Work out the tension on a string

In summary, the conversation discusses the calculation of tension on a string in a horizontal circular motion with a mass at one end. The weight and centripetal force are the two main forces acting on the mass, with the tension acting as the hypotenuse of a right triangle. The tension can be found by using two equations with two unknowns, taking into account the vertical and horizontal components of the forces.
  • #1
How can I work out the tension on a string, with some mass at one end? The mass is being spun around?

So, there are three forces Weight (W), acting only in the negative y direction and the centripetal force (C) acting only in the positive x direction. Tension (T) can be viewed as the hypotenuse of the right angle triangle?

So if W = mg and C = mrw^2. What is T?

I could do this using pythagorus' theorem is it were numbers but how to do it with only letters?

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  • #2

I believe you are talking about uniform circular motion in a horizontal circle. There are actually just 2 forces acting on the mass...its weight force acting down, and the tension sttring force acting at an angle relative to the x axis. The centripetal force is the horizontal component of the tension force. You'll need to apply Newton's laws in both the vertical and horizontal direction to solve for T and the angle it makes with the horizontal, assuming r and v are known.
  • #4

Forget the sketch labeled with the 'reactive centrifugal', and even the 2nd sketch is unclear, because it shows a centripetal force which tends to look like a third force, but it is not. There are 2 forces acting on the mass...the tension force in the rod, and its weight. The rod makes a certain angle theta with the horizontal. Use Newton 1 in the y direction to get one equation, and Newton 2 in the x direction to get a second equation. Note please that the horizontal component of the tension force is the centripetal force arising from the centripetal acceleration. Please show an attempt at a solution.
  • #5

Yes I got the two forces, so weight (W) = Mg and centripetal force(C) = rw^2. So W acts only in the negative y direction and C only in the positive x direction. Tension is the hypotenuse. So I have a right angle triangle.

I need to somehow add these together to find the Tension, is that right? So I put T= rw^2-mg. I know that is not true but don't know what to do?

Am I on the right track?
  • #6

jimmy42 said:
Yes I got the two forces, so weight (W) = Mg
yes, that's one of 'em
and centripetal force(C) = rw^2.
No, the other force is the tension force.
So W acts only in the negative y direction and C only in the positive x direction. Tension is the hypotenuse. So I have a right angle triangle.
In the y direction, W acts down and the vertical component of the tension force acts up. What is the vertical component of the tension force in terms of the angle theta? What do these 2 'y' forces sum to, per Newton 1? In the x direction, only the horizontal component of the tension force acts to the right. It IS the net centripetal force in the center-seeking (horizontal) direction. Use Newton 2 in this direction, since a net force results in an acceleration in the direction of that force. Then solve 2 equations with 2 unknowns.
I need to somehow add these together to find the Tension, is that right? So I put T= rw^2-mg. I know that is not true but don't know what to do?

Am I on the right track?
You have to use vector components before you can do your algebraic additions

FAQ: Work out the tension on a string

1. What is tension on a string?

Tension on a string is the force that is applied to a string when it is pulled or stretched. It is a measure of how tight the string is.

2. How is tension on a string calculated?

Tension on a string can be calculated by using the formula T = F * L, where T represents tension, F is the force applied to the string, and L is the length of the string.

3. What factors affect the tension on a string?

The tension on a string is affected by the force applied, the length of the string, and the material the string is made of. Other factors such as temperature, humidity, and weight of the string can also affect tension.

4. Why is it important to calculate tension on a string?

Calculating tension on a string is important because it helps determine the strength and stability of the string. It is also useful in various scientific and engineering applications, such as designing musical instruments and structures.

5. How can tension on a string be adjusted?

Tension on a string can be adjusted by changing the force applied to the string, altering the length of the string, or using a different type of string with different material properties. It is important to be cautious when adjusting tension to avoid damaging the string or any structures attached to it.
