Why doesn't Elon Musk build his Hyperloop tunnels in our canals?

  • Thread starter boyband
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In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of using existing canals in England as part of Elon Musk's hyperloop project. However, there are concerns about the practicality and potential negative impacts of covering the canals for this purpose. It is also mentioned that the canals are not necessarily straight, and there would be opposition from people who use them for recreational purposes.
  • #1
In England we have canal's that have being dug in the straightest line between 2 points to a standard deep Mister Musk has the boring company to build tunnel's why does he buy the canal's in England and cover them so he can prove his hyperloop cheaper than constant drilling?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
And how many folks would balk at filling in their historic canals and if they allowed it where would all the dirt come from to fill them in. It would have to be shipped at great expense from somewhere, and likely disrupt the environment.

And then there's the mosquitos where would they move to, people are always trying to mess with their living spaces.
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Likes berkeman
  • #3
boyband said:
In England we have canal's that have being dug in the straightest line between 2 points to a standard deep Mister Musk has the boring company to build tunnel's why does he buy the canal's in England and cover them so he can prove his hyperloop cheaper than constant drilling?
Do you think maybe you could learn to break your posts up into actual sentences when you do it your way it looks gibberish only when reading it a second time does it begin to make sense perhaps English is not your native language even if so, learning to put in a period now and then would be a good idea it would make your post more readable. Whew !
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Likes berkeman
  • #4
phinds said:
perhaps English is not your native language
From what I can see with my Mentor superpowers (and cannot reveal in detail for privacy reasons), he/she is from an English speaking country. Just has no clue about plural/possessive nouns or sentence structure. Certainly makes it much harder to parse his/her posts to try to respond in a helpful way...
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  • #5
boyband said:
In England we have canal's that have being dug in the straightest line between 2 points

All the canals that I know are quite bendy. (Intentionally, to avoid having to go uphill or downhill.)

But, as has already been pointed out, there would be huge opposition to this from people who like traveling along canals in boats, and from lots more people too.
  • #6
Perhaps more to the point, if building a route from LA to San Francisco, going via English canals seems a wee bit out of the way.
  • Haha
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Likes Astronuc, phinds, russ_watters and 1 other person
  • #7
DrGreg said:

All the canals that I know are quite bendy. (Intentionally, to avoid having to go uphill or downhill.)

But, as has already been pointed out, there would be huge opposition to this from people who like traveling along canals in boats, and from lots more people too.
The Oxford Canal is "quite bendy", and has many locks to accommodate changes in elevation.


The "lots more people" group includes many loyal public house patrons.

FAQ: Why doesn't Elon Musk build his Hyperloop tunnels in our canals?

1. Why did Elon Musk choose to build the Hyperloop tunnels underground instead of using existing canals?

Elon Musk's initial proposal for the Hyperloop included using existing canals, but after further research and testing, it was determined that building the tunnels underground would be a more efficient and cost-effective option. The tunnels would be safer from natural disasters and would require less maintenance.

2. Could the canals be modified to accommodate the Hyperloop tunnels?

While it is possible to modify existing canals to accommodate the Hyperloop tunnels, it would require significant engineering and construction efforts. The canals would need to be widened and reinforced to support the weight of the tunnels and the high-speed trains. This would be a costly and time-consuming process.

3. What are the potential environmental impacts of building the Hyperloop tunnels in canals?

Building the Hyperloop tunnels in canals could have a significant impact on the environment. It could disrupt the natural flow of water, potentially affecting the ecosystem and wildlife. It could also have an impact on the surrounding communities, as the construction process would generate noise and air pollution.

4. Would building the Hyperloop tunnels in canals be feasible from a technical standpoint?

While it may seem like a logical solution to use existing canals for the Hyperloop, there are several technical challenges that would need to be addressed. Canals are not designed to support heavy infrastructure, and the water level would need to be lowered to accommodate the tunnels. Additionally, the tunnels would need to be reinforced to withstand the pressure from the water.

5. Are there any potential benefits of building the Hyperloop tunnels in canals?

One potential benefit of building the Hyperloop tunnels in canals is that it could reduce the amount of land needed for construction, which could be beneficial in densely populated areas. It could also potentially reduce the cost of building the tunnels, as the canals would already provide a foundation for the tunnels. However, these potential benefits would need to be weighed against the technical and environmental challenges.

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