X-Ray Shielding (Scanning Electron Microscope)

In summary, you can generate up to 30keV of radiation when accelerating electrons with a voltage up to 30 keV. This radiation has a very low penetration power, and is not very dangerous.
  • #1
Hallo everyone,

I have a question about X-Ray shielding in a scanning electron microscope and I hope you can help me!
The topic is that when electrons hit the specimen, characteristic radiation up to 10keV is generated. This radiation is blocked/decelerated my the surrounding tower and chamber that are shielded with mu-metal (how thick is this coating). If I would just use pure Aluminium the X-Ray shielding wouldn't be enough. So far, is this correct?
Because Aluminium has a half-value thickness of about 112mm for 10keV x-radiation.
I am a bit concerned that some new-built parts of our SEM-chamber-cover aren't enough to shield the generated x-radiation. They are made out of alluminium with a thin mu-metal coating. It may be enough for magnetic field but I don't know if it is enough for the x-rays.. Can anyone tell me if my concerns are legitimate or is the X-radiation easily shielded with such layers?

Thank you for your help!
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  • #2
Karido said:
Hallo everyone,

I have a question about X-Ray shielding in a scanning electron microscope and I hope you can help me!
The topic is that when electrons hit the specimen, characteristic radiation up to 10keV is generated. This radiation is blocked/decelerated my the surrounding tower and chamber that are shielded with mu-metal (how thick is this coating). If I would just use pure Aluminium the X-Ray shielding wouldn't be enough. So far, is this correct?
Because Aluminium has a half-value thickness of about 112mm for 10keV x-radiation.
I am a bit concerned that some new-built parts of our SEM-chamber-cover aren't enough to shield the generated x-radiation. They are made out of alluminium with a thin mu-metal coating. It may be enough for magnetic field but I don't know if it is enough for the x-rays.. Can anyone tell me if my concerns are legitimate or is the X-radiation easily shielded with such layers?

Thank you for your help!

It is most impossible to give you any accurate answer to this, because it also depends on the configuration. You can easily use shielding of an adequate thickness, but if the coverage is like swiss cheese, then it is of no use either. So without actually looking at what you have, it is almost impossible to say.

You have a very legitimate concern, and if your organization is following the proper safety protocol, they should have someone do a radiation survey before operation, especially when an instrument has been modified. Relay your concern to your supervisor, and request a radiation survey be performed. If you have a nagging feeling that something isn't quite right, do not ignore your instinct.

If you are working at a US Nat'l Lab, this is a valid "Stop Work" order before you continue working any further.

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Likes Andy Resnick, Karido and M Quack
  • #3
I agree that this has to be taken seriously. The information you provide is not sufficient to give a yes/no answer.

10 keV is not too hard, but it still has some penetration power. In case of doubt, ask someone from health physics to check for radiation leaks with a hand held detector. In general, shielding should be calculated for the maximum voltage/electron energy in the system, not for characteristic lines.

To get an estimate of the absorption of different materials you can look at this database:

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Likes Karido
  • #4
Thanks for your answers! You helped me a lot!

I will check this out. But I have another theoretical question:

So in my SEM x-radiation up to 30keV can be generated because I accelerate my electrons with a voltage up to 30 keV.
If I have a aluminium plate that is 10mm thick, I have a transmission of 5% of the radiation. (http://web-docs.gsi.de/~stoe_exp/web_programs/x_ray_absorption/index.php)
Now I ask myself, how dangerous is x-radiation that has an energy of 30keV?
I know that it depends on the amount of the x-rays and the time you are exposed to them!
But can you tell me a quick overview about how to calculate an amount in sievert?
Because most of hand-held detectors start at a detectable energy level of 100keV.
Nevertheless I will check this with a professional tool that is able to detect x-rays at 10keV and higher energy levels if possible!

FAQ: X-Ray Shielding (Scanning Electron Microscope)

1. What is X-Ray Shielding for a Scanning Electron Microscope?

X-Ray Shielding for a Scanning Electron Microscope is a protective barrier used to block or absorb x-rays emitted from the electron beam in order to protect the operator and surrounding environment from potential radiation exposure.

2. Why is X-Ray Shielding important for a Scanning Electron Microscope?

X-Ray Shielding is important for a Scanning Electron Microscope because the electron beam used in the microscope can produce x-rays as a byproduct, which can be harmful to human health and sensitive equipment. Therefore, proper shielding is necessary to ensure safe operation of the microscope.

3. How does X-Ray Shielding work in a Scanning Electron Microscope?

X-Ray Shielding in a Scanning Electron Microscope works by using materials with high atomic numbers, such as lead or tungsten, to absorb and block the x-rays emitted from the electron beam. These materials are placed strategically around the microscope to create a barrier between the operator and the source of x-rays.

4. What are the different types of X-Ray Shielding used in a Scanning Electron Microscope?

The two main types of X-Ray Shielding used in a Scanning Electron Microscope are passive and active shielding. Passive shielding refers to the use of physical barriers, such as lead-lined walls, to block x-rays. Active shielding involves the use of sensors and detectors to measure and control the x-ray levels in real-time.

5. How is the effectiveness of X-Ray Shielding measured in a Scanning Electron Microscope?

The effectiveness of X-Ray Shielding in a Scanning Electron Microscope is typically measured by its attenuation capability, which is the ability to reduce the intensity of x-rays. This is measured in terms of the thickness of the shielding material and its attenuation coefficient, which indicates how much of the x-rays are absorbed by the material.
