Why does thinking about old memories feels good?

In summary: When we think about memories, our brain will emulate different aspects of how it was when the event in the memory took place. An example: if you think about an unhappy experience, you will perhaps feel a little bit depressed, or wince and turn your mind to something else; if you think of a scary experience you will feel scared. This is because your brain is having similar neural patterns as the ones it had when the event took place. So, when you think of a happy memory, your brain will produce similar neural patterns to the ones it produced when the event in the memory took place, which we will interpret as happiness.Most of us are pretty certain why we feel good or bad - the question was why the memory
  • #1
My bro. told me that it feels good b/c it gives us a sense of accomplishment; legacy. But I saw an old video I havn't seen in a long time and it made my brain access a part of its mind which I don't experience very often.

Thanks for the replies!
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  • #2
By old memories, I assume one refers to 'good' or 'pleasant' memories of happy moments, as opposed to reliving or remembering a traumatic event. Ostensibly, the brain recreates the neural pattern and neurochemical response we associate with happiness.
  • #3
Check out some Freud.. I know of places where you can find some of his work.. Hit me up in pm if you are interested.
  • #4

When we think about memories, our brain will emulate different aspects of how it was when the event in the memory took place. An example: if you think about an unhappy experience, you will perhaps feel a little bit depressed, or wince and turn your mind to something else; if you think of a scary experience you will feel scared. This is because your brain is having similar neural patterns as the ones it had when the event took place. So, when you think of a happy memory, your brain will produce similar neural patterns to the ones it produced when the event in the memory took place, which we will interpret as happiness.
  • #5
Let me narrow this question down a little, if I may: How are specific memories tagged with emotion? Let's take fear, because that's what I've been looking at recently (and broadly) : The lateral nucleus of the amygdala supposedly pairs stimuli (using run of the mill hebbian interaction) in order to stimulate the central nucleus of the amygala, which in turn activates both the hippocampus and the VTA, among other areas. It seems fairly well understood that the amygdala learns implicitly, so that the conditioned stimulus will elicit the same type of "fearful" later on.

But seeing as how we're talking about the explicit memory system, I think exploring the interactions of the hippocampus post central nucleus will point us in the right direction. Does anyone know if input from the VTA is needed to tag the memory as a fearful one, or is the output from the amygdala sufficient?

If the VTA is in fact a crucial part of fear conditioning, then the memory recalled would serve to activate the tegmental cells. Does anyone know if this is the case? Does suppression of the VTA inhibit the emotional response that comes from the reactivation of the original memory set? Or does anyone know of any research/papers on this subject?
  • #6
feelings seem to revolve around expectational boundries. when something exceeds or did exceed an expectation it triggers a good feeling, when the expectation was or is violated we experience a form of pain. there are three major boundries: body, self-image, and ideals or goals. fear is ancipation of a boundry violation.
  • #7
Most of us are pretty certain why we feel good or bad - the question was why the memory of a feeling elicits that same feeling. Even within the confines of your conveniently vague response, jiohdi, I must point out that no expectations or boundaries are exceeded or violated by the act of remembering.

Does anyone know anything about memory retrieval in general? Is the hippocampus the culprit, or do we activate the circuits directly form the cortex?

FAQ: Why does thinking about old memories feels good?

1. Why do we feel good when we think about old memories?

Thinking about old memories can evoke positive emotions and feelings of nostalgia. This is because these memories are associated with past experiences that were meaningful, enjoyable, or significant to us. Our brains also tend to filter out negative associations and focus on the positive aspects of the memory, leading to a sense of happiness and well-being.

2. Is there a scientific explanation for why old memories feel good?

Research has shown that thinking about old memories can activate the reward centers in our brain, specifically the ventral striatum. This region is linked to feelings of pleasure and motivation, and when activated, can release dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with happiness and reward.

3. Why do some people find more enjoyment in reminiscing about the past?

Individuals who have a strong sense of self-continuity, or a strong connection to their past self, tend to find more enjoyment in reminiscing about old memories. This is because they view their past experiences as an important part of their identity, and recalling these memories can provide a sense of continuity and coherence to their sense of self.

4. Can thinking about old memories help improve our mood?

Yes, thinking about old memories can improve our mood and overall well-being. In addition to activating the reward centers in our brain, reminiscing about positive memories can also boost our self-esteem and provide a sense of comfort and security. It can also serve as a coping mechanism during times of stress or difficult emotions.

5. Are there any potential negative effects of constantly thinking about old memories?

While reminiscing about old memories can have positive effects, constantly dwelling on the past can also have negative consequences. It can lead to rumination, or repetitive and negative thinking patterns, which can contribute to anxiety and depression. Additionally, constantly comparing present experiences to past memories may prevent individuals from fully engaging and enjoying their current experiences.

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