Why Does My Computer Speaker Make a Clicking Noise?

  • Thread starter LENIN
  • Start date
In summary, the loud clicking noise that some computer speakers make when turned on after being shut down for a while is caused by the power-on transient at the output of the audio amplifier. This transient is generated by the capacitor between the amp and the speaker, and its intensity depends on the design of the audio amp. Good audio amps are designed to minimize this noise.
  • #1
Why do some computere speakers make a loud clicking noise whene they are turned on after a long time? I noticed this hapening with my speakers, but only if theye where sjut down for a while. If I just turn theme off and on agein I don't heare the clicking noise. Wht is these noice. My first gues would be it has something to do with a capacitator but I would be really glad if someon could explain what it is. Thanks!
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
The speaker element is a coil around a magnet. When current is driven into the coil one way or the other, that moves the coil, which is connected to the cone of the speaker, and that generates sounds. When the audio amp that drives the speaker is powered up and just sitting there, the output of the amp is at about half of the power supply voltage of the amp, and there is a capacitor between that output and the coil to isolate that DC voltage from the inductance of the coil. The quiescent voltage across the coil to ground is zero.

When the audio amp is off, the voltage at its output is zero, and the capacitor has zero voltage across it. So when the amp is powered on, the audio amp side of the capacitor gets pulled up to half of the power supply voltage, and that transient can often be heard as a pop sound in the speaker. The harsher the power-on transient at the output of the audio amp, the louder the transient will be at the speaker. Good audio amps are designed to minimize the power-on transient rate.
  • #3
Thanks berkeman!

FAQ: Why Does My Computer Speaker Make a Clicking Noise?

1. Why is my computer speaker making a clicking noise?

There are multiple reasons why your computer speaker may be making a clicking noise. It could be due to a loose connection, outdated drivers, or interference from other electronic devices.

2. How can I fix the clicking noise in my computer speaker?

The first step to fixing the clicking noise in your computer speaker is to check all connections and ensure they are secure. If that does not solve the issue, try updating your speaker drivers or moving electronic devices away from your computer.

3. Can a virus cause my computer speaker to make clicking noises?

It is unlikely that a virus would directly cause your computer speaker to make clicking noises. However, a virus could disrupt your computer's system and cause issues that lead to clicking noises in your speaker.

4. Why does my computer speaker only click when playing certain audio files?

This could be due to compatibility issues with the audio file and your computer's audio system. It could also be caused by corrupted audio files or outdated audio drivers.

5. Is a clicking noise in my computer speaker something to be concerned about?

In most cases, a clicking noise in your computer speaker is not a cause for concern. It could be a minor issue that can be easily fixed. However, if the clicking noise is accompanied by other issues, it may be a sign of a bigger problem and should be addressed by a professional.
