is that r(cos[itex]\theta[/itex]+i.sin[itex]\theta[/itex])=[itex]re^{i\theta}[/itex] by something called Euler's formula, which allows you to express the number in the neat little form: [itex]z=re^{i\theta}[/itex]
  • #4
kramer733 said:
Does it have something to do with the quadratic form? What would i type on google to search for more information to get better search results?
To summarize what MisterX and Jamma said, we often write complex numbers like that because it is convenient (it fits our commonly used xy- coordinate system format) but there are many different ways in which we could write complex numbers: [itex]re^{i\theta}[/itex] is one. Engineers often use the format "[itex]r cis(\theta)[/itex]" which is short for "[itex]r(cos(\theta)+ i sin(\theta))= re^{i\theta}[/itex]" as Jamma said.

There is no "mathematical" reason- it is just a convention.
  • #5
But what about the "+" sign in between the real part and the imaginary part? Since graphing complex numbers on the complex plane is a lot like graphing real numbers on the real plane, why didn't we use a comma inbetween the real parts and complex parts?

How do we know there are nice properties such as addition and multiplication for something in the form "A+Bi"? If we had instead used the convention "(A,Bi)" to graph complex numbers, then would it still have had addition and multiplication for complex numbers? It seems a bit odd to me. You can of course multiply a scalar with (a,bi) or add another complex number but it would've done differently.

with the current system, (a+bi)^2 = a^2 + 2(a)(bi) -b^2. would it still have resulted in the same if we would have multiplied (a,bi) with (a,bi)? How do we even do that?
  • #6
How do I go from cos(x+y) + sin(x+y)i



How do people on physicsforums put in proper notation instead of having to write down what I'm doing?
  • #7
Sometimes a comma is used. This is the type of thing done in and introduction to algebra. When we add a new element to a ring the addition and multiplication and elements are decided by the original ring. When we add i to R the only thing we can possibly get is C. The most general thing we can get by addition and multiplication of i by real numbers is the polynomial
z=p(i)=a0+a1 i+a2 i^2+...+an i^n
all we know about i is that i^2=-1
so we might as well gather up all the even and odd powers
the same with
there are no other choices
  • #8
exp(i x)=cos(x)+i sin(x)
might be a definition depending on how you have set up your system
It is the only reasonable result though.
suppose exp(i x)=A(x)+i B(x)
we want
exp(i (x+y))=exp(i x)exp(i x)
Thus the only reasonable choices for A and B are
A(x)=cos(x) B(x)=sin(x)
  • #9
kramer733 said:
But what about the "+" sign in between the real part and the imaginary part? Since graphing complex numbers on the complex plane is a lot like graphing real numbers on the real plane, why didn't we use a comma inbetween the real parts and complex parts?

How do we know there are nice properties such as addition and multiplication for something in the form "A+Bi"? If we had instead used the convention "(A,Bi)" to graph complex numbers, then would it still have had addition and multiplication for complex numbers? It seems a bit odd to me. You can of course multiply a scalar with (a,bi) or add another complex number but it would've done differently.

with the current system, (a+bi)^2 = a^2 + 2(a)(bi) -b^2. would it still have resulted in the same if we would have multiplied (a,bi) with (a,bi)? How do we even do that?

You might find this article helpful:

  • #10
Originally Posted by kramer733
Does it have something to do with the quadratic form? What would i type on google to search for more information to get better search results?

HallsofIvy said:
To summarize what MisterX and Jamma said, we often write complex numbers like that because it is convenient (it fits our commonly used xy- coordinate system format) but there are many different ways in which we could write complex numbers: [itex]re^{i\theta}[/itex] is one. Engineers often use the format "[itex]r cis(\theta)[/itex]" which is short for "[itex]r(cos(\theta)+ i sin(\theta))= re^{i\theta}[/itex]" as Jamma said.

There is no "mathematical" reason- it is just a convention.

Here is a thought, maybe helpful.

The same idea is done with Real Numbers, such as on a cartesian system (for example, in two dimensions). Consider a line equation. Some real number, C, can be expressed as Ax+By. We can say, Ax+By=C. Ax and By are ADDED and their result is a Real Number, C.

For Complex numbers, by comparable or corresponding positions, Ax is like a, By is like b, and C is like, z. Naturally, we might accept how simple addition is a good way to represent Complex Numbers. ax+bi=z for Complex, Ax+By=C for Reals.

FAQ: Why are complex numbers in the form a+bi?

1. Why do we need complex numbers?

Complex numbers are necessary to solve certain mathematical problems that cannot be solved with real numbers alone. They are particularly useful in solving equations involving square roots of negative numbers, such as in electrical engineering and quantum mechanics.

2. What is the purpose of the imaginary unit (i) in a complex number?

The imaginary unit, denoted by the letter i, is the square root of -1. It is used to represent the second dimension in a complex number, giving it both a real and imaginary component. This allows for the representation of numbers in the form a+bi, where a is the real part and bi is the imaginary part.

3. How are complex numbers represented geometrically?

Complex numbers can be represented on a Cartesian plane, with the real part plotted on the x-axis and the imaginary part plotted on the y-axis. The point where the two axes intersect is the origin, and each complex number can be represented as a vector from the origin to its position on the plane.

4. What are the applications of complex numbers?

Complex numbers have various applications in mathematics, physics, and engineering. They are used in electrical engineering for calculating AC circuits, in signal processing for analyzing signals, and in quantum mechanics for describing wave functions. They are also used in computer graphics and 3D modeling to represent rotations and transformations.

5. Can complex numbers be used in real-world situations?

Yes, complex numbers have real-world applications in various fields, such as in modeling and predicting the behavior of electrical circuits and in analyzing the behavior of waves in different mediums. They are also used in economics and finance to model and predict stock market trends. Additionally, complex numbers are used in computer programming and simulations for creating realistic graphics and simulations.

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