Why is aluminum foil attracted to a charged balloon just like paper?

In summary, when a charged balloon is brought near neutral aluminum foil, the foil is initially attracted due to charge polarization. However, since aluminum foil is a conductor, the negative charges (electrons) are able to move freely within the foil, resulting in a lack of negative charge on one side of the foil. This leads to an overall attraction between the charged balloon and the foil. Upon contact, the charges neutralize and the objects may have zero charge or a more even distribution of negative charge. This is due to the movement of electrons within the conductor.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I have a basic understanding of electrostatics. I know that when I rub a balloon with wool, both the wool and the balloon will become charged. I know that if I bring my charged balloon near neutral paper, the paper will be attracted because of charge polarization. I thought that when I bring my charged balloon near neutral aluminum foil, the foil would be attracted and then quickly repulsed. I expected foil to act like a pith ball, originally attracted then charged upon contact and repulsed. When I do this little experiment at my home, I observe that the foil is attracted to the balloon exactly like the paper.


Homework Equations

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The Attempt at a Solution

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  • #2
Aluminum foil is a conductor so the negative charge (electrons) are free to move about the entire medium if no other conductor is touching it. The electrons would move only within the foil away from the negatively charged wool, leaving one side of the aluminum foil with a lack of negative charge, same as positively charged. As long as there's 2 opposite charges, there will be attraction forces between them. When the two objects touch, the charges will neutralize by electrons flowing into the foil. I not sure if the two objects will have zero charge or just have a more evened negative charge though. Hope this helps, its just my understanding from lecture.
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FAQ: Why is aluminum foil attracted to a charged balloon just like paper?

1. Why does aluminum foil stick to a charged balloon?

Aluminum foil is made up of metal atoms that have a high number of free electrons. When the charged balloon comes near the aluminum foil, the electrons in the foil are attracted to the opposite charge of the balloon, causing the foil to stick to it.

2. Is there a scientific explanation for this phenomenon?

Yes, the scientific explanation for this is known as electrostatic attraction. When two objects have opposite charges, they are attracted to each other because of the imbalance of electrons.

3. Does the size of the aluminum foil or the balloon affect the attraction?

Yes, the size of both the foil and the balloon can affect the strength of the attraction. Larger surfaces will have more area for the electrons to be attracted to each other, resulting in a stronger bond.

4. Can other materials besides aluminum foil stick to a charged balloon?

Yes, other materials that have a high number of free electrons, such as paper, can also stick to a charged balloon. However, some materials, like plastic, do not have as many free electrons and therefore will not be attracted to the balloon.

5. Why does the aluminum foil eventually fall off the balloon?

The aluminum foil will eventually fall off the balloon because the charge on the balloon will dissipate over time. Once the charge is neutralized, there will no longer be an attractive force between the foil and the balloon, causing the foil to fall off.
