Project related to piezometric control of vibration

In summary, the person is looking for a tutorial on how to model piezometric material in ANSYS and is requesting help urgently.
  • #1
need a tutorial on how to model piezometric material in ansys.. i am working on a project related to piezometric control of vibration..please need it very urgently!
Engineering news on
  • #2

>Coupled Field Guide
>>Chapter 2. Direct Coupled-Field Analysis
>>>2.3 Piezoelectric Analysis
  • #3

do anybody have any tutorial step by step guide like in on piezometric material analysis and simulation??
please forwad it too me..
thank you ...i ll appreciate it.
  • #4

please reply someone..please!
  • #5

I did. The ANSYS help sections are MORE than enough to get you started. Between the theory reference, the analysis guide and the verification manual, I'm not quite sure what else you're looking for.
  • #6

minger said:
I'm not quite sure what else you're looking for.

he asked for a
step by step guide
  • #7

hey no one to answer??
  • #8

No. Not if you are looking for someone to spoon feed you an answer. Minger's response is more than adequate. If you have SPECIFIC questions, by all means ask.
  • #9

ya i do have a specific question..
on the beam that i am performing piezometric analysis..i want to set up few electrods on top and to do that??further how to give voltage to these electrode..i am a newbie to ansys so please be with me if my question sounds weird!
  • #10

Jeez man, stop with these demands for answers to your trivial questions.

(1) Please type in full English
(2) Next time, don't wait until last minute. A lack of planning on your part does not constitute and emergency on my end.
(3) Stop spamming for help.

Honestly, a pathetic thread.
  • #11

hey no answer yet..!
nyways please guide me on to put point masses on a structure say a flat plate...
also how to model cfd environment say air around a plate to be analysed..
also some guidence on natural frequency optimisation...
please please please
  • #12

You wrote threeve, a combination of three and five. Simply amazing. You wagered: texas with a dollar sign in front of it.

I'm speechless.
  • #13

  • #14

That's awesome. A Turd Ferguson reference.
  • #15

gud answer!i appreciate it..
but come to the point now..and instead of blabbing post somthng to nyones use!
  • #16

ankit_ism said:
gud answer!i appreciate it..
but come to the point now..and instead of blabbing post somthng to nyones use!

What you're asking for is a complete rundown of how to use every feature of ANSYS with step-by-step tutorials, which is of course impossible given the setting. The links given for ANSYS tutorials are the only ones that are available, because no one wants to give complete ANSYS training away for free. The most complete documentation you will find that you don't have to pay for is the ANSYS documentation.

So your options are such:
  1. Take a paid training in coupled-physics analysis for ANSYS
  2. Read through the ANSYS documentation manuals and figure it out

There are no free step-by-step tutorials which tell you how to do what you're trying. A piezoelectric model with coupled-CFD is a very advanced, very tricky model to implement. And, as Cyrus said:

  • Please type in full words and sentences. I hate having to "decode" your posts (and I suspect others do as well).
  • A lack of planning or training on your part does not constitute an emergency for us.
  • Stop spamming for help. We see your post, but have already helped as much as we can.
  • #17
ok..sorry for writing in sms format..and thank you for your guidance..i appreciate i have got the point..and yes..what ever i was looking for,i got that from reading full documentation and from my seniors in my college.

FAQ: Project related to piezometric control of vibration

1. What is the purpose of piezometric control in vibration projects?

Piezometric control is used to reduce or eliminate vibrations in structures or machines. It uses piezoelectric materials, which generate electrical charges in response to mechanical stress, to control the vibration levels and maintain stability.

2. How does piezometric control work?

In a piezometric control system, piezoelectric materials are attached to the vibrating structure or machine. When vibrations occur, the materials convert the mechanical energy into electrical energy, which can be stored or dissipated. This process helps to reduce the amplitude of the vibrations and keep them under control.

3. What are the benefits of using piezometric control in vibration projects?

Piezometric control offers several benefits, including increased stability and reduced vibrations, which can improve the performance and lifespan of structures and machines. It also allows for real-time monitoring and adjustment of vibration levels, making it a versatile and effective solution for various applications.

4. Are there any limitations to piezometric control in vibration projects?

While piezometric control can be effective in reducing vibrations, it is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Its effectiveness depends on the specific application and the type of vibrations. In some cases, other methods may be more suitable for controlling vibrations.

5. What are some real-world applications of piezometric control in vibration projects?

Piezometric control has been used in various industries, such as aerospace, automotive, and construction. Some examples include aircraft wing flutter control, vehicle suspension systems, and building vibration control. It can also be used in smaller-scale applications, such as reducing vibrations in electronic devices.

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